Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang

Mrs. Dick John

Sunday, July 12, 2009
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Peace for you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I will bear witness about God's grace which has helped us while we were in Ciawi.
As my husband decided our family's going to Ciawi for ministry, I faced a problem that made my heart hurt. I myself did not want to go to Ciawi because of this problem but my husband still wanted to go. It made me grumble while we were on the way to go there. My husband advised me about suffering without sin but I argued it. There was no peace in my heart as we arrived there.
Committing the second devotion in the morning, I kept my hard heart. Rev. Widjaja gave a chance to pray for everybody who needed through going forward in front of the altar. Soon after the ending of the devotion, my daughter had a wound in her face. At first I thought it was just a spot because of her dirty hand touching her hand while she was on the way but then there was suppuration going to her eyes. She cried continuously. Committing devotion in the afternoon, she did not cry anymore but I still kept the annoyance. After the devotion, my father reminded me to ask for prayer to Rev. Widjaja, but I rejected because I thought Rev.Widjaja was busy.

Nevertheless, God had His own plan. At the time I went out of dining room after talking to my father, I met Rev. Widjaja and his wife. I had not said anything yet but He prayed for my daughter, seeing my daughter's face. The first sentence in his prayer is to ask forgiveness from God for her parents. I was rebuked by God at that time. My daughter had to experience all of that suffering because of my grumbling/murmuring, my unpeaceful heart.
We went home after dinning. On the way, my daughter said that she felt no pain anymore after being prayed by Rev. Widjaja and I saw her wound was dried without suppuration. Flowing from that, I felt the miracle and help of God happened in my household. Praise the Lord, thank you.


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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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