Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Rev. Jusak Widjaja Hendra - WR Supratman 4 Sby

We still discuss Jude 1 which explains about the covering of condemnation. It refers to God's protection and blessings to His true churches and separation from the false ones. Coarse grasses/false churches will be burnt just as they are separated from the true ones. However, wheat/ true churches which give priority to the word of God will enter the everlasting kingdom of heaven.
Jude. 1: 17-19 --> fleshly churches
17 But you, beloved, remember the words which were spoken before by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ:
18 how they told you that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts.
19 These are sensual persons, who cause divisions, not having the Spirit.

Characteristics of false churches are:
  1. becoming mockers --> (we have learnt about it)They mock the true teaching word which tells about Jesus' second coming. Consequently, they fall in the sins of Noah's and Lot's era until they are perished.
  2. they are sensual persons who cause divisions and refuse the work of Holy Spirit/ live without Holy Spirit. The work of Holy Spirit in the end of the world is to unify the body of Christ/ the perfect Bride. So, sensual persons refuse the unity.
There are three levels of unity in the body of Christ as follows:
  1. unity in marriage
  2. unity in the shepherding service system and among flocks
  3. unity of the international body of Christ. That is, Israelites and Gentiles are unified in the perfect body of Christ/ Bride of God.
The sensual persons who cause divisions rebuff those three unities. Thus, we have to be careful in confronting them.
  1. Let us learn about unity in marriage which is the smallest form of fellowship.
    Marriage is a priceless gift which is given by God only to the human being. Angels and the other creatures like animals have nothing to do with marriage. Thus, we have to care for marriage so that we do not become sensual persons who cause divisions in marriage. On the other hand, fleshly churches break the marriage.

    There are a lot of problem in a marriage, such as illness and poverty. However, there is the biggest problem in a marriage. That is, there is no unity in a marriage: husband and wife are not unified, children and parents are not unified, or among siblings like Cain and Abel. This is the biggest problem in a marriage which causes unhappiness. The happiness in a marriage is the most precious thing in this world since the happiness will reach the joy in the marriage of the Lamb/ joy of heaven --> we live in this world, but we feel like we live in heaven.

    However, there is no other suffering which is more severe than suffering in a marriage which is not unified. You live in this world, yet you feel like you live in the hell. This problem cannot be covered with anything in this world, including wealth. For you, young people, who have not been married yet, this is good news for you. However, it does not mean that you are forced to marry with somebody. This news is a kind of preparation if God calls you to marry with somebody so that the bad experience from the ruined marriages is not repeated.

    There are two things which have to be noticed so that a marriage stays in unity; they are:
    • the beginning of the marriage. It controls the next step of marriage. Young people have to notice it! To begin a marriage you have to notice whether you want to get into the hell or heaven --> it is what I mean with 'frank' --> the beginning of the marriage is the determinant whether we want to go to the heaven or the hell. It is very serious thing.

      Genesis 6: 1- 2
      1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them,
      2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they
      were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.

      The mistake in the era of Noah was it was happened the marriage sins, which initiated that the marriage had been already broken, since the sons of God were mistaken in the beginning of the marriage. The sons of God got married because they saw according their own desires that was the lust of flesh.

      Now, we have to take the positive side of it. That is, do not marry with somebody due to the desires of flesh, such as according to somebody's face, height or prosperity. In the era of Noah, all marriages of the sons of God were broken because of their mistakes in the beginning of their marriages, except the marriages of Noah and his children and his children in law. Hence, we may not marry with somebody due to the desires of our flesh. Instead, we have to look at the spiritual consideration. If you have been mistaken, now you might not divorce your couple and seek the new ones. If you just know that the word of God states your missteps in the beginning of your marriage, you have to beg for God's forgiveness and ask for your fellows', husband's/ wife's, forgiveness. I hope we can understand it.

