Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Youth Service in Malang

... about the mind is brought up by God. Luke - is about the heart is brought up by God. Luke - is about life journey is brought up by God. ad. . life journey is brought up by GodLuke - . But why do you call Me 'Lord Lord and do not do the things which I say . Whoever comes to Me and hears My sayings and does them I will show you whom he is like . He is like a man building a house who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when the ...

Bible Study Service in Surabaya

... them Collect no more than what is appointed for you. Because they collected more so there were disadvantages to others. They took the other s possession. Matthew For if you love those who love you what reward have you Do not even the tax collectors do the same Because they only loved those who loved them. Matthew And if he refuses to hear them tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector. Because they did not want even they refused to be ...

General Service in Malang

... Word of God that unveils the hidden sins within the congregation so we can be sanctified until we are perfect blameless and worthy to welcome His second coming with the saying Alleluia as the sound of many waters. To be able to welcome His second coming we must receive the prophecy Word although it is hard as the sound of many waters. Acts - But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Now ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... as the sound of many waters are as follows. For making us not enter the judgment of God that will come namely destruction together with the world up to perdition in the hell. For forming or sanctifying and renewing us until we are as perfect as Jesus is and become the bride of heaven who is ready to welcome His second coming on the glorious clouds. Revelation - And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings saying Alleluia For the Lord God Omnipotent ...

Bible Study Service in Surabaya

... you the keys of the kingdom of heaven means that God has opened the door of heavenly kingdom with the key and He gives it to us formerly it was given to Peter so that we can open the door and live eternally with Him forever. What is the key of heavenly kingdom Acts strengthening the souls of the disciples exhorting them to continue in the faith and saying We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God. enter the kingdom of God means that we have the key. The key of heavenly kingdom is experiencing the suffering in the ...

Youth Service in Malang

... by God that we have spiritual position in the Kingdom of Heaven. Luke - is about the spirit is brought up by God that our spiritual is not sick but healthy until perfect. Luke - is about the deed is brought up by God. Luke - is about the mind is brought up by God. Luke - is about the heart is brought up by God. Luke - is about life journey is brought up by God. Ad. Luke - . the heart is brought up by GodGod brings up our heart that we imitate His gentle heart. The practices are ...

Prayer Service in Surabaya

... the key of death and the kingdom of death means closing the door of the kingdom of death and opening the door of the kingdom of Heaven for His church or He is giving the key of the kingdom of Heaven to us. There is a connection between the key of the kingdom of death and the key of the kingdom of Heaven. The key of the kingdom of death is used to close it so that we will not go into it while the one of the kingdom of Heaven will open the door of Heaven for all of ...

General Service in Malang

... made man on the earth and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast creeping thing and birds of the air for I am sorry that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God condemned men in the days of Noah because every intent of the thoughts of their heart was only evil continually. They did evil and unclean deeds sins concerning eating-drinking and marrying-being given in marriage. Such deeds make God grieved ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... and power belong to the Lord our God For true and righteous are His judgments because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her. Such church receives the false teachings as follows. The teachings of Babylon namely teachings about prosperity and fleshy entertainment without prioritizing the true Teaching Word sanctification and spiritual value. The teachings of Pharisees that allows divorce and remarrying. The teachings of Jezebel that allows women to teach and have authority over men. The consequences are as follows. ...

General Service in Malang

... is under you shall be iron. Deuteronomy is about blessing and curse. If we obey the Word blessing will come. If we disobey it curse will come. When the heaven becomes as bronze we will not be able to live. Bronze refers to the punishment or judgment. Jesus as the Just Judge will judge and punish the sinful lives. When will the judgment happen The judgment will happen after the kingdom of peace a thousand years. All men including the servants and the children of God who have not reconciled their sins and have not repented yet will be judged ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... is in heaven His eyes behold His eyelids test the sons of men. God s eyes behold from the throne of Heaven. It means as follows Purifying and testing the servants of God to become the apple of His eye. Paying attention to the servants of God to care help and do the miracles. Corinthians - and those who use this world as not misusing it. For the form of this world is passing away. But I want you to be without care. He who is unmarried cares for the things of the Lord how he may please the Lord. At ...

Bible Study Service in Surabaya

... a high mountain with Peter John and James. It refers to worship prayer. Thus we can see the countenance of Jesus that is like the sun shining in its strength or His face that lights the light of glory in the right worship prayer so we can experience the life renewal from fleshy men to spiritual ones as Jesus is. It begins from the renewal of five senses. The renewal of five senses relates to the building of Tabernacle the temple the perfect body of Christ or the Bride of God. Exodus - Then the LORD spoke to Moses saying Speak ...

Prayer Service in Surabaya

... he rejected and took Jesus aside. The characteristic of the wrong following is rejecting the cross which is rejecting the death and resurrection marks with Jesus. The meanings of the cross are as follows. Peter - Therefore since Christ suffered for us in the flesh arm yourselves also with the same mind for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men but for the will of God. The first meaning of the cross is the flesh suffering to stop ...

General Service in Surabaya

... Peter James and John his brother led them up on a high mountain by themselves and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun and His clothes became as white as the light. In the past Peter James and John went up on a high mountain with Jesus. There they could see the countenance of Jesus that shone like the sun. Now it means that we can see the countenance of Jesus that is like the sun shining in its strength in a worship prayer. We must be careful because there is a true worship and a ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... of righteousness. The meaning of the white hair physically refers to the old people who live in the way of righteousness. Their lives are very beautiful and they get honor truly. Likewise young people who live in righteousness will also have beautiful life and get honor. Kings - Moreover you know also what Joab the son of Zeruiah did to me and what he did to the two commanders of the armies of Israel to Abner the son of Ner and Amasa the son of Jether whom he killed. And he shed the blood of war in peacetime and put the ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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