Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Mr. Irfan

Sunday, January 11, 2015
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I would like to testify God's grace that I have experienced in my life. I kept on postponing this testimony until I got God's warning through 3 things:

  1. I felt it myself.
    After I swam in Kenjeran, I took a bath and I do not know why, I became unconscious and I fell at the bathroom and I was brought to the ICU. My knee was sutured and I lost 3 teeth. I considered to testify God's love, but I postponed it.

  2. My first childwas operated in the hospital because of appendicitis. I promised God that I would testify, but I postponed it again.
  3. My second childwas treated in the hospital because something was wrong with the liver. There were many strange things happened, but God helped us and healed him.

By God's grace, I was in the shepherding in Lemah Putro when Pastor In Juwono and Pastor Pong were there. However, I was not faithful, we did not go very often. Because of our unfaithfulness, I went farther and farther from God until I fell in sins until the peak of sins. I did not come to God, but I left Him.

I studied a lot of things that God hates,mystical things and many others. My wife and my children were very sad. My condition got worse and worse every day. Whenever God's word reminded me, I did not listen to it. I was in that condition for years, but my wife and my children kept on praying, begging to God and fasting.

By God's grace, God saved me through a neighbor who told me to come back to Him. However, I only came for the needs of my flesh, not for the true teaching. I went to a church near my home, because I thought that every church was the same. I went there for years, but I got nothing, and I became spiritually thirsty and hungry. We wandered everywhere, but we were not satisfied. One day, Mr. and Mrs. Rudy told me that there was the teaching of the Bride Tidings in Surabaya, and I decided to come, but with a lot of absence.

Finally, I struggled and prayed to God and He gave us His grace and let us be in the shepherdinghere.
I really felt God's grace and mercy that lifted us up from the deepest sin and let us be in the shepherding here.

God blesses us.


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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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