      The sons of God saw the daughters of men = mixed marriage. You may not get entry to the mixed marriage as it is the root of the sensual persons, who cause divisions. Thus, we have to get marry with somebody which has the same faith that is gained from hearing the word of God --> Romans 10: 17
      17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. This verse means that one faith = one true teaching word. This is the preparations to get into a marriage. That is, looking at the spirituality/ in one true teaching word. Getting into the marriage without the true teaching word, the marriage will be broken and (sorry to say) head to the sufferings in the hell. In short, to get into a marriage, we have to notice the beginning of the marriage first --> we have to be right in the beginning of our marriage. That is, our marriage has to be marked with the true teaching word.

    • The middle of marriage. For you who have been married, maybe for two or twenty or thirty years, you have to think about it. If you had been mistaken in the beginning of your marriage, you have to confess it to God and your fellows now so that it can be cleared. The middle of your marriage also needs to be considered.

      Matthew 19; 5- 8
      5 "and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'?
      6 "So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."
      7 They said to Him, "Why then did Moses command to give a certificate of divorce, and to put her away?"
      8 He said to them, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

      It is clearly stated in verse 5 and 6 that the aim of a marriage is to become one flesh. We are often incorrect in having the mindset of the truly aim of a marriage --> a servant of God often chooses his couple based on her ability to serve God. This aim is not durable enough to pass the marriage since the aim of getting into a marriage is to become one flesh.

      We see that physically husband and wife have a lot of differences, such as in terms of their appetite of meals, their hair, their hobbies, etc. Then, how can they become one flesh? Their physical matters maybe different, yet their spiritual things have to be the same that is in one true teaching word. If both physical and spiritual things are dissimilar, the marriage will not become one flesh. It is only the true teaching word which is able to make husband, wife, children, parents, and siblings to become one unity. Thus, I have an intention that I will not bless any couple who have different kind of water baptism because if I bless them, it will cause divisions in their marriage. It is what I always say to the young people. Not becoming one flesh guides the marriage to the desires of flesh like in the era of Noah and Lot. I hope we can understand it.

      Matthew 18 is a verse for husband and wife. If both husband and wife become one flesh, the marriage will become a wonderful thing.

      Matthew 18:19
      19 "Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.

      Agree = one heart --> the two persons point to husband and wife. When do husband and wife become one heart? When husband is filled with one true teaching word. If they become one heart, they will be able to pray and worship God so that their prayer is acceptable before God and God will answer their prayer. It purports that all of their problems can be solved in the right way. Instead, if they are not in one heart, they will add up their problems. Therefore, they have to be in one heart, including their children, in order to get the answer of their problems and peace from God.

      Children have to be involved like Noah who got into the ark together with his wife and children. If Noah had had grandchildren, I am sure that they would have got into the ark too. The ark also points to the tabernacle/ the teaching word of Tabernacle.

      In short, the middle of the marriage has to be considered, starts from the aim of the marriage. That is, to become one flesh, starts from becoming one heart in one true teaching word. In the Tabernacle, it refers to the Showbread Table (please check in which there are two rows of bread on it, six in a row. It points to the content of Holy Bible/ the true teaching word. There is incense on the top of those loaves of bread. The two rows of bread are the true teaching word. If they are broken to be one row / six, it refers to the number of men because men were created on the sixth day. Men but in the form of bread --> flesh men who have been filled with the true teaching word = husband. The other row refers to wife. If husband and wife are filled with the true teaching word, the smoke of the incense will go up --> their prayer is acceptable and answered by God so that all problems are resolved + the atmosphere of heaven in their lives. Let alone if their children are participated --> two or three people. Now, how many people are in here? The late rev. Totaijs said that if we are, the great altar of incense, in one heart, the presence of God will be real. I hope we understand it.

    However, in the middle of the marriage there is still hindrance in the unity of the marriage

    Matthew 19: 8
    8 He said to them, "Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce your wives, but from the beginning it was not so.

    We have to be careful of the hardness of our heart because it causes divisions in the marriage, marriage abuse (which we often hear about and has been reported to the police. It happens to the servant or other family members).

