Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Rev. Jusak Widjaja Hendra - Ciawi (Evening)

The theme of our ceremonies is written in Revelation 21:5, Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
“Behold, I make all things new.” is written in Revelation book. Actually the creation has been started in the Genesis book, i.e. God made the heavens and the earth, and all the host of them, including man. This is what we will talk about, i.e. the creation of man by God.

Genesis 1:26,27
26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

So it is clear! God created man in the Lord’s image and pattern, or God created man as glorious as the Lord himself and man was located at the garden of Eden or Paradise. Man with the Lord’s image and pattern or as glorious as the Lord will be placed at the garden of Eden or Paradise.

But unfortunately, men, who were Adam and Eve, sinned such that they fall short of the glory of the Lord. The consequence was they became naked and was driven to the earth by the Lord. So their state was perishing. In the beginning, man was in the garden of Eden, they did not lack of anything, they were so blessed, but because they were sinned, they became naked and was driven to the earth which is full of curse or sorrow. Actually, this world is not the place prepared for man created by the Lord, but it is the place for man ruined by Satan. Therefore, we must not be bound by this earth although we have a lot of treasures or prosperities. We must not bound by these things since the earth is not the place for man created by the Lord. Even though we experience many sorrows in this earth, we must not be desperate or disappointed because this earth is certainly not the place for us. Praise the Lord.

Since Adam and Eve sinned and driven to the earth, all flesh have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. >>> Romans 3 : 23, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
In the beginning, man were created in the glory of God, but after they sinned, they fall short of the glory, the purity, and the righteousness of God = lose God’s image and pattern = being naked. If man become naked, their flesh will appear such that they become flesh man. It is! Man in this earth become flesh man, or man has been ruined by Satan or by sin and become naked man. We have to be careful, because flesh man in this earth is the target of wild beast. You know, indeed, that wild beast likes flesh. Therefore, flesh man is the target of antichrist, which is described in Revelation book as the beast comes out from the sea, with mark 6.6.6.

In the beginning, man were created to rule over the air, the earth, and the sea, but after they lose God’s image and pattern, the situation becomes the opposite, i.e. man are ruled by wild beast called antichrist with mark 6.6.6.

Revelation 13:1,2,16-18
1 And the dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast coming out of the sea. He had ten horns and seven heads, with ten crowns on his horns, and on each head a blasphemous name.
2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority.
16 He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead,
17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name.
18 This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.

Verse 16 >>> everyone = man who has ruined by Satan, or naked man.
Small and great >>> for you who has children, you have to be careful and do not say that because your children is still small then they are safe. Because children will also be the target of antichrist. For Sunday School teachers, this is a heavy duty for you, because it has already proven in the days of Noah, that there is no child is saved, and this is the proof of the failure of Sunday School teacher. And in the last time, this situation will be repeated again by antichrist.
Verse 17 >>> Antichrist will reign world’s economy. None of the world’s economy including large fund or easy credit or credit without rates may beat except the mark 6.6.6.

Therefore, flesh man who have been driven out from the garden of Eden and lived in the earth becomes the target of antichrist and will be marked by 6.6.6. If man receive mark 6.6.6., they will have the image and pattern of antichrist or wild beast, who will be destructed in the hell after reigning for three and a half years >>> Revelation 19:20,
But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur.
Antichrist is destructed in the hell and so is the man who receives mark 6.6.6. and has the image and pattern of antichrist. The Lord created man properly with His image and pattern and placed them in the garden of Eden, but they perished because of Satan and they were driven to the earth. In the earth, they continue perishing because they receive the mark from antichrist or become the same as antichrist such that they driven to the fiery lake of burning sulfur (the hell). This is the fate of man created by The Lord but ruined by sin (Satan). I hope that we can understand it.

