Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Ms. Melly (Surabaya)

Sunday, January 10, 2016
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It was only by God's grace that I could attend the All Night-Long Prayer Service at the end of last year because I had not been healthy before I went to the church. I thought, if I had not come, it would have been a lost for me because it was the last All Night-Long Prayer Service in 2015.

Praise the Lord, I could attend the service and God gave me power until the second session. In the morning, when I was about to go to work, I saw that the rear wheel of my motorcycle was flat and brought it to a workshop next to my house. It turned out that there was a nail as big as a pinkie inside the wheel and it was torn.
I reflected, if my wheel had been torn on my way back home from the service - around 4.30 am - the worst would have happened, as I drove very fast at that time.

God protected me so that I could arrive in peace. God never lies, He is the protecting God.

I would also testify about my work. The chief of accounting department always treated me badly. He always looked for my errors that made me stressed and I wanted to return to Semarang, even more since there was a job vacancy there.

In between those choices, there were considerations and struggles and it was hard for me to choose. At that moment, I asked myself about my ministry: "What I have built this far, should I redo it all over again from the very beginning?" Thank God, through all of His Word that always gave me power, I could stay.

Last week made me wonder. The chief of the accounting department told me that he should have received more than 10 million for his salary, but he only got half of it and it made him stressed, and he also told me about his family's needs. Briefly, he moaned about his financial problem due to the demotion from the chief of department to a regular staff.

I really felt God's help.
I give thanks to God that He Himself brought me to the shepherding although it is not easy because there is a lot of hindrances in the services, but I think that I can do is I begging for His grace and power through the Word whose secrets are revealed, so that I can be strong and of good courage.

Glory be to God.


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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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