    What is the practice of the hardness of heart? The practice is using our own truth. The one's own truth is the truth of a sinner which is gained by blaming other people --> he is wrong, but he blames other people, even God to make himself true. It is the thing which causes divisions. I hope we can understand it.

    On the other hand, the truth from God/ His Word is the truth of a sinner which is gained by confessing his sins due to the work of true teaching word. If the word of God points to our sins and we confess them, that is the truth from God --> we confess and regret our sins, but we can become one. Instead, confessing that we are true, we will reach to the divisions. To confess our sins to our fellows is not an easy thing like we climb to the mountain of Golgotha --> it is difficult because we keep our prestige, etc. If we point to other people's faults, we are like playing the sword. However, we have to pray so that the sword stabs us/ we confess our sins because it can unify us. I hope we can understand it.

    The formula of a marriage is written in Matthew 19: 5
    5 "and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh'

    That is, 1/ husband + 1/ wife = it should be 2, but both of them become one flesh --> 1 + 1= 1. Between husband and wife it must be +/the cross = love from the cross. We, as flesh men, in fact, do not have love. We only have emotion, ambition, lusts, etc. So, if a husband has to love his wife or vice versa --> where does the love come from? We can only receive the love from the cross/ love from Golgotha/ the sacrifice of Christ since it can unify the marriage.

    The question is: Do I have the love from the cross/ from the sacrifice of Christ in my marriage? We are often mistaken because we think that the form of love is giving something to other people. In fact, we are given something to shut our mouth up. Giving other people is not the main practice of love of the cross.

    The real practice of having the love of the cross is we only look at Jesus. Why did Jesus die on the cross? Jesus died on the cross to confess and forgive our sins. Jesus was not mistaken but He confessed all sins of men and forgive them --> 'Father, forgive them.' So, the practice of love from the cross are confessing our sins and forgiving each other --> it means that we have the truly love. If we just give something to other people, it does not indicate that we have love.

    In every upgrading for couples who are going to marry, I often give an extreme example --> a husband comes from Singapore with diamond ring on his hand and his wife says that her husband loves her so much. In fact, her husband has another wife in Singapore and she does not know anything about it. Her husband gives the ring to keep her mouth shut and ensures his wife that he is a good husband. This is the reality of the wrong definition of love. However, if we confess our sins honestly and do not do it again and forgive and forget other people's sins, the sins will be nailed on the cross. As a result, the marriage will become one and blessed with the atmosphere of heaven.

    Let us think about the beginning, middle, the goal and hindrance of our marriage. Don't keep the hardness of heart! Instead, we have to go back to the true teaching word which is the preparation of our marriage and go back to the cross/ Christ's sacrifice which unifies us. Now, it is very good if the marriage comes to the Bible study service to be patient in the true teaching word to lighten the beginning and middle of our marriage because there is Christ's sacrifice which is used to erase all of our sins. There is no one who has never been touched by dust or is not stumbled when he walks. If husband, wife, children and parents are patient in the Bible study service due to the true teaching word and Christ's sacrifice, the marriage will be unified day by day. This is the smallest unity which we have to achieve nowadays. I hope we can understand it.

  2. If we have been unified in our marriage, we would get into the unity in the shepherding service system and even among the shepherding service system.

    We have to care of the unity in the shepherding service system because there are two reasons of divisions in the shepherding service system. They are:
    • Matthew 26: 31 Then Jesus said to them, "All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written: 'I will strike the Shepherd, And the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'

      Scattered = divisions; killing = hatred. So, the division in the shepherding service system is hatred. Hatred can be caused by jealousy, grudge, bitter heart, disliking, etc. Thus, we have to be unified in the shepherding service system by pulling out the hatred and making peace with each other.

      Matthew 5: 23, 24
      23 "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you,
      24 "leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

      Altar = service and devotion. We often feel inferior because we feel that we do not deserve to serve God and finally we leave the service and devotion. It is wrong and we may not do it. Instead, if we hate or dislike somebody, we have to make peace by confessing and forgiving each other. Let us serve God until His second coming. Thus, if in the shepherding service system you have the feeling of disliking other people, solve it and go back to your service to God until we get into the last pen when God returns, we will get entry to the everlasting kingdom of heaven. I hope we can understand it.

