Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Mrs. Sepina Simanjuntak (Medan)

Thursday, December 31, 2015
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Peace be upon us.
I would like to testify my experience of being alone with Lord Jesus these last weeks. From Wednesday morning after the All Night-Long Prayer Service, I went home. While I was on the way, inside the bus, I shivered until all of my body trembled.I prayed, rejecting any evil spirit and I kept worshiping God.

After getting off the bus, I walked home being afraid to fall because it seemed that I might sprain my ankle because of the cold. I prayed, rejecting any evil spirit, and kept worshiping Godwhile walking. Praise God, I came home and drank a glass of warm water directly and laid down under my blanket. While shivering, I kept praying and worshiping God.

The following day, on Thursday afternoon, I fought my sickness. I went to the Bible Study and Holy Communion Service that day. Friday, December 18th2015, Sintong accompanied me to visit a doctor. The doctor said that there was nothing wrong with me.

Friday afternoon, the sickness came again. I wondered what disease it was, since I had never had experienced anything like that.

Saturday morning, Sintong sent me a message, "I asked the Pastor to let you not come to the service."I replied: "As long as I can bear the pain, I will come to the service." Saturday night, I shivered again. Sunday morning before the time to worship at 3 a.m., I went to the kitchen and cooked rice. I fell and the back of my head accidentally bumped into the shelf in my kitchen, and my head was swollen so big.

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015, after the Prayer Service, and Sintong came home, I was very careful not to fall again. I brought a thermos and crackers to my room. I laid down. I felt hungry so I ate the crackers and drank warm water, but then I vomitted. I tried to drink again, but I vomitted, 3 times. I was so weak and I surrendered to God and prayed: "Lord Jesus, my life is in Your hands. I give my body, soul, and spirit to You, let Your will be done on me, Hallelujah Amen." I kept on worshipping until I fell asleep.

I thanked God that I felt well when I woke up, I won, I was healthy. I gave thanks to the pastor who always prayed for me since I knew that it was because of the pastor and his wife's prayer that I won. I thank them and always hope for their prayer, especially so that I can be strong and of good courage in my ministry until the end.

May Lord Jesus be glorified.


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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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