Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
General Service in Malang

... of wine the mother of Jesus said to Him They have no wine. Actually the marriage often lacks of wine until being tasteless sour and bitter until there are quarrels sexual affairs and divorces. Why can it happen There is no one true water baptism. Romans Certainly not How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in newness of life. Thew requirement of the true water ...

General Service in Malang

... maturity. Persevering in the fellowship -- gt the Golden Candlestick or perseverance in committing the General Service. The sheep are given drink to always be fresh or not dry spiritually but always faithful and fervent in spirit in the service and ministry to God. Persevering in prayers -- gt the Golden Altar of Incense or perseverance in committing the Prayer Service. The sheep are breathing with the fear of the Lord loving Him and obeying Him until getting the eternal life. Thus the foundation of the church is the shepherding. The church must be shepherded well and correctly or always ...

General Service in Malang

... are cursed with a curse For you have robbed Me Even this whole nation. It is the invitation of Father God to the cursed men. Formerly Adam and Eve were cursed because of eating the forbidden fruit. Now the church is cursed because of stealing the possession of God namely the tithes and offerings which is the same as eating the forbidden fruit. Why can it happen It happens because of hearing the voice of serpent namely false teachings gossips and so on until one always avoids. He always justifies himself and revives the mind and feelings or wills of the ...

Good Friday Service in Malang

... . and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. Jesus sheds His blood to the point of death on the cross. The power of His blood is as follows verse Washing us from our sins. verse Making us kings and priests. We celebrate the Good Friday so we can become the holy priests and kings to glorify God until we are glorified with Him forever. The three functions of Christ's sacrifice for the church of God are as follows The sin offering. Leviticus . 'if the anointed priest sins ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... them and the sheep follow him for they know his voice. It is like the sheep following the shepherd. It means that we must be shepherded well and correctly. Who must be shepherded All of the ministries including the shepherd so we can enter the building of the body of Christ that aims at Jesus as the Head. The donkey namely the Gentiles must be bound or shepherded to enter the New Jerusalem. Matthew - . Now when they drew near Jerusalem and came to Bethphage at the Mount of Olives then Jesus sent two disciples . saying to them Go into ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... turns away his ear from hearing the law Even his prayer is an abomination. If a shepherd does not preach the shepherding Word his prayer will be an abomination so there is no intercession prayer. The New Jerusalem means as follows verse The Lamb's wife or the heavenly bride that consists of the Israelites and the Gentiles either being dead or alive until Jesus comes a second time namely those who have been shepherded well and correctly. They were in the sheepfold namely hearing and obeying the shepherding Word so they experienced the purification and renewal of life up to perfection. verse ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... especially unable to hear the true teaching Word freely. Galatians . But if you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law. The Word is limited by time its content et cetera. Matthew - . And when Jesus saw great multitudes about Him He gave a command to depart to the other side. . Then a certain scribe came and said to Him Teacher I will follow You wherever You go. . And Jesus said to him Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head. Consequently one ...

General Service in Malang

... there will be false teachers among you who will secretly bring in destructive heresies even denying the Lord who bought them and bring on themselves swift destruction. A little leaven namely sins and false teaching is able to destroy the whole lump. Kings - And Elisha returned to Gilgal and there was a famine in the land. Now the sons of the prophets were sitting before him and he said to his servant Put on the large pot and boil stew for the sons of the prophets. So one went out into the field to gather herbs and found a wild ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... well pleasing to the Lord. . Fathers do not provoke your children lest they become discouraged. . Bondservants obey in all things your masters according to the flesh not with eyeservice as men-pleasers but in sincerity of heart fearing God. . And whatever you do do it heartily as to the Lord and not to men . knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance for you serve the Lord Christ. . But he who does wrong will be repaid for what he has done and there is no partiality. The marriage must have the strong ...

General Service in Malang

... being one perfect body of Christ. It begins from the marriage that becomes one and then the shepherding and so on. Corinthians - for you are still carnal. For where there are envy strife and divisions among you are you not carnal and behaving like mere men For when one says I am of Paul and another I am of Apollos are you not carnal Be careful Groups that divide the body of Christ will happen. The base of the fellowship of the body of Christ is the true teaching Word or Jesus as the Head. The base of the ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... by Devil throughout their lives. Habakkuk . They all come for violence Their faces are set like the east wind. They gather captives like sand. It can be divided as follows People who have not known Jesus. They just look for the worldly need as well as commit sins up to the peak. The priests and kings--the servants of God--who are hold captive by Satan. Haggai . In the second year of King Darius in the sixth month on the first day of the month the word of the LORD came by Haggai the prophet to Zerubbabel the son of Shealtiel governor of ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... will be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. Thessalonians - . For this we say to you by the word of the Lord that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. . For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. . Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... will return to you Says the LORD of hosts. But you said 'In what way shall we return ' . Will a man rob God Yet you have robbed Me But you say 'In what way have we robbed You ' In tithes and offerings. . You are cursed with a curse For you have robbed Me Even this whole nation. The calling of God the Father is for those who lose the atmosphere of Paradise because of sinning and being naked. Adam and Eve lost the atmosphere of Paradise because they ate from the tree which God had forbidden. It ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... God did not spare the natural branches He may not spare you either. . Therefore consider the goodness and severity of God on those who fell severity but toward you goodness if you continue in His goodness. Otherwise you also will be cut off. The Gentiles have experienced God's mercy so they must keep living in it. The facts of living in God's mercy are as follows Repenting. Romans . Or do you despise the riches of His goodness forbearance and longsuffering not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance We stop sinning and return to God. It means being ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... heard the report about JesusJohn the Baptist who was beheaded also means giving greater opportunity for Jesus to work. God's working that He has entrusted to John the Baptist is building or putting the base of the salvation. It is the base of the building of the body of Christ. Then Jesus works on the base up to the building of the perfect body of Christ. Luke . On that very day some Pharisees came saying to Him Get out and depart from here for Herod wants to kill You. We must be watchful in the ministry of the building of ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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