Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Ms. Warniancy Ariesty
Sunday, August 07, 2016
The Renewal of Life Through Ministry

... in December . After the psycho-test I got announcement that I was rejected. I was disappointed but then there was a belief in my heart to keep on believing that God had a more beautiful plan for my life for sure. I also got the opportunity to be interviewed and ...

Mrs. Yohana Agustina
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Being shepherded is beautiful

... who had to be hospitalized because they could not walk when they came home from school. When my son's ASTO was tested we were afraid that the result would have still been positive. We struggled - as Ezra my son learnt to fast for this problem - because we were ...

Mrs. Wita Mertes (Germany)
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Nothing is impossible for God

... preparation on the third semester which consisted of theory and practical exams in January and February . At that moment I felt so happy because I could shorten my study for months but I also felt a bit afraid whether I could do it or not because I would be ...

Ms. Artha Novena
Saturday, August 30, 2014
God's grace in the year of Jubilee

... fellowship. I attended the fellowship from the first day to the last day and God always opened His word that the strong sound of the trumpet was able to replace everything that had been lost. I remember when the Holy Spirit Anointment Service would be conducted I always wanted to ...

Ms. Regina Ayu
Sunday, August 24, 2014
God's grace and help are real

... I wanted to enroll. I picked University of Indonesia as my first choice since I wanted to get in that university since I had been in the high school. For my second choice I hesitated because there were several things that I considered. I prayed and then I decided to ...

Sonya Tayomi Hendra
Saturday, August 09, 2014
God has arranged my study

... and pastor did not permit it. I was angry at that time but then I could be meek and tried to be obedient. Not so long time after that Mrs. Wita in Germany offered me to study German there for one year without paying any money. I agreed and went ...

Dianing Noviyanti
Tuesday, May 01, 2012
God's Plan is Good

... minister to God We can only cry and hope in God s Word. We have to let God work. Maybe it takes long time but it is due time. There are two things I want to testify as follows. It has happened longtime ago because of God s help. I give ...

Andro Abraham Damanik
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Practicing the True Teaching Word

... Saturday. It was about friendship. At that time I had a close girl friend who was not in the same one true teaching Word. Actually Rev. Widjaja had always preached about the righteousness we had to have in our life so we would not become dry in our spirituality. My ...

Renny Indrawati
Saturday, July 09, 2011
The More Obeying and Surrendering to the Lord

... traumatic for me because I had repeated my research many times to get my Bachelor degree three years ago because my research topic had had to be changed many times. I had been accepted to study in my university without any test but it was difficult to go out of ...

Ningsih (Mrs. Philipus)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Living in the Grace of God

... on Tuesday. At that time there was a longing in my heart to do the service fully via live-broadcast. I prepared all matters early in the morning on Tuesday. After the second session at . p. m. I felt my body sick and got headache. I thought at that time that ...

Mei Trifena (written when studying in Lempin-El)
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Being the Servant of God is My Last Work

... I must be brave to pay the price for the Lord first has paid expensive price to buy me that is to say with His own blood. The price I must pay cannot be compared with His sacrifice. I had to lose my scholarship in University of Lampung because of ...

Mimi (Mrs. Denny Wiliatno)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Bruised Reed He Will Not Break

... The Word of God in General Service slapped me that one will deny God if s he does not bear witness. I asked His forgiveness. I did not want to deny Him. I saw and heard the testimonies of other people were very beautiful and delivered fluently. If I could ...

Hendra Dedy M.L. (written when studying in Lempin-El)
Sunday, January 17, 2009
Living In Holiness

... I wanted to give my life to God. Then I studied at GPDI Theologia in Medan. Nevertheless my life never changed. I fell into deep sins. I did many bad things free sex and drank. Then I ran from my school and had no future. I was a sinful man ...

Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Private Relationship With God

... follows Sin about arrogance. I give thanks that God has sent me to this place Netherland because it is to make me realize sin about arrogance that has been in my life unconsciously. Praise the Lord that He has given me good achievement in my study in Indonesia. But I ...

Yunety Lagamu (written when studying in Lempin-El Generation XXVIII)
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
God's Miracle

... evilness. All people in my village knew me as a bad girl. I prayed to God and asked Him to bring me out of bad friendship. Praise the Lord because He heard my pray. He brought me to one shepherding where I accepted the word of God. I have desire ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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