But we are lucky, because the theme is “Behold, I make all things new.” Since there is no other way out to anticipate man, who were created by the Lord and have been punished in the earth, such that they will not be destructed in the fiery lake of burning sulfur. The Lord has to make all things new again.
In the book of Genesis, it is written about the old creation of the LORD. But this creation has been ruined by satan until man will be driven to the hell. In the book of Revelation, it is written that, Revelation 21:5, Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”
The new creation is mentioned in the book of Revelation.
The Lord make all things new starting with:
The new heaven and the new earth (vs. 1) is included the new man. The new man are man who have the righteousness (not being naked or being flesh man anymore), purity, and glory = have the image and pattern of the LORD. In the past, God created man by forming him from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. Now, in what way can God create the new man? Because they are no more possible formed from the dust of the ground. The ruined man will be created as the new man by Jesus’s coming to the world in the visage of man, even the marred visage of man (in the book of Isaiah, it is written that the visage of Jesus was marred more than any man on the cross). The marred visage of Jesus is to bring man back to the image and pattern of the Lord, such that in Jesus’s second coming they will be placed in A Thousand Years Kingdom of Peace, the Paradise, until the New Jerusalem or the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. This is God’s way to bring back man to the image and pattern of the Lord. I hope we can understand.

I consider the garden of Eden is a beautiful place above, but man were driven to the earth because of sin. In the earth, Satan has not been satisfied yet, and through antichrist, they want to mark man with mark 6.6.6. such that man will be driven again to the hell. But we thank God since Jesus had to come to the world. Therefore, this world is the most deciding place for man whether they will go up to the Paradise or go down to the hell forever. A lot of pastors teach that heaven is the matter after passing away. Do not talk like that! Because after passing away, there is no more chance to decide where we will be. During the time we are in this world is the chance to take our action, where we will be >>> go back to the image and pattern of the Lord means receive up into Paradise or into the Kingdom of Heaven. If men do not want, they would be in the image and pattern of antichrist and that means go down to the hell. Therefore, this world is not only the deciding place for man. You can take bachelor or master degree, but do not forget that this world is also the deciding place where we will spiritually go to, to the heaven or to the hell. We have to thank God because Jesus came to the world. If Jesus had come to Mars, man would have become wretches. This is God’s goodness, i.e. Jesus came to the world. If Jesus had not come to the world, man, who has go down from Paradise, would have gone to the hell and had the image of beast. I hope we can understand.

God’s effort (It is not man’s effort, since if it had been man’s effort, they would not have been able to do that since they were in the garden of Eden. The Lord came when man sinned, but they hid instead) to restore man to the image and pattern of the LORD, or to the righteousness, purity, and glory of the LORD is called God’s upbringing. In this world, we are brought up by God to restore us to the image and pattern of the LORD. Lord Jesus is the Good Shepherd, He brings up us. So, to bring up is the duty of a pastor. For the Lord’s servant colleagues who become pastor, as I myself is a pastor, our duty is not to command or to become a dictator, but to bring up bad people. If a pastor is only willing to accept the good and send out the bad, he is a not a pastor but a company’s owner. All people in this world know that companies in this world only look for good people. But in a shepherding, we may not refuse the bad, they have to be brought up as the Great Shepherd brings up sinful people. If God refused bad people or flesh man that has been ruined, all people would be in the hell. But the ruined people are brought up such that they can be restored to the image and pattern of the Lord, or go back to the righteousness, purity, and glory.

How does God bring up us? We will learn this in Luke 6 which in Tabernacle signify to the Court of Tabernacle or righteousness ( The ruined people cannot being glorious instantaneously, but we have to go back to righteousness or repentance first. After being right, there will be purity and glory. This is the way from Tabernacle which has steps. In Luke 6, the ruined people was brought up, the sheep want to be gathered by the Good Great Shepherd to the righteousness, purity, and glory, or the image and pattern of the LORD.

