Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Bible Study Service in Malang

... separation or enmity so the Israelites and Gentiles cannot become one as follows The Law. The Israelites have the Law but they cannot do it. The Gentiles live outside the Law. The leprosy. Luke - . Now it happened as He went to Jerusalem that He passed through the midst of Samaria and Galilee. . Then as He entered a certain village there met Him ten men who were lepers who stood afar off. The midst refers to the middle wall of separation namely the spiritual leprosy. It means as follows The sin of evil. For example Gehazi had the will of money so he ...

Good Friday Service in Malang

... . and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Jesus sheds His blood to the point of death on the cross. The power of His blood is as follows verse Washing us from our sins. verse Making us kings and priests. We celebrate the Good Friday so we can become the holy priests and kings to glorify God until we are glorified with Him forever. The three functions of Christ's sacrifice for the church of God are as follows The sin offering. Leviticus . 'if the anointed priest sins ...

General Service in Malang

... lake of fire and brimstone or perdition in the hell. God wants to form the hard stone to be the precious one in the New Jerusalem. The process is that the hard stones must be the sons of Abraham first and then the living stones until being the precious stones. The hard stones must become the sons of Abraham. Matthew - But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to his baptism he said to them Brood of vipers Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance and do not ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... them and the sheep follow him for they know his voice. It is like the sheep following the shepherd. It means that we must be shepherded well and correctly. Who must be shepherded All of the ministries including the shepherd so we can enter the building of the body of Christ that aims at Jesus as the Head. The donkey namely the Gentiles must be bound or shepherded to enter the New Jerusalem. Matthew - . Now when they drew near Jerusalem and came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives then Jesus sent two disciples . saying to them Go into ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... turns away his ear from hearing the law Even his prayer is an abomination. If a shepherd does not preach the shepherding Word his prayer will be an abomination so there is no intercession prayer. The New Jerusalem means as follows verse The Lamb's wife or the heavenly bride that consists of the Israelites and the Gentiles either being dead or alive until Jesus comes a second time namely those who have been shepherded well and correctly. They were in the sheepfold namely hearing and obeying the shepherding Word so they experienced the purification and renewal of life up to perfection. verse ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and killed him. The hatred happens in the household between brother and sister husband and wife and son and parents. It also happens in the shepherding--between the fellow priests and the shepherd and sheep. How does it happen Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground. It means not being signified with the birthright but just a part. Genesis - . And in the process of time it came to pass that Cain brought an offering of the fruit of the ground to the LORD. . Abel also brought of the ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... faith is sin. It refers to the renewal of heart that tends to do evil continually to become a good conscience. How can we receive the good conscience The true water baptism. Peter - . who formerly were disobedient when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah while the ark was being prepared in which a few that is eight souls were saved through water. . There is also an antitype which now saves us--baptism not the removal of the filth of the flesh but the answer of a good conscience toward God through the resurrection of Jesus ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... attention is entering the heavenly kingdom. The entrance into the heavenly kingdom is as follows Continuing in the faith namely the way of faith or the one of righteousness. It refers to the Court of the Tabernacle. Acts . strengthening the souls of the disciples exhorting them to continue in the faith and saying We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God. The facts found in it are as follows Believing in Jesus as the only Savior and never denying Him until the finish line. Repenting or being dead to sin. The water baptism and Holy Spirit baptism. The ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. . And there is no creature hidden from His sight but all things are naked and open to the eyes of Him to whom we must give account. We judge ourselves by the word of God that is living powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword namely the true teaching Word. It pierces and shows the hidden sins up to the depth of our heart and mind. Mark - . For from within out of the heart of men proceed evil thoughts adulteries fornications murders . thefts ...

General Service in Malang

... are controlled by the Antichrist and worship him so they are marked with the triple six. They do not experience the renewal of life but keep becoming the sinful flesh and blood man so they become the same as the beast which does not have mind and feeling. verse Those who do not believe in Jesus including the church of God who is deceived by the false prophet with the false teachings and the ones of Satan. Timothy - . Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith giving heed to deceiving spirits ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... but only the comfort of themselves. Those who are not in Jesus including the servants of God who are deceived by the false prophet with the physical great signs but without purification Revelation . Corinthians - . For I am jealous for you with godly jealousy. For I have betrothed you to one husband that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. . But I fear lest somehow as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. . For if he who comes preaches another ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... namely the gift of Holy Spirit. The true ordination Exodus which is related with the cloth Exodus . Exodus . And you shall put it on a blue cord that it may be on the turban it shall be on the front of the turban. The spiritual meanings of the turban are as follows The submission of a priest that is shown through prayer and totally surrendering to God. Corinthians . For if a woman is not covered let her also be shorn. But if it is shameful for a woman to be shorn or shaved let her be covered. The ...

General Service in Malang

... can endure the day of His coming And who can stand when He appears For He is like a refiner's fire And like launderer's soap. He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver He will purify the sons of Levi And purge them as gold and silver That they may offer to the LORD An offering in righteousness. By the soap of the launderer or repeated teaching Word that is preached by a pastor for sanctifying the spots in the garments of ministry or the outward sins. By the fire of the refiner or the fiery trial ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... that is in you is darkness how great is that darkness The darkness for three and a half years when the Antichrist reigns over the world. It means that the light of Holy Spirit God the stars does not work anymore. Revelation . Now a great sign appeared in heaven a woman clothed with the sun with the moon under her feet and on her head a garland of twelve stars. Meanwhile the building of the perfect body of Christ has been done namely the heavenly bride with the light of the sun moon and stars. She will be evacuated to the ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... Him glory for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His wife has made herself ready. A robe dipped in blood refers to the Word of God. The robe is written King of kings and Lord of lords or the Bridegroom of Heaven. Thus the robe refers to the Bride Tidings. The meaning of being dipped is as follows We must be willing in flesh suffering to receive the Bride Tidings. We must be willing in flesh suffering to hold fast and obey the Bride Tidings so we experience the power of purification. What must be purified Hebrews nbsp For the ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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