Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
General Service in Malang

... men including the servant and minister of God do the sins up to the peak. So they experience the torment of the scorpions for five months until the perdition in hell forever. nbsp The conditions of the locust or sins are as follows There are crowns of something like gold on the heads. Revelation The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were crowns of something like gold and their faces were like the faces of men. It means that the sins enthrone or rule the mind of man servant and minister of God. The face ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... like gold. Revelation The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were crowns of something like gold and their faces were like the faces of men. It means that sins reign or control the servant of God. Their faces are like the faces of men. The face refers to human's heart. It means that sin controls the heart of the servant of God. If sin controls heart and mind it will control the deed words and all of human life. They have hair like women's hair. Revelation They had hair like women's hair and their teeth were ...

Passover Service in Malang

... nbsp The sting of scorpion refers to the sting of death or sin. So the locust refers to the wicked and unclean spirits as the trigger of sins which make the servant and minister of God do the sins up to the peak namely the sins of eating-drinking such as smoking getting drunk drugs abuse and the sins of marrying-being given in marriage such as adultery with all of its kinds mixed-marriage and divorce-remarrying. So men experience the torment or the sting of the scorpion for five months until they perish forever. nbsp Celebrating the Passover the power of the resurrection ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... that the locusts or the wicked and unclean spirits use the power and speed to make spiritual war or rule over the hearts and minds of God's servants so that their hearts become the bad ground when the seed of the true teaching Word is being sown. Consequently the seed can neither grow nor yield fruit like a fig tree planted by the road. It means that there is no life renewal. They keep the eighteen fleshly characteristics so their life is in curse weariness and heavy burden until they become the same as the Antichrist who will be destroyed ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power as the scorpions of the earth have power. They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth or any green thing or any tree but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. And they were not given authority to kill them but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... God is holy. To sit together with Jesus on the heavenly throne we must live in holiness. Peter - but as He who called you is holy you also be holy in all your conduct because it is written Be holy for I am holy. Our whole life or our body soul spirit as well as the past present and future life must be as holy and perfect as Jesus is. Jesus is the holy Head or Heavenly Bridegroom. We are the perfect body of Christ or heavenly bride. By what can we be sanctified until we are as perfect ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... there it is. Matthew For wherever the carcass is there the eagles will be gathered together. The fact found in the eagle or the people who wait for the Lord is gathering together to the carcass. Isaiah And they shall go forth and look Upon the corpses of the men Who have transgressed against Me. For their worm does not die And their fire is not quenched. They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh. The carcass refers to the dead bodies of the people who disobey God and must be judged in the hell forever. Mark So the Scripture was ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... is the first and great commandment. . And the second is like it 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself. ' . On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets. The facts found in having the perfect love are as follows Loving God with all our body soul and spirit or loving Him more than anything. Loving others as we love ourselves even we can love our enemy. Ad. . Loving God more than anything. James . Blessed is the man who endures temptation for when he has been approved he will receive the crown of life which the ...

New Year Eve Service

... that they do not get the judgment of God over the world. The next blowing of the trumpet in the book of Revelation the seven trumpets when Jesus will come a second time namely the judgment of the Son of God to the world and the contents that reject the hard teaching Word or keep the sins. The last blowing of the trumpet when Jesus comes a second time on the glorious clouds. Matthew And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet and they will gather together His elect from the four winds from one end ...

General Service in Malang

... up and all green grass was burned up. The blowing of the first trumpet means the first condemnation of the Son of God to the world that rejects the trumpet sound or purification. It is signified by the hail and fire mingled with blood so a third of the trees are burned up and all green grass is burned up. The hail means crisis in love or the love that grows cold. The fire means that lawlessness will abound. The flowing blood means shedding the blood of the righteous. Consequently a third of the trees are burned up and all green grass is burned up. The grass ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... all green grass were burned up. The green grass refers to the shepherding. Because of the crisis of love there is lawlessness in the shepherding pen. Jeremiah The priests did not say 'Where is the Lord ' And those who handle the law did not know Me The rulers also transgressed against Me The prophets prophesied by Baal And walked after things that do not profit. There are two kinds of lawlessness in the shepherding as follows The lawlessness of a shepherd. Zechariah - Thus says the Lord my God Feed the flock for slaughter whose owners slaughter them and feel ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... so we always give thanks to God. Zechariah - . Awake O sword against My Shepherd Against the Man who is My Companion Says the LORD of hosts. Strike the Shepherd And the sheep will be scattered Then I will turn My hand against the little ones. . And it shall come to pass in all the land Says the LORD That two-thirds in it shall be cut off and die But one-third shall be left in it . I will bring the one-third through the fire Will refine them as silver is refined And test them as gold is ...

General Service in Malang

... said I thirst Now a vessel full of sour wine was sitting there and they filled a sponge with sour wine put it on hyssop and put it to His mouth. So when Jesus had received the sour wine He said It is finished And bowing His head He gave up His spirit. All sins and the curses such as the weariness heavy burden labor bitterness fear distress and perdition or the death have been born by Jesus on the cross so we can be justified and live in righteousness. It is the same as living in peace. Isaiah The work of ...

Prayer Service in Malang

... light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness. Therefore let us not sleep as others do but let us watch and be sober. For those who sleep sleep at night and those who get drunk are drunk at night. The shaking happens suddenly when everything is save peaceful good and successful. We must be watchful and sober to live in light. Negligence means sleeping and getting drunk or living in darkness. As a result the shaking comes suddenly and it makes fear stress desperation and disappointment until one leaves God. When Jesus comes a second ...

Bible Study Service in Malang

... the shaken chaff and the mature grain. Ones who are shaken will be shaken more until they are destroyed to perish together with world in the hell. On the contrary ones who are not shaken will get the silence that increases up to the one for half an hour in heaven and inherit the unshaken heavenly kingdom. Thessalonians - But concerning the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say Peace ...

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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