Luke 6 is divided into seven parts, and these are the God’s way to bring up seven parts of us. Seven is the perfect number, therefore we as the God’s servants have to follow the ceremonies seven times, then we may become perfect. Actually I only wanted five times ceremony because the distance from Ciawi to Cimanggis is near, so the congregation from Cimanggis can come to Ciawi, but God gave the Word for seven times. So, if you only follow the ceremonies at Ciawi and not at Cimanggis, it has not been perfect. But five also signifies the sacrifice of Christ.

Luke 6 is divided into seven parts, i.e. :

  • vs 1 – 5 >>> body is brought up by God.
  • vs 12 – 16 >>> soul is brought up by God.
  • vs 17 – 19 >>> spirit is brought up by God.
  • vs 6 – 11 >>> deed is brought up by God.
  • vs 20 – 26 >>> mind is brought up by God.
  • vs 27 – 45 >>> heart is brought up by God.
  • vs 46 – 49 >>> life’s journey is brought up by God.

I will explain each part:
The first, second, and third parts signify our body, soul, and spirit are brought up by God to restore us back to the same image of God the Trinity.
The fourth until the seventh parts signify our deed, mind, heart, and life’s journey are brought up by God to restore us back to the same pattern of the Lord.

Now, we will learn the first part, i.e.
body is brought up by God.

Luke 6:1-5
1 One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, rub them in their hands and eat the kernels.
2 Some of the Pharisees asked, "Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?"
3 Jesus answered them, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?
4 He entered the house of God, and taking the consecrated bread, he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions."
5 Then Jesus said to them, "The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath."

Vs 1 talks about the Sabbath. In the Old Testament, Sabbath means a rest in the seventh day, so it was only in a certain day or limited by time; meanwhile in the New Testament, Sabbath is a rest in Holy Spirit, so it is not limited by day, time, and place.

Actually, in the New Testament there are three kinds of Sabbath, i.e:

  • Small Sabbath = a rest in Holy Spirit that we have to experience these days. This world, likes wilderness, causes man walk about (no rest) like Israel in the past. One factor that we really need is a rest. Even though there are foods and drinks, if there were no shelter, what would be happened, moreover for forty years. Likewise with us as the servants of God, we must have a rest in Holy Spirit. If we have experience the rest in Holy Spirit, there will be
  • Great Sabbath = a Thousand Years Kingdom of Peace or the coming Paradise
  • Eternal Sabbath = the New Jerusalem, the place for us forever.

These are our rest places, i.e.:

  • Small Sabbath >>> when Holy Spirit touches us (a rest in Holy Spirit), we will feel peace although we have many temptations.
  • Great Sabbath >>> a Thousand Years Kingdom of Peace.
  • Eternal Sabbath >>> the New Jerusalem.

On the Sabbath day, what was Jesus doing? Luke 6 : 1, One Sabbath Jesus was going through the grainfields, and his disciples began to pick some heads of grain, rub them in their hands and eat the kernels.
Rubbing = peeling. On the Sabbath, Jesus took the disciples to the grainfields instead. The spiritual meaning is Jesus bringing the disciples’ body to the grainfields. The Sabbath day is the Holy Spirit’s anointing. The meaning of Jesus took the disciples to the grainfields is the body is brought up by God through the Holy Spirit’s anointing to take part in spiritual activities or grainfields activities or eating the Word, which is the primary activity in the ceremony. Generally, human’s body is passive for spiritual activities. If we were not being brought up by God, all of us would not be here. For example: I cite words from Mr. Melky Guslouw, a late pastor, when he came to my region in Jember. At that time, I was still in senior high school and became one of the organizers. He said that in the past, on Sunday, when his wife asked him to go to the church, he only gave the offering money and sent his greeting to the Lord Jesus. It means that the body is at home, only the money enters the church. So, this body is difficult to join spiritual activities; but sometimes both body and money are difficult to join spiritual activities, or grainfield activities.

