Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Mr. Dennis Damanik (Medan)

Thursday, December 31,, 2015
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Peace in the love of Lord Jesus Christ.
I would like to testify God's kindnessin 2015 that changed me.

I am a God's servant, people saw me as a good person, but actually I was proud of myself. Because of God's goodness, I could feel God's help by His rebukes and beatings from His word, and I was changed.

I used to think that I could do everything by myself, I relied on my intelligence. God rebuked me and beat me through my study.

When I started working on my bachelor thesis, I had a lot of trouble. I used to belittle things. I said in my heart that everything was easy and I was sure that I could do everything without any help. However, I got a lot of revision. It was really hard to meet my supervisor. I barely prayed and kept on relying on myself.

My parents always gave me advice to always remember God's word and pray a lot. I always said "Yes", but I kept on forgetting and was not willing to pray and worship God.

I was bored with my thesis and since it was hard to meet my supervisor, I tried to work with my friends in my spare time, while working on my thesis. However, I befriended with a lot of people outside God, people who played in band, business, and partnered with a cigarette factory in Indonesia (although I did not smoke).

I did it because I could earn a lot fo money. My parents told me to focus on my study and ministry, but I always ignored them. I relied on my own intelligence and said in my heart: "The most important is that I do not smoke, drink, or consume drugs, and I still minister to God." I said again and again to my mom: "You do not have to be worried, I will be fine."

One day, I was discouraged, my thesis was a mess. I cried to my mom and said: "It is really hard. Why can't I do my thesis?" I blamed my supervisorbecause it was hard to meet him and he gave me too many corrections.

My mom asked me to worship God, confess my sins, and promise Him to let go everything which was not according to God's word. I remembered His word which was preached by our pastor: "The fastest way to get God's help is by confessing our sins."

The following day, I met my supervisor and he did not reject me anymore. I cried in my car, God's strong hands had helped me. God was really good. God also accompanied me during my visit to Aceh for finishing my thesis about the Independence Separative Movement in Aceh, which was quite frightening for people in Medan.

Everything went well and safelyand I could have access to all data for my research in 2 hours, and they sent everything by email. My thesis was finished in no time and I defended it and graduated.

I believe that it was because of God's kindness and goodness, I remembered God's word: "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time".
This is my testimony, I hope it can be a blessing. I give thanks to God, to our pastor and his wife who always lead and pray for me, as well as my parents.

God blesses us.


Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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