Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Youth Service in Malang

... that he has written in the gospel of Luke and Acts which is about what has been taught and done by Jesus. Things that have been taught and done by Jesus do not only have historical value but also have the spirit of prophecy. Revelation And I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me See that you do not do that I am your fellow servant and of your brethren who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Peter - knowing this first that no prophecy of ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... follows The precious blood. How great a man in the world is whether in physical life or spiritual one if he is sinful or falls and rises in sins he becomes despicable contemptible or not precious before God. His life is only as dog and swine even there is destruction and perdition in hell forever. Revelation But the cowardly unbelieving abominable murderers sexually immoral sorcerers idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone which is the second death. The eight sins will drown human in the hell forever. The closing part of ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... the Passover to the Holy Communion. The rules of eating Passover Holy Communion Exodus . 'And thus you shall eat it with a belt on your waist your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. So you shall eat it in haste. It is the LORD's Passover. The fourth rule is you shall eat it in haste which means Do not linger in spiritual thing and do not delay in spiritual thing that God imposes to us for ministry fellowship sacrifice etc. If we linger we will be left behind when Jesus comes on second time which is ...

General Service in Malang

... Matthew - . And when they had come to the multitude a man came to Him kneeling down to Him and saying Lord have mercy on my son for he is an epileptic and suffers severely for he often falls into the fire and often into the water. Be watchful The fire of flesh lust sins and the water of the world's freshness always target God's servants. Life who is played by the fire of flesh lust and the water of the world's freshness equals to life who suffers epilepsy spiritual epilepsy . Luke - Likewise as it was also in the ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... a broken mortar pot is destroyed forever. How great a man in the word is all things will become vain if there is no life renewal. There are two attitudes to the life renewal as follows Judas Iscariot rejected the life renewal. Actually Jesus has given three chances of life renewal to him as follows Through the sharpness of the true teaching Word but Judas rejected it. Matthew - Now as they were eating He said Assuredly I say to you one of you will betray Me. And they were exceedingly sorrowful and each of them began to say to Him Lord is ...

General Service in Malang

... favor hands of God save us. Moses was become the son of king. It means the favor hands of God lift up us and give us success. Moses was used by God to bring Israel to go out of Egypt. It means the favor hands of God are able to use us in the revival of Holy Spirit in the last rain. Moses died but no one knows his grave to this day. It means the favor hands of God are able to perfect us and lift us up in the glorious clouds. Zipporah was actually the Gentiles who lived ...

General Service in Malang

... Kingdom of Peace until entering the New Jerusalem the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever including God's servant pastor etc. keeps or agrees or supports sins will not be able to enter the marriage supper of the Lamb of God. He cannot be set free from the world and will be left on Jesus' second coming will be perished forever. God is good and righteous. Who keeps in sins will be judged and perished with the world. The Passover is related with My time is at hand . It means as follows In Matthew the time of Jesus' death as the ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... because of keeping sins or agreeing with them. The Passover relates with 'My time is at hand'. In Matthew it refers to the time of the death of Jesus Passover Lamb which is at hand and He will raise and ascend to heaven. In the last days it refers to the time of Jesus' second coming in glory as the King of kings and Heavenly Bridegroom which is at hand He will come soon. What do we have to prepare to welcome Jesus' second coming to enter into the marriage supper of the Lamb of God Corinthians - But this I say brethren ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... supper of the Lamb is also the meeting between Jesus in the glory as the Bridegroom and congregation as Heaven's bride on the gorgeous clouds. Marriage supper of the Lamb happens when Jesus comes on second time and we enter into the kingdom of peace a thousand years then enter into eternal kingdom of Heaven. Christian's marriage is not only in the world but also until marriage supper of the Lamb or spiritual marriage perfect marriage. Lots of life are called to physical marriage but only few are chosen to enter the spiritual marriage or perfect marriage. That's why we have to ...

General Service in Malang

... and from the world to welcome Jesus in the glorious clouds. The Passover feast is related to My time is at hand . In Matthew My time is at hand means Jesus' death as the Lamb of Passover is drawing near. Jesus will die on the cross but He was raised and lifted up to the Heaven. At the last days My time is at hand is related to the time of Jesus' second coming which is drawing near. What do we have to prepare to be able to welcome Jesus' second coming in this short time Corinthians - But ...

General Service in Malang

... second coming. In Matthew the Passover is related to My time is at hand . It points to Jesus' death as the Lamb of Passover was drawing near. Jesus had to die on the cross but then He was raised and lifted up to the Heaven sat on the right hand of God the Father. At the last days My time is at hand means Jesus' second coming is drawing near to lift us up in the glorious clouds to enter the marriage supper of the Lamb. What must be prepared in this little time to be able to welcome ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... will be left when Jesus comes a second time. The preparation of the Passover relates to 'My time is at hand'. 'My time is at hand' in Matthew indicates us that the time of the death of Jesus Passover Lamb is at hand. Jesus must die on the cross but He will rise and ascend to heaven and He will come a second time. In the last days ''My time is at hand' relates to the time of Jesus' second coming which is drawing near. Revelation . He who testifies to these things says Surely I am coming quickly. Amen. Even so come ...

General Service in Malang

... should not blame God since He has already given opportunity to everybody. This morning we are learning the preparation of Passover related to the God's time which is drawing near. In Matthew My time is at hand means Jesus' time to be crucified as the Lamb of Passover was drawing near but later He was raised and lifted up to the Heaven and He will come for the second time. Now My time is at hand means the time of Jesus' second coming is drawing near. Revelation . He who testifies to these things says Surely I am coming quickly. ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me the great city the holy Jerusalem descending out of heaven from God In Old Testament the Passover is the deliverance of Israelites from Egypt to go to Canaan. In New Testament the Passover is the deliverance of the Church from the sin and the world to enter New Jerusalem. How can we enter New Jerusalem We have to have life renewal from carnal men to spiritual men or perfect men as Jesus is or from mortar pot to gold pot. What can renew us The true ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... into the city and a man will meet you carrying a pitcher of water follow him. . Wherever he goes in say to the master of the house 'The Teacher says Where is the guest room in which I may eat the Passover with My disciples ' . Then he will show you a large upper room furnished and prepared there make ready for us. . So His disciples went out and came into the city and found it just as He had said to them and they prepared the Passover. The venue was in the house in the city at ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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