Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
General Service in Malang

... state that it is Judas Iscariot not Jesus who dies that Jesus is stolen et cetera. If Jesus had not died there would have been no forgiveness for our sins and no salvation for us. If God lets us Christian lives die we must be buried as Jesus is buried. When Jesus comes a second time Christian lives who have passed away will be raised in glorious body. Joseph from Arimathea asks for the body of Jesus and wraps it in a clean linen cloth. A clean linen cloth denotes righteous and holy deeds also good deeds. Both come from ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... to them Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites as it is written This people honors Me with their lips But their heart is far from Me. The example of the tradition the Pharisees and the scribes hold is about the washing of body hands cups pitcher and copper vessels. It means the cleansing to life with worldly manners not according to the commandment of God. Consequently there is hypocrisy because it seems holy outside but the heart is still wicked and unclean. Matthew - Woe to you scribes and Pharisees hypocrites For you are like whitewashed tombs which indeed appear beautiful ...

General Service in Malang

... it was the Preparation Day that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath for that Sabbath was a high day the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and that they might be taken away. Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first and of the other who was crucified with Him. But when they came to Jesus and saw that He was already dead they did not break His legs. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear and immediately blood and water came out. Jesus death ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... years. Ones who experience it will enter the hell forever. There will be a separation between the sons or servants of God when Jesus comes a second time. There are three kinds of separation the sons or servants of God will experience as follows. The separation because of the difference in the life end. It is a temporary separation. Corinthians Behold I tell you a mystery We shall not all sleep but we shall all be changed There are two kinds of life end of the servants or sons of God as follows. Bodily death. Being alive until Jesus comes a ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... soul So is good news from a far country. The Gospel is as a swallow of cold water for the sinners who are as the thirsty on the wilderness of the world. What is the sign of being saved Believing or having faith in Jesus. Repenting or stopping sinning to return to Jesus. We should continue our faith with the work namely repentance. Being renewed through water baptism and baptism of Holy Spirit we have new life. The physical birth results in life in blood and flesh which is suitable for our life in the world not for the heaven. On the contrary the ...

General Service in Malang

... teaching is also the lengthening of the hand of death. It has happened to the fellowship of prophets on the days of Elisha who ate wild gourds that contain death. When Jesus dies the graves are opened. It means that the death of Jesus aims to set us free from death. There are three types of death as follows. Physical death. One who has died will be raised in glorious body on Jesus second coming. Spiritual death that is being separated from God because one preserves sins up to the peak of sins enjoys doing sins. The second death in ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... is as follows. The physical meaning is the place to bury dead body of human. The spiritual meaning is the place where wicked and unclean spirits conquer to kill the spirituality of the sons or servants of God up to the second death in hell. Such place is the lengthening of the hand of Satan such as discotheque movie theatre et cetera. There are also places for spiritual activities but there is death within them namely false fellowships with wild gourds or false teaching that causes death as it has happened to the fellowship of prophets on the days of ...

General Service in Malang

... He was speaking of the temple of His body. Jesus death three days results in the revival of Holy Spirit in the last rain that is the revival of building the perfect body of Christ the perfect heavenly bride who is ready to welcome Jesus second coming. Revelation Then he said to me Write Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb And he said to me These are the true sayings of God. We will be exalted on the glorious clouds and enter the marriage supper of the Lamb. It will be continued by ...

General Service in Malang

... for us through the veil that is His flesh and having a High Priest over the house of God ad. . A new and living way is opened for us up to the way to Heaven. There are three new and living ways which are opened by the death of Jesus on the cross as follows. Israelites walk through the midst of the sea on dry ground the Gate . Exodus But lift up your rod and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry ground through the midst ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... meaning when we die. Thus we have to give meaning to our life do not live carelessly. There are three kinds of the meaning of Jesus rsquo death for us as follows. Jesus dies to deliver us from sins with His precious blood so we can live in righteousness. Revelation and from Jesus Christ the faithful witness the firstborn from the dead and the ruler over the kings of the earth. To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood How great a human is he is contemptible meaningless and has no value before God. If ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... Darkness for three days in Egypt when the Israelites are going to go out of Egypt. Exodus So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days. Darkness for three hours when Jesus is crucified. Matthew Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land. Darkness for three years and half on the earth on the days of antichrist s reigning over the world. It will happen for sure. Matthew Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened and the moon ...

General Service in Malang

... on the glorious clouds but also there are lives left on this world which will be destroyed. Let us become lives who are inside God s temple to experience the light of the Word Holy Spirit and God s love so we can appear as the light which increases up to the light of the world. We live in the light of righteousness and holiness up to the light of witness. Matthew - Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lampstand and it gives light to all who are in the house. ...

General Service in Malang

... It means disrobing old cloth and using the new one from Jesus. Matthew - they gave Him sour wine mingled with gall to drink. But when He had tasted it He would not drink. Then they crucified Him and divided His garments casting lots that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet They divided My garments among them And for My clothing they cast lots. Sitting down they kept watch over Him there. And they put up over His head the accusation written against Him THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. How do we do that ...

Fellowship in Malang IV

... body of Christ. The head is husband or bridegroom and the body is wife or the bride. Thus the Bride Tiding makes us fervent in spirit in ministering to God in the building of the body of Christ where we become the priests and kings or the servants of God. The success of the preaching of God s Word begins from bringing our life as pastor to enter the shepherding with perseverance and the congregation will follow so all of us are counted by God. Moreover the proof of the success is in the fervency of the pastor and congregation to become priests ...

Fellowship in Malang III

... Heavenly Bride. Afterwards we have learnt in the second service that the Bride Tiding is as the rain water to cleanse or wash us until we become perfect as Jesus is. We must heed that the Bride Tiding is enough to sanctify and perfect our life so we should not mix it with other water. We are learning the Bride Tiding as the Ark of the Covenant of God in Tabernacle teaching now in the third service. The Ark of the Covenant consists of two parts as follows. The mercy seat that is made of pure gold with two cherubim on the left ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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