I want to testify about God's mercy that happened in my study in college.
There were two subject in my midterm exam. As always, I had prepared myself by learning and praying. When the exam began, I tried to answer all of the questions in first exam because it was open book test. Meanwhile, I remembered the second exam that will be tested. When the second exam began, I suddenly forgotanything that I had learned. At that moment, I was quiet onlyand I answered it honestly with the best I could.
The exam ended at that day, but I felt so sad because I would surely get bad score. It was correct. When the midterm exam finished, the lecturer gave the score few weeks later. My score was very badand made me desperate. Everyday, my life was signified by fear and worryabout my future, because if my score was bad, my GPA would go down. I was afraid, because I did not know what would happen and how I could work.
But when I entered the perverance in three kinds of main service, Pastor Widjaja always said: 'Do not be afraid and worried.Especially for young men , do not be afraid about your future, because it has been arranged by God. Everything will bebeautifulandsuccessful. The most important thing is we obey to the word of God.'
I thanked God. I cried and asked His forgiveness. Previously, I had always been afraid, but then I totally surrenderedto God. In my mind, I just said: 'It is fine God. If You allowme to get bad score, so I donot pass the exam, I am still able to repeat it.'
I faced the final test in the next some months. I saw the test schedule and I was surprised because those two subjects were tested on the same day with the interval of three hours, so I could use it to learn. It was not like the midterm exam. At that moment, I wanted to cry, because it was not accidental, but God's intervention.
The final test began for those two subjects, and my mouth kept saying: 'Lord Jesus, help me.' When the test ended, I totally surrenderedto God whatever the scorewas. When I saw the result of the final test, I could pass all subjects, especially I got good score for those two subjects All things were because of God's helping and mercy. I thought it was impossible, but nothing is impossible for God.
When I was in the final test, I had to go to Malang to minister. At the beginning, I was doubtful, whether I have to learn for exam or go to Malang to minister. But I was reminded by Pastor Mikha's word: 'We must be ready to serve God anytime, anywhere, and in any situation.'
And the word of Pastor Widjaja: 'We will surely be faced between something and God. It depends onus whether we choose something or God. If we choose God, everything will bebeautifuland successful. If we choose something, we will be destroyed.' Without thinking, I decided to go to Malang for serving. I also prepared myself by bringing my book and using the idle time for learning.
At that moment, Maria as the choir trainer for youth in Surabaya said to me: 'Ven, if you get A score, please testify.' I just smiled. When I saw the result of my exam I got A score. Praise the Lord. I know it was not by my might and power, but God's mercy. I was just nothing without God.
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God's kindness that changed me (Mr. Dennis Damanik (Medan))
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Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.
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