Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Mimi (Mrs. Denny Wiliatno)

Sunday, March 29, 2009
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Thank you for the opportunity I get to give testimony. Actually I have promised to give my testimony on Saturday, but I feared and hardened my heart. The Word of God in General Service slapped me, that one will deny God if s/he does not bear witness. I asked His forgiveness. I did not want to deny Him.

I saw and heard the testimonies of other people were very beautiful and delivered fluently. If I could be like that, I would not stop bearing witness because of so many goodness and miracles of God in my life, even maybe you will not have any chance to give your testimony.

God has helped my family. There were many historical things happened in February - March 2009 such as the ninth anniversary of our wedding, the birthday of our two daughters, my sister's being a minister in GPT Kristus Kasih, and my second daughter (Matilda)'s entering in Santo Yusup Elementary School as our will. We had many considerations that we decided to enter Matilda in the school, especially about the picking up. Actually, it is difficult for children from other kindergartens except Santo Yusup Kindergarten to enter Santo Yusup Elementary School because children from Santo Yusup Kindergarten are prioritized. Praise the Lord that He allowed it to happen according to our will. I give thanks to Rev. Widjaja and his wife who have prayed for our family.

I often felt that I was unable to live in this world. I felt so tired living in the world and hoped that God would come soon. It was a heavy burden facing many problems, especially the disobedience of my daughters. But the Word of God is "Yes and Amen." A bruised reed He will not breakand smoking flax He will not quench. God renewed my ministrythrough His mercy.

In the beginning I thought about what will happen and how heavy burden I must face. I was unable to face my two daughters without God's help. But all burdens will not be heavy if we can give them all to God, even they will become easy and light. Thus, it will no longer become burden but make my ministry more fervent in spirit. I felt that I became as youth. Praise the Lord. I hope you can pray for me, so my ministry with all my weaknesses can be righteous and worthy before God.

I also ask the forgiveness from Rev. Widjaja, his wife, and all of you because I did not note down the Word of God. It was not because of I have remembered all the verses in Holy Bible, but because the pain in my right hand. It would have been moved from its place if it had not been the creation of God because of many hard heavy things it must do continually, beginning with house works, works in my shop, and taking care of my mother who had been sick. All of them I did with God and my husband, without any housemaid, but my hands kept on being in its place securely because they had been created by God. I ask your forgiveness, and do not imitate it. That is my testimony, I hope it can be blessings. Hallelujah, praise the Lord.


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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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