    • John 10: 4, 5
      4 "And when he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice.
      5 "Yet they will by no means follow a stranger, but will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers."

    The second reason of divisions in the shepherding service system is strange voice. I simply define the strange voice as the voice which is not along with the shepherding word which we have received. Forms of strange voice are:
    • gossips --> any sayings whose truth cannot be accounted for. Gossips are mainly about the shepherd or one who preaches the word of God. Gossips make us far away from the shepherding service system even we get out of it like Judas. Gossips are flocks' responsibilities.

    • false doctrines. This becomes responsibility of shepherd. If a shepherd teaches false doctrine, he will become a sensual person who causes divisions in the shepherding service system. I hope we can understand it.

    Let us beg to God in order to be led in the true teaching word in the shepherding service system so that we are unified in the shepherding service system until we reach the last pen, New Jerusalem/ everlasting kingdom of heaven. Thus, we have to beware of hatred and strange voice. I hope we can understand it.

  3. The next unity is the International Body of Christ. That is, Israelites and the Gentiles become one body/ the perfect Bride of God in the Body of Christ. Therefore, do not be the sensual persons who cause divisions, yet we get into the unity, starts from marriage, the shepherding service system until the International body of Christ- the perfect bride. I hope we can understand it.

    John 10: 16
    16 "And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock and one shepherd.

    One flock and one shepherd = one body and one head. Flock is actually the Israelites --> when a Canaan woman came to God and she said --> "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed." God replied --> "I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.". So, God admits that His sheep is the Israelites. On the other hand, the Gentiles are dogs --> "It is not good to take the children's bread and throw it to the little dogs/ the Gentiles." However, if the Gentiles are redeemed, they will be the sheep of God too.

    And other sheep I have which are not of this fold. This fold = Israelites. Other sheep = Gentiles which I must bring until they become one flock/ Israelites and Gentiles and one shepherd/ one body and one head, Jesus. In John 10:11 "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep. --> to unify sheep from Israelites and Gentiles pens are not easy. Thus, Jesus as the good
Shepherd has to give His life on the cross and it is the guarantee.

In Ephesians, it is explained that to unify Israelites and Gentiles we have to pass the cross/ the sacrifice of good shepherd.

Ephesians 2: 13- 16
13 But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
14 For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation,
15 having abolished in His flesh the enmity, that is, the law of commandments contained in ordinances, so as to create in Himself one new man from the two, thus making peace,
16 and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity.

Far off = Gentiles. Blood = on the cross. The good shepherd gave His life on the cross/ the sacrifice of Christ to unify Israelites and Gentiles to be one flock with one Shepherd/ one body and one head. This is our aim. Therefore, we should not talk about the unity in the body of Christ if we have not reached the unity in our marriage and the shepherding service system. We have to be serious in unity. Don't be false/fleshly churches which cause divisions/ anti unity. I hope we can understand it.

To get into the unity of the body of Christ we have to fulfill these following requirements:
  1. Holiness, not intelligence.
    Let us be in the unity of marriage, shepherding service system and the body of Christ by being active in our service and devotion in the body of Christ whose requirement is holiness! Ephesians 4: 11- 15

    11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,
    12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,
    13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;
    14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
    15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ--

    Vs. 12 --> for the equipping of the saints = holiness
    vs. 13 --> the measure of the stature of the fullness = perfect

    In short, the prerequisite to serve God in the body of Christ is holiness/ we have to be saints. Serving God in holiness invites God to give ministries/ place and gifts of Holy Spirit/ miraculous ability from Holy Spirit for us in the body of Christ. It is okay if our certificate or economics are little. However, if we have the gifts from Holy Spirit, we will be able to serve God. Serving God, we have to have right place that is in our priest's office in the body of Christ. For example, hand has to be in its place and its ability is from Holy Spirit. If we serve God with the right priest's office and gifts from Holy Spirit, we will head for Jesus as the Head --> we do not aim at other things, e.g. feet want to be hands and vice versa. It will become jokes for people and seem incredible, but actually it is going to fall and is not able to reach the mountain of New Jerusalem.

