Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Dameria Febe Sitanggang, Malang

Saturday, August 09, 2014
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I give thanks to God because of His blessings and grace I have experienced in my life. I will testify that He has helped me finish my study by accomplishing my thesis. I had been so worried of getting an advisor that was supposed as “killer lecturer” before the Head of study program announced it. There were three lecturers in such kind in my study program. Like the experience of the senior students, such lecturers had many requirements in the process of the thesis counseling, so the students could not graduate soon. I prayed to God so that I would not get such advisor. Nevertheless, God permitted me to get two of the three “killer lecturers”. I was happy and sad at the same time. I was sad because I knew that the lecturers would cause difficulties in the counseling process. I was happy because the two best lecturers would advise me in writing my thesis.

I got many problems during the counseling process because the two lecturers had different arguments from one another. The first advisor approved the title and the first, second, and third chapters of my thesis, but the second one rejected it, even he told me to change the title, or else he would not accept my thesis. It meant that I could not continue my thesis to the fourth and fifth chapters. On the contrary, the first advisor would be angry because he authoritatively had the right to determine the title and content of my thesis while the second one only checked the grammar. I was confused about what to do and whom I had to obey. I prayed and asked God to guide me.

Afterwards, I decided to change the title and content of my thesis. My fear came true because the first advisor got angry when I told my decision to change my thesis to him. Moreover, he said that he did not want to be my advisor anymore. It meant that I would not graduate soon. I was so afraid, sad, and angry in such condition. I was really under pressure because of the two lecturers, but I could not do anything. I told all things that happened in my study to Rev. Widjaja and his wife. I asked them to pray for me. After two months, the first lecturer accepted the change of my thesis, up to the third chapter. Nevertheless, a problem came when I was finishing the fourth and fifth chapters. The first advisor did not want to advise me because of many reasons. It happened for one month and two weeks while the registration for thesis examination was opened in one week later. I could not register myself for the examination and graduate this year without the approval of the advisor to the fourth and fifth chapters of my thesis. I felt that my problem had no solution and asked the help of God again.

I did introspection of my life. In the Service of Holy Spirit Filling, I asked for the help of Holy Spirit to show me my sins and weaknesses that had made my problem could not be solved. God showed me my mistake and weakness in the Youth Service that discussed about Jesus’ obedience to the point of death on the cross. I realized that I was not obedient. I asked for the forgiveness of God, Rev. Widjaja, and his wife. I also asked them to pray for me that I could be obedient to God and my physical as well as spiritual parents.

God helped me only in a short time. Soon after I confessed my sins, I received the message from the first advisor. He asked me to meet him. It was really the help of God because formerly he had never replied all my messages to him due to the change of my thesis. Finally, he accepted my thesis and I could pass the examination and graduate this year with the best mark.

The Word of God is so powerful to help our life. It always says that God is still busy in reforming our life first when He has not answered our prayer and helped us yet. I experienced it when I got the two “killer lecturers” as my thesis advisors in order to change my life. I give thanks to the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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