Moreover for the Word activities, sometimes people have been inside the church and sung with courage, but when the Word is preached they walk out from the church and become sleepy. This is the fact from the harmful human’s body that needs to be brought up by God, or guided by the Great Shepherd through the Sabbath day (Holy Spirit’s anointing) to join the spiritual activities, i.e. eating the Word activities or grainfield activities which is the primary activity in the ceremony. Singing has not been the peak activity in a ceremony. It has not specify the presence of the Lord, since the true presence of the Lord becomes real when there is the Word of God. There are people say that there is Lord’s presence when they sing. I would like to say that singing can also be differed. When people from the world sing, there are also people who faint or cry. I am not being opposed to singing, but it really still can be differed, whether it’s true from God or not. But when there is the Word inside the ceremony, the presence of the Lord must be there. Therefore, we must not be deceived.

Luke 5 : 1, One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the people crowding around him and listening to the word of God.
Crowding around Jesus and listening to the Word of God means that if the aim of our ceremony is to hear (eat) the Word, we will crowd around Jesus, i.e. there is Jesus’s presence as the High Priest. Therefore Jesus did not bring them to the other field, but first to the grainfield (to eat the Word). If this fellowship were not for eating the Word, I would not come to this place since it is better for me to teach at Lempin-El and do many other duties. If there were no Word, it just means a fraud to the congregation and also to the donators. People sacrifice, but we come without the Word, the Word does not become the primary. The congregation who come to minister should not see the church building, but we have to see the Word. Likewise for us who come for a fellowship, we have to see whether there is the Word of God that would be preached or not. So, God’s upbringing through the Holy Spirit’s anointing will bring our body to the spiritual activities, i.e. activities in the grainfield or eating the Word of God activities.

The process of eating the grains or the Word, i.e:
Plucking grains >>> reading and listening the Word solemnly. We do not directly eat the Word, but first we have to pluck or read and listen the Word solemnly. We have to read the Holy Bible like said by Apostle Paul, i.e. ‘give attention to reading the Holy Bible’. Likewise, the congregation has to persevere in reading the Holy Bible, starting from Genesis until Revelation such that when it is explained, it becomes easier to be understood.

Rubbing/peeling >>> If God’s servant reads the Holy Bible at home and then solemnly hears the Word in a ceremony or fellowship, his hands will be able to rub/peel, i.e. receive the opening secret of the Word, one verse is explained by another verse, and then distribute it to the congregation. The Word’s verse is not explained by knowledge or by humor. Likewise for the congregation, if you hear the Word solemnly in your place, also read the Holy Bible, you will be able to receive the opening secret of the Word. The process is the same. I hope we can understand.

Eating the Word >>> can understand the Word. If we read the Holy Bible solemnly and listen the Word solemnly, we will receive and understand the opening secret of the Word. For example: it has been explained in Genesis about the creation of human, but they were ruined by satan; therefore, there is a new creation in Revelation >>> we can understand the opening secret of the Word. So, understanding the Word = eating the Word. Then, it must be continued for not only understanding; since if it is only understood, it will only be knowledge, such that after arriving in the hotel, there will be competitions of arguments. Therefore, do not stop until this step, but we must continue to next.

Believing (or being convinced) by the Word, until the Word becomes faith in heart. If we eat ordinary food, the digestion is in the stomach; but if we eat the Word, it will go unto our heart, and we will be filled. If the Word only go unto the brain, we will not be filled. After being filled or understanding the Word, the next step is