    Hence, we may not serve God with our own wants since our priest's offices come from God. The priest's offices can be forced --> you should become a teacher, yet you become a shepherd because your parent is a shepherd. You can handle it, but you will fall immediately. Now, let us serve God in holiness that is serving God with priest's offices which are our places in the body of Christ and gifts from Holy Spirit! The aim is at Jesus as the Head. This is the requirement to serve God in the body of Christ. Nevertheless, the unity in the body of Christ faces some hindrance as the following:
    • Ephesians 4: 14
      that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,

      The first hindrance is wind of false doctrine. The wind of false doctrine blows to scatter the body of Christ and tosses our faith to and fro. Sea water will be tossed to and fro if there is wind --> If we doubt, where will we go? The wind of false doctrine makes us doubt and fall from our faith/ sink in sea of brimstone and fire. The false doctrine is more horrifying than earthquake or tsunami or nuclear war which may be going to be used in the third world war since these things are only able to kill body. If a child of God dies when these things happen, yet he keeps his faith to God, his soul and spirit will be saved. On the other hand, if he doubts because of false doctrine and falls from his faith, the false doctrine will kill his body, soul and spirit in the hell. Hence, the false doctrines are perilous because they scatter and destroy the body of Christ so that we have to be watchful and keep ourselves.

    • John 10: 22 Now it was the Feast of Dedication in Jerusalem, and it was winter. In the past time, it talks about physical temple of God and now it tells about the spiritual one that is the perfect body of Christ. We have to be watchful because the finishing of the temple of God/ the perfection of the body of Christ happens in winter > spiritual winter that is the coldness from love of God. We have to be watchful because winter strikes churches of God toward God's return. All churches serve God without the love of God.

  2. Love
    Matthew 24: 12
    12 "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.

    Let us look at ourselves! Have we served God with love? Don't come to church because of duties, money or position because they will perish, yet come to church because of the love of God! Love is eternal and our service will be eternal too until Jesus' second coming. We may not give chance to the winter to be our motivation to serve God. Thus, we have to be watchful since the winter comes in the finishing process of the perfect body of Christ/ the temple of God/ toward Jesus' second coming. Let us beg to God for His mercy to pour His love to us in this winter! The temple of God was built/ renewed first then it was dedicated and done. So do our lives.
If the love of God flames in our lives, it will renew our lives like the temple of God which was built/ renewed first and dedicated --> Zephaniah 3: 16- 18
16 In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem: "Do not fear; Zion, let not your hands be weak.
17 The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing."
18 "I will gather those who sorrow over the appointed assembly, Who are among you, To whom its reproach is a burden.

vs. 16 --> If you are weak and bored in your ministries, it indicates that you do not have the love of God.

However, let us beg to God to give us his flaming love which makes us strong and serve God fervently. In addition, we can worship God in His love which is able to renew our lives. As a result, we can be dedicated as the spiritual temple of God that is the body of Christ which is as perfect as Jesus.

In John 10, we have to undergo the renewing of five senses firstly. Now, let us serve God because of the love of God so that we are not weak! Instead, we have strong desire to serve and worship God. The proof of having the love of God is our five senses are renewed.

John 10: 27, 28
27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.
28 "And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand.

We have to undergo the renewing of senses at least in two senses as follows:
  • Our ears have to be changed since they determine our destiny. Our ears have to be able to hear and do the word of God = My sheep hear My voice. If you do not want to get into the spiritual winter, but you are long for having the love of God, your ears will have to be changed and they are able to hear and do the shepherding word. As a result, you will live in hands of God as the Great Shepherd --> I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. Therefore, let us do the word of God and we will live in hands of the Great Shepherd which are able to give guarantee for our lives now and forever. It is determined by our ears. On the other hand, if we do not obey God, we will be out of the hands of the Great Shepherd and go to the hands of Satan/ antichrist to be perished and there are no other alternatives for it.

