Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
General Service in Malang

... from the marriage shepherding church organization and so on that is based on the true teaching Word to go towards the organism or the fellowship of the perfect body of Christ. The number is related to the slavery of Egypt to Israel for four hundred years. Genesis Then He said to Abram Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs and will serve them and they will afflict them four hundred years. years x days . days. the number of sufferings the Most Holy Place. We must experience the suffering in the flesh for reaching ...

General Service in Malang

... maturity. Persevering in the fellowship -- gt the Golden Candlestick or perseverance in committing the General Service. The sheep are given drink to always be fresh or not dry spiritually but always faithful and fervent in spirit in the service and ministry to God. Persevering in prayers -- gt the Golden Altar of Incense or perseverance in committing the Prayer Service. The sheep are breathing with the fear of the Lord loving Him and obeying Him until getting the eternal life. Thus the foundation of the church is the shepherding. The church must be shepherded well and correctly or always ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... same as the one to enter the marriage supper of the Lamb. God sends out His servants to call those who are invited through the preaching of the Bride Tidings so they can enter the marriage supper of the Lamb of God Paradise and the New Jerusalem. The three attitudes to the invitation are as follows verse Not being willing to come. Being unworthy to come. Matthew - . Again he sent out other servants saying 'Tell those who are invited See I have prepared my dinner my oxen and fatted cattle are killed and all things are ready. Come to the wedding. ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... down to us in the likeness of men Acts - . And the people kept shouting The voice of a god and not of a man . Then immediately an angel of the Lord struck him because he did not give glory to God. And he was eaten by worms and died. The angel because of things which he has not seen not by the encouragement of the Word. Colossians . Let no one cheat you of your reward taking delight in false humility and worship of angels intruding into those things which he has not seen vainly puffed up by ...

General Service in Malang

... sixth namely the sorcerers. Exodus - So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh and they did so just as the LORD commanded. And Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and before his servants and it became a serpent. But Pharaoh also called the wise men and the sorcerers so the magicians of Egypt they also did in like manner with their enchantments. For every man threw down his rod and they became serpents. But Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. When the Israelites would go out of the slavery of Egypt the sorcerers appeared to resist against the rod ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... saw great multitudes about Him He gave a command to depart to the other side. . Then a certain scribe came and said to Him Teacher I will follow You wherever You go. . And Jesus said to him Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. John . In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. . And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld His glory the glory as of the only ...

General Service in Malang

... the fourth namely the murderers. John Whoever hates his brother is a murderer and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him. The murder refers to the characteristic of hatred. It starts from a dislike until one cannot inherit the kingdom of heaven but he perishes in the hell. The murder or hatred happens from age to age as follows The age of Father God. It is counted from Adam to Abraham. The representative is Cain who killed Able because he was the evil and lazy servant of God whereas Abel was the faithful and righteous one. Cain ...

General Service in Malang

... up some other way the same is a thief and a robber. I am the door. If anyone enters by Me he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. The cause is not being willing to pass through the narrow door or the flesh tearing. It means rejecting the cross or the sword of the Word. Not hearing and obeying the voice of the shepherd or shepherding Word. The shepherding Word refers to the true teaching Word which is trusted by God to a shepherd to be preached to the congregation faithfully in order continually repetitively ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... as follows Verse The one without death nor sorrow nor crying nor pain. Verse The one of the heavenly bliss or satisfaction--'I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts'. Actually God had created the man who was as glorious as Him and He put him in garden Eden so he experienced the heavenly bliss. But the man fell into sin so God drove out him to go into the world. Consequently the atmosphere of heaven became the one of curse namely weariness heavy burdens labor and tears. Romans All have sinned up ...

Christmas Fellowship Service in Malang

... sins up to the peak namely the sins concerning eating-drinking smoking getting drunk drugs abuse and marrying-being given in marriage until there is no control anymore in their life like the dog and swine. They are naked and not ashamed until being the same as Satan. Peter is the example. Men live in the curses of sins weariness heavy burden sorrow tears and atmosphere of death until perishing forever in the hell. This is an important lesson. The garden of Eden refers to the atmosphere of success. If we are successful in the marriage ministry job and study we must ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... nbsp and fall short of the glory of God How can we be set free from the sin or death In the Old Testament when the Israel went out of Egypt all the doors of Israel had been signified by the blood of the lamb. The doors of Egypt had no sign of blood so the death of firstborn happened. In the New Testament when the church of God goes out of the world to be lifted up to the glorious clouds the church of God must have the blood of Jesus. Peter - nbsp knowing that you were not redeemed ...

General Service in Malang

... My Father also. If I had not done among them the works which no one else did they would have no sin but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father. But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law 'They hated Me without a cause. 'There are seven times of hatred in the world up to the hatred without a cause or the perfect hatred. It also means hating the righteous and supporting the false. Consequently the seven lamps of the golden candlestick are quenched. It means living in the increasing ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... father nor mother. The young woman was lovely and beautiful. When her father and mother died Mordecai took her as his own daughter. Esther . For if you remain completely silent at this time relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this The process of moving from the death to the heavenly bride is as follows Receiving the calling of the King God. It refers to the court of the Tabernacle namely salvation and ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... there is but a step or a pulse between us and death namely the physical death spiritual death--living in the sin following the false teaching and not being fervent in the spiritual things--up to the second death in the hell. Corinthians - . For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet. . The last enemy that will be destroyed is death. The safe place that is free from death in under Jesus' feet. Let us bring our steps of life or our every pulse to Jesus' feet. John - . Then the Jews who were with her in ...

General Service in Malang

... there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the Lord who bought them and bring on themselves swift destruction. A little leaven namely sins and false teaching is able to destroy the whole lump. Kings - And Elisha returned to Gilgal and there was a famine in the land. Now the sons of the prophets were sitting before him and he said to his servant Put on the large pot and boil stew for the sons of the prophets. So one went out into the field to gather herbs and found a wild ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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