Practicing the Word >>> The Word of God ingrains in our life. After being digested, the food is spread to the whole body such that it ingrains. This is the Word which is practiced. This is the key of success of a God’s servant. Why there is a God’s servant who preaches the Word about tithe but there is nobody from the congregation who wants to give the tithe, moreover they become angry and protest in the church? This is because the God’s servant preaches the Word which has not ingrained, still being a theory. If the Word has ingrained or has been practiced, then it cannot be protested by anybody even though the congregation consists of smart people. Because that God’s servant already has the Blood of Jesus’ mark that cannot be erased by anything. The fault of a God’s servant is done by preaching the Word that has not been practiced such that there is no power. If the Word has ingrained, or has became life’s experience, we will be assured in the Teaching Word and will never be doubted by the other teaching or false teaching, doubtful people will not receive anything from God (in James), since doubtful people means he is double-minded. The false teaching is more terrible than atomic bomb or tsunami disaster since they just kill the body. If the people who become the victims of the disaster have faith to Jesus, they will be saved. But if a person who looks healthy and has great church building or has big company is corrupted by false teaching, their body, soul, and spirit will be destroyed. For pastor colleagues, we must give account since there is the congregation behind us. Therefore, we should not despise the false teaching by saying >>> take what is good and throw away what is bad >>>. This is really harmful. I hope we can understand.

Since it was on the Sabbath, Jesus got a problem. Based on Israel’s law, it is not allowed to work on the Sabbath, but Jesus’ disciples picked the grain instead. If we want to eat the Word, we have to face a lot of problems or hindrances. What do we have to do? >>> Luke 6 : 2, 3,
2 Some of the Pharisees asked, "Why are you doing what is unlawful on the Sabbath?"
3 Jesus answered them, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?

Lord Jesus was brought before two laws, i.e.:

  1. The Law >>> the rule about Sabbath is none was not allowed to work on the seventh day. If this were broken, He should die. Lord Jesus was brought before this situation.
  2. The hungry disciples >>> the law for hungry people is they should eat. If they had not eaten, they would have gotten ill and died at the end.
    Both the laws have the same consequences, breaking the Law results in dying, as well as letting people hungry results in illness and then dying.

What is the way out?
First from God >>> Lord Jesus had to die on the cross to fulfill the Law. Instead of the death of Israel and Gentiles, it is better Jesus dies on the cross so that Israel and Gentiles may freely minister and eat the Word like in the garden of Eden. Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat >>> means we are returned to the garden of Eden. Therefore, we should not make fault by reducing the time for eating the Word because that is not the ambience of the garden of Eden. The meaning of ‘freely’ is not unordered free, but free in the Holy Spirit’s anointing.

How is the way out from us? We already get from God, i.e. we may freely eat the Word. From us, if we feel full or have no appetite, we will not be able to eat. Therefore, as the way out from us such that we can eat the Word, we have to feel hungry. What does it mean with ‘hungry’? It means the longing for eating the Word well as the God’s servant or as God’s children.

I was corrected by God and I apologize if this is considered as arrogance. Almost every day I have to preach and almost every month I have to serve this kind of fellowship, but I was corrected by God >>> whether you preach the Word with a longing or has it become a habit? I cried. Because frequently it has become a habit (the Law) >>> because tomorrow is Sunday, then the Word has to be prepared on Saturday. Also for the pastors, is there any longing for eating the Word at Jesus’ feet? Also for the congregation, especially for those who have been shepherded in three main services, has that become a habit or the Law or regulation? Because as the priests, you have to minister three times.

God wants to take us to the grainfield, but God also wants to upgrade by not only simply eating the Word, but also eating with a longing, because a longing is more than regulation.
Then, the results :
We are defended by God like David was >>> Luke 6 : 3, 4,
3 Jesus answered them, "Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry?
4 He entered the house of God, and taking the consecrated bread, he ate what is lawful only for priests to eat. And he also gave some to his companions."

David also transgressed the Law, because the consecrated bread is only for priests. David is not a priest, so he might not eat the consecrated bread. But because he was pursued by Saul, he ate the consecrated bread. Indeed we have become faithful in preaching the Word and never absence, but God wants to upgrade us to have the solemn longing to enjoy/eat the Word such the first result is our life will be defended by God.

The meaning of being defended are:

  • As David against Saul >>> surely David has no strength against Saul who has a great army. Who is David? But he was defended by God.
  • As children brought to Lord Jesus and the disciples were angry, but the children were defended by God.
    So the term ‘being defended’ means we are protected and cared directly by God, like a child in his mother’s caress or a baby who has no strength in God’s caress.