  • our mouth also needs to be renewed --> John 10: 36
    36 "do you say of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, 'You are blaspheming,' because I said, 'I am the Son of God'?

    Since Jesus said that He was the Son of God, those people said that Jesus was blaspheming. So, sayings have to be changed and do not blaspheme! Blaspheming means:
    • sayings which hurt other people;
    • offending other people;
    • insulting other people;
    • slandering other people;
    • blaspheming God/ the true teaching word

    In Revelation, it is written that antichrist's mouth blasphemes Tabernacle/ the temple of God/ the teaching of Tabernacle. Hence, we have to be careful not to blaspheme the teaching of Tabernacle which is blasphemed by a lot of people.

    Conversely, renewed mouth is:
    • able to confess sins = confess that Jesus is the Son of God. We do not insult other people, yet confess our own badness so God will forgive us;
    • able to bear witness;
    • able to worship God.

    Now, our ears and mouth have to be restored by the love of God.
    Winter is on the door so there is a lot of lawlessness. There are children who do not obey their parents and sheep which do not obey their shepherd because their ears are in lawlessness. Our ears have to be changed to be able to do the word of God and we will be in the hands of God. In contrast, if we are not obedient, we will be in Satan's hands and destroyed.

    Moreover, our mouth has to be renewed too. Do not insult others and blaspheme God these days. Our mouth has to be able to confess our sins and we are forgiven. Our mouth should bear witness about the word of God/ Jesus/ the word of God which has blessed our lives and worship God.
    Bad mouth which blasphemes God = mute
    Bad ears which is disobedient = deaf
    If these two senses are changed, all things in our lives will be good.
Mark 7 --> This is God's restoration/ the finishing of the body of Christ/ the unity of body of Christ through the love of God. Mark 7: 37
37 And they were astonished beyond measure, saying, "He has done all things well. He makes both the deaf to hear and the mute to speak."

If our mouth and ears are good, Jesus as the Great Shepherd will be able to make everything good in our lives --> our marriage, future and economics are good. I hope we can understand it.
Jesus as the Great Shepherd is willing to give His live and becomes marred. In Isaiah 52, His visage was marred more than any man, And His form more than the sons of men/ He is like dog and pig/ like Satan because He has to endure men's sins to make everything good.

We may not doubt, yet let us:
  • get into the unity of marriage;
  • get into the unity in the shepherding service system/ in the body of Christ so that we undergo the renewing of life from God's love;
  • serve God in holiness;
  • serve God in His love so that we are changed;
  • make our ears and mouth good so that everything becomes good since Jesus has endured everything which is bad so that He became bad to make everything good
Isaiah 52: 13, 14
13 Behold, My Servant shall deal prudently; He shall be exalted and extolled and be very high.
14 Just as many were astonished at you, So His visage was marred more than any man, And His form more than the sons of men;

Jesus was marred to make everything good and successful. Jesus deserves success and glory, yet He was willing to be humiliated --> He did not save Himself/ was regarded as a failed man to make us successful. As a result everything which is failed is changed to be good and those which are bad are changed to be good. Now everything is good and successful, people exalted the name of God and the highest success is when we meet Jesus in the clouds of glory.

God blesses us!1

Print Version

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    ... His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished. It means that God wants to use our life in His field when He still gives us life in the world. Do not stop or retire but keep faithful and fervent in spirit in serving and ministering to God. The ...
  • Prayer Service in Malang, July 23, 2020 (Thursday Evening)
    ... the world so God dwelt in the midst of His people and there was the throne of heaven in the midst of them. Even though Israelites walked in the barren wilderness with many beasts danger and so on but they still felt the atmosphere of the heavenly throne in the ...
  • General Service in Malang, July 28, 2019 (Sunday Morning)
    ... as follows The fleshly man including the servant and minister of God who only hope the fleshly power in the riches intelligence position et cetera. So they cannot rely on God. The fleshly man including the servant and minister of God who will not repent and do not want to ...

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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