Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Bible Study Service in Malang

... rain. Joseph refers to the church of the latter rain. The church of the latter rain will experience the temptations like Joseph. There are three kinds of temptation that Joseph or the church of the latter rain will experience as follows. Hatred up to the one without a cause. Genesis But when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers they hated him and could not speak peaceably to him. The church must face two kinds of hatred as follows. From outside. John - - If the world hates you you know that it hated Me ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... congregation of Satan. Revelation Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews and are not but lie indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet and to know that I have loved you. The synagogue of Satan is the liars. They say they are Jews but they are not. John If someone says I love God and hates his brother he is a liar for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen how can he love God whom he has not seen A liar is one who ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ He is antichrist who denies the Father and the Son. It means there is no anointing of Holy Spirit or the stars. Titus They profess to know God but in works they deny Him being abominable disobedient and disqualified for every good work. One denies Jesus through the evil and unclean deeds and words. Hating others even with hatred without a cause. John If someone says I love God and hates his brother he is a liar for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen how ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death even the death of the cross. Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow of those in heaven and of those on earth and of those under the earth and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father. Jesus obeys until He dies on the cross so He gets a name which is above every name. The functions of Jesus name are as ...

Youth Service in Malang

... namely Jesus as Messiah the Son of the living God. Messiah means One who is Anointed. There are three anointed offices as follows the king the high priest and the priests servant and the prophet human . Matthew . Simon Peter answered and said You are the Christ the Son of the living God. Peter also knows Jesus as the Son of God. Recognizing Jesus as the king servant human and Son of God means the one through His cross. The practices of recognizing and confessing the cross of Jesus are as follows Recognizing and confessing Jesus as the King of kings and the ...

General Service in Malang

... only to one who is worthy to receive it that is Solomon. Adonijah cannot snatch it. The spiritual key of David is the key of the kingdom of Heaven held by Jesus. It is given only to one who is worthy to receive it. Acts strengthening the souls of the disciples exhorting them to continue in the faith and saying We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God. Who is worthy to receive the key of David The servant of God who continues in the faith. The practices are as follows. Being unshaken. Thessalonians - and sent Timothy ...

Bible Study Service in Surabaya

... perishes though it is tested by fire may be found to praise honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ Such faith is the permanent or perfect one that is worthy to welcome Jesus' second coming on the glorious clouds. How can we get the gold refined in the fire or the pure faith Peter - . But also for this very reason giving all diligence add to your faith virtue to virtue knowledge to knowledge self-control to self-control perseverance to perseverance godliness to godliness brotherly kindness and to brotherly kindness love. For if these things are yours and abound ...

General Service in Malang

... kingdom of Heaven hold by Jesus as the King of kings. John Jesus answered My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world My servants would fight so that I should not be delivered to the Jews but now My kingdom is not from here. The spiritual key of David is hold by Jesus to be given to one who is worthy to receive it. This key of David is for opening the door of the kingdom of Heaven that cannot be shut by anyone. If it is shut none can open it. The opening ...

Youth Service in Malang

... But He said to them You give them something to eat. Shepherding. AD . SHEPHERDING. Luke . But He said to them You give them something to eat. And they said We have no more than five loaves and two fish unless we go and buy food for all these people. The special characteristic of shepherding is feeding the lambs. In the shepherding the duty of the lambs is eating and the one of the shepherd is preparing food for his lambs. How great a young man is in the world he is like one who has five loaves and two fish ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... in the Book of Life. We are learning the first point. The white garment is the trust garment from God or the ministry. Timothy And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me because He counted me faithful putting nbsp me nbsp into the ministry Paul is being trusted in the gospel of glorious and joy of God. Timothy according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God which was committed to my trust. There are two kinds of gospel as follows The gospel of salvation or Word or milk or the Good News Ephesians . It is the Word ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... it up in three days But He was speaking of the temple of His body. The figure forty six refers to the two tablets of stone. There are four commandments on the first tablet and six on the second one. It shows that the service of the house of Israel was in the system of the Law. There are many churches in the last days that perform the service in the system of the Law like the house of Israel did. The signs are as follows. Prioritizing the physical things such as big building a lot of money and human ...

Bible Study Service in Surabaya

... are as follows. There is creation power in the Word that has created the world and all things in it including human. John - . In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him and without Him nothing was made that was made. It means as follows. It creates something that does not exist yet or makes impossible things possible. It repairs the corrupt things or the sinful people to become the first creation. For sanctifying us. John . You are ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... Jesus our Lord who has enabled me because He counted me faithful putting me into the ministry Exodus - Now take Aaron your brother and his sons with him from among the children of Israel that he may minister to Me as priest Aaron and Aaron's sons Nadab Abihu Eleazar and Ithamar. And you shall make holy garments for Aaron your brother for glory and for beauty. The condition to receive the white or ministry garment is the holiness so our ministry will be pleasant before God. Ephesians - And He Himself gave some to be apostles some prophets some evangelists ...

Bible Study Service in Surabaya

... and Lot namely the sins concerning eating-drinking and marrying-being given in marriage. There is the warning about the pillar of salt. Luke - And as it was in the days of Noah so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed. THE MEANING OF THE PILLAR OF SALTMatthew . You are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its ...

Youth Service in Malang

... our attitude when hearing the word If we still grumble and get sleepy and angry when hearing the long word or the word that rebukes us it means we have not appreciated the word and our spirituality has not increased yet. Consequently we will leave Jesus and true teaching word easily. We can leave Jesus because of mate friend hobby even sin up to the peak of sin namely sin of eating-drinking and marrying-giving in marriage. Revelation . But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place where she is ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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