Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang


Saturday, February 27, 2010
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The wire that had been in my face because of the accident I had gotten in 2009 had to be pulled on February 23, 2010. At the beginning, my doctor said that the wire that has been one with the wire of my teeth will be pulled from my mouth. If it could not be done, he would do a small operation near my eyes. The wire could not be pulled from my mouth and the small operation must be done. I was very painful because the wire was deep and it was difficult to seek the knot. It needed almost an hour and the knot still could not be found and I felt I would faint because I could not stand suffering the pain and there was no more energy to fight against it until the anesthetization had to be repeated three times for the right side.
I asked to get a total anesthetization but it could not be done because I should have fasted for six hours. I remembered the advice of Rev.Widjaja at that time that I must call Jesus' name when I was in pain. I just called Jesus' name and prayed in my heart because I had no strength anymore. The miracle of God happened at that time. The knot was found and the wire could be pulled. I was relieved for a while but there was the left side's waiting. I was afraid of the same pain with the right side. I got the anesthetization with stronger dose and praise the Lord that the knot was founded without much pain. The wire in the right and left side of my face could be pulled well.
My second testimony is about my side job. I have sold software via internet since the beginning of 2008 and it never reached my target. In this new year, I got information that the target was reached even I could increase my selling up to 30%. The Lord is able to give His blessings through the way I never thought. He preserves my life.

The third testimony is about my main job. I cannot work as usual because of my eye condition has not been normal. I just tell the truth when there are customers need my service so that they can decide whether they will give the job to me or not. I thank God because they decide to use my service although with human's sight there are many others can give the service better and faster than me. It is also the blessing from God because I think it is impossible that they still need my service.

There was a customer who had a contract with me in 2009 still continues the work with me although he had a reason to turn to other, even this contract was for six years. God really helped me in this work. I thought it would need two months to finish the work but He guided me to do it. It only took three days to work it up to 75%. It was a miracle for me with my condition that has not been healed totally. Praise the Lord. It is all because of His mercy, not my strength because I think it is impossible to do with my weakness.

Afterward, about living in righteousness. I used unoriginal computer program for some items and I have reported it to BSA Indonesia (an institution controlling the spread of original computer programs in Indonesia). I have a commitment to begin buying original computer programs for doing my job. There were some original computer programs I had bought but I did not buy the important computer programs which were so expensive. I have tried to look for the seconds but I cannot find. At last God gave wisdom to seek in other country. Praise the Lord, I found it with the price I was able to pay.

I reported it to BSA Indonesia and they gave me a highest appreciation although I bought the original computer programs gradually. They asked my data as well as the purchase order of the original computer programs for their database so that they may protect me from any parties who will give me problem with the raid to my office.

It is a miracle for me because my office is small without any officers but BSA Indonesia can give me the reward I never thought before. There are some original computer programs I am seeking now but I believe that God Himself will guide me to find them righteously.

I have a reason, which is in line with human's logic, not to buy the original computer programs, that is to say I need much money for my medical care but I believe that God Himself preserves me with His blessings I cannot think, especially with His mercy, as long as I live in righteousness. There is nothing impossible for Him. All glory and honor only for the Lord. God blesses you.

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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