If you read the story of David in the book of Samuel, David told Jonathan that ‘there is but a step between me and death’. Maybe these days our situation like a step in distance with death, but if we have a longing to eat the Word, then we like babies who have no strength but we are being inside God’s caress so that we can feel God’s protection and caring, and we are set free from all evils/distresses/troubles as David, even from death/perdition.

For you who ill or suffer viruses that threaten your soul, the medicine is only one! That is a longing to eat the Word. If medicines in this world able to destroy viruses, the power of the Word is more than all medicines in this world, as long as there is a solemn longing to the Word.

Psalm 119 : 18 -20,
18 Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.
19 I am a stranger on earth; do not hide your commands from me.
20 My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.

Before being a king, David had the longing for the Word so that he ate the consecrated bread. After being a king, he still had the longing for the Word. The result is our eyes will see wonderful things in the Word soon. Why have we not seen the wonderful things? Many people say do not hear the Teaching Word because there is no miracle. Why is there no miracle? Because there is no longing for the Word, or the Word has not been ingrained, just becomes a habit or regulation. If there is the longing for the Word, and the Word has been ingrained, quickly or slowly, our eyes will see miracle or wonderful things from the Teaching Word. The biggest miracle is the renewal of life that cannot be imitated by Satan.

1 Peter 1 : 23 – 25,
23 For you have been born again, not of perishable seed, but of imperishable, through the living and enduring word of God.
24 For, "All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall,
25 but the word of the Lord stands forever." And this is the word that was preached to you.

If we only eat paddy that is considered grass genus, our life will be like grass. Although we are rich, powerful, we remain like grass. But if we eat grain (the Word), we will be renewed and become a new human, recreated as a spiritual human.

Now, if we have the longing for eating the Word, we will:

  • Be protected and cared by God.
  • Be able to see wonderful things from God, i.e. experience the renewal of life and become a new man with indication mentioned in Ecclesiastes >>> Ecclesiastes 7 : 29, This only have I found: God made mankind upright, but men have gone in search of many schemes.
    The Lord only made mankind upright. We will be protected and cared by God and be able to see the wonderful things of God (we are renewed and become a new man) if we are upright. We should not lie or search for many schemes, but we have to be upright. In work, we have to be upright. Also in school, we have to be upright, do not like to cheat. In a trading, we also have to be upright; we should not claim the fake items as the original ones. Also in paying taxes, we have to be upright. In the Teaching Word, we also have to be upright; we have to say ‘wrong’ if it is wrong, we have to say ‘true’ if it is true. Since an upright is a new creation.
    From the garden of Eden, men were driven out to the world, such that they became suffered. It will become more suffered if they were driven out to the hell. But if we become a new man, it means we are returned to the garden of Eden. If our eyes see wonderful things, i.e. the renewal of life or being upright in any matters, including in the Teaching Word and service, our eyes also will see the physical miracle. The prayer of the upright pleases God >>> Proverbs 15:8, The LORD detests the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him.
    Why have we never seen wonderful things in a service? Because we are not upright. Although we have become upright in money matters, but we have not become upright in the Teaching Word, and vice versa.
    Pleased = answered. Then there will be wonderful things, i.e. impossible things become possible.

Uprightness will decide, whether we will go up or down. If we are being upright constantly, we will experience the spiritual and physical miracles. We will experience many helps from God, we will be healed, etc. Until one time when Jesus comes back for the second time, we will experience the highest wonderful thing, the most impossible thing, i.e. our flesh human will be renewed as glorious as Lord Jesus/ having the Lord’s image and pattern to rise and enter A Thousand Years Kingdom of Peace, continued to the New Jerusalem, the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. If there is a longing for eating the Word, we will be defended and see the wonderful things. Let us pray, when we have no strength, the miracle will be visible.


Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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