Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
General Service in Malang

... We discuss the second sign that is out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword. Matthew But He answered and said It is written Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. Out of the mouth of God goes the Word. Thus the sword refers to the Word. There are two types of the preaching of the Word of God as follows. The gospel of salvation the gospel Word milk Good News. Ephesians In Him you also trusted after you heard the word of truth the gospel of your ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... without blemish so that we can be God s bride whom He holds in His right hand and nothing or no one can charge against us. Thus God places the stars or heavenly bride through the purchase that is paid by the precious blood without any blemish not by any force. It is a lesson for us that whatever we do for God in our service ministry and offering must not with force but thanksgiving or else we despise the sacrifice of Christ. Corinthians - Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit ...

Bible Study Service in Surabaya

... will be bound in heaven and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. Jesus gives the keys of the kingdom of heaven to us who have prevailed against the death together with Him. What is the meaning of the keys of the kingdom of heaven It is the cross Acts . Peter - Therefore brethren be even more diligent to make your call and election sure for if you do these things you will never stumble for so an entrance will be supplied to you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 'an ...

General Service in Malang

... first sign that is He had in His right hand seven stars. Holding the stars means He does not want to loose us until we belong to Him. The special meaning of the star is the pastor of a congregation. The general meaning of the star is one who serves and ministers God or one who is used by God to serve Him. Genesis Then the Angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... to someone who serves and ministers to God and is used by Him to be priests and kings. Jesus holds the stars with His right hand so that they will not fall or perish. There are three things that cause the fall of the star as follows. Not enduring when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Revelation And the stars of heaven fell to the earth as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. The mighty wind refers to temptations. For example Judas Iscariot became the fallen star because he could not endure the ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... with the signs as follows His feet were like fine brass. His voice as the sound of many waters. His voice as the sound of many waters refers to the prophetic Word the hard teaching Word or the Word that is sharper than any two edged sword which is as follow The Word of God that reveals everything before it happens but it will surely happen especially about the second coming of Jesus on glorious clouds and the punishment of God for the world. The Word of God that reveals the hidden sins in our heart marriage and congregation. The ...

General Service in Malang

... Word of God that unveils the hidden sins within the congregation so we can be sanctified until we are perfect blameless and worthy to welcome His second coming with the saying Alleluia as the sound of many waters. To be able to welcome His second coming we must receive the prophecy Word although it is hard as the sound of many waters. Acts - But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Now ...

Youth Service in Surabaya

... that there would be mockers in the last time who would walk according to their own ungodly lusts. . These are sensual persons who cause divisions not having the Spirit. The corrupt word means as follows Mocking the prophetic Word namely the Word that reveals Jesus second coming on the glorious clouds punishment on the world until the hell and sins up to the hidden one and purifies it. Vain word which means the word that causes divisions in the body of Christ. verse 'These are sensual persons who cause divisions' . People who corrupt their way will be judged and ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... as the sound of many waters are as follows. For making us not enter the judgment of God that will come namely destruction together with the world up to perdition in the hell. For forming or sanctifying and renewing us until we are as perfect as Jesus is and become the bride of heaven who is ready to welcome His second coming on the glorious clouds. Revelation - And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings saying Alleluia For the Lord God Omnipotent ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... brass as if refined in a furnace and His voice as the sound of many waters. His voice as the sound of many waters refers to the prophetic Word as follows The secret opening of the Word of God that reveals everything before it happens but it will surely happen especially about the second coming of Jesus on glorious clouds and the punishment of God for the world. The secret opening of the Word of God that reveals the hidden sins among congregation that make them wither and die spiritually until being left and perishing forever when Jesus comes a ...

Bible Study Service in Surabaya

... you the keys of the kingdom of heaven means that God has opened the door of heavenly kingdom with the key and He gives it to us formerly it was given to Peter so that we can open the door and live eternally with Him forever. What is the key of heavenly kingdom Acts strengthening the souls of the disciples exhorting them to continue in the faith and saying We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God. enter the kingdom of God means that we have the key. The key of heavenly kingdom is experiencing the suffering in the ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... Word as the sound of many waters. Also He gives the way out and shelter so we will not be punished and perish together with this world. Peter and did not spare the ancient world but saved Noah one of eight people a preacher of righteousness bringing in the flood on the world of the ungodly The example is God warned men at the age of Noah so they could be saved from the flood punishment. On the other hand the men mocked God so only Noah and his family could survive. Peter - and turning the cities of Sodom ...

General Service in Malang

... made man on the earth and He was grieved in His heart. So the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth both man and beast creeping thing and birds of the air for I am sorry that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. God condemned men in the days of Noah because every intent of the thoughts of their heart was only evil continually. They did evil and unclean deeds sins concerning eating-drinking and marrying-being given in marriage. Such deeds make God grieved ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... and power belong to the Lord our God For true and righteous are His judgments because He has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth with her fornication and He has avenged on her the blood of His servants shed by her. Such church receives the false teachings as follows. The teachings of Babylon namely teachings about prosperity and fleshy entertainment without prioritizing the true Teaching Word sanctification and spiritual value. The teachings of Pharisees that allows divorce and remarrying. The teachings of Jezebel that allows women to teach and have authority over men. The consequences are as follows. ...

General Service in Surabaya

... other side while He sent the multitudes away. And when He had sent the multitudes away He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray. Now when evening came He was alone there. But the boat was now in the middle of the sea tossed by the waves for the wind was contrary. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea they were troubled saying It is a ghost And they cried out for fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them saying Be of good cheer It is I do not be afraid. Verse the disciples cried ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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