Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Luke 10:25-37 is about the parable of the good Samaritan.
A certain man goes down from Jerusalem (the center of spiritual activity) to Jericho (the center of physical activity). It means spiritual deterioration.
A certain priest of Israel and a Levite cannot help. Only a certain Samaritan can.
So, a certain man who goes down from Jerusalem to Jericho is a Samaritan, because the Israelites have no dealings with Samaritans. The Samaritans are the same as the Gentiles who spiritually deteriorate.
The condition is the same as the church of the Laodiceans who are lukewarm.

Revelation 3:15-16
3:15. "I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
3:16. "So then, because you are
lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomityou out of My mouth

The practices of being lukewarm are as follows:

  1. Not being hot.
    It means one does not have the love of God, namely he does not minister faithfully and fervently to God.

  2. Not being cold. It means one has no peace, but fearfulness, anxiety, labor, heavy burden, and unhappiness.

  3. His life is like vomit, namely being unclean.
    It means unclean and idle word, evil speaking or lie, slander, pornographic, et cetera.
    His deed is also unclean and aims at the sins of eating-drinking (smoking, getting drunk, and drugs abuse) and marrying-giving in marriage (sexual sins).

    Being unclean refers to leprosy, namely having self-truth or covering sin by blaming others and God.

Luke 10:30

10:30. Then Jesus answered and said: "A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, who stripped him of his clothing, wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead.

The condition of a Samaritan who deteriorates spiritually is dwelling in the hand of Satan (the thieves) until being half dead, suffering, being destroyed, and perishing forever.

John 8:48
8:48. Then the Jews answered and said to Him, "Do we not say rightly that You are a Samaritanand have a demon?"

There is a good Samaritan who wants to help, namely Jesus.
Jesus is willingly considered as a Samaritan who has a demon. It means Jesus willingly dies on the cross to help the Gentiles who are demon-possessed.

How does God help us?

  1. Jesus covers our sins.
    Luke 10:34-35

    10:34. "So he went to him and
    bandaged his wounds, pouring on oiland wine; and he set him on his own animal, brought him to an inn, and took care of him.
    10:35. "On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.'

    Jesus bandages our wounds and pours on oil and wine.
    The wine refers to the blood of Jesus.
    The oil refers to the anointing of Holy Spirit.
    Bandaging our wounds means covering or forgiving our sins up to the peak.

    From our side, the Gentiles must confess their sins honestly to God and others, so the blood of Jesus forgives our sin up to there is no remnant of our sin as if we had never sinned.

    As a result, we can live in righteousness by the blood of Jesus and the anointing of Holy Spirit. We are not half dead anymore.
    As long as there is sin, we are surely half dead. But, if we live in righteousness, we will live in the hands of God. The result is we are saved and used by God.

  2. Jesus brings us to the sheepfold.
    Jesus brings a Samaritan to an inn, namely the sheepfold or the holy place.
    There are three tools that refer to perseverance in committing three kinds of main service as follows:

    • The golden candlestick= perseverance in committing general service; we have fellowship with Holy Spirit God in His gifts.
    • The table of showbread= perseverance in committing bible study service and Holy Communion; we have fellowship with Son of God in the word and Christ's sacrifice.
    • Golden altar of incense= perseverance in committing prayer service; we have fellowship with God the Father in His love.

    As a result, our body, soul, and spirit attach to God the Trinity so Satan cannot rob or touch us.
    The sheepfold is the place of spiritual care so we can assure in salvation. Our life becomes easy and light, we experience spiritual growth to spiritual maturity or perfection.

    God pays two denarii to the innkeeper.
    It means the old and new testament, namely the word that is sharper than any two-edged sword to purify. It starts from heart that is the store of sins.

    Matthew 15:19
    15:19. "For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts(1), murders(2), adulteries(3), fornications(4), thefts(5), false witness(6), blasphemies(7).

    The heart is purified from seven evil and unclean desires that make the candlestick, our life and future dark. Such desires make us live blindly.
    We are also purified from sinful deeds up to the peak of sin and sinful words so we can be honest or do not lie.

    Ephesians 4:11-12
    4:11. And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers,
    4:12. for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ,

    If we are purified, we will be equipped with the ministry and Holy Spirit's gift, so we can be used in the ministry of the building of the body of Christ. It starts from marriage, shepherding, inter-shepherding, until the Israelites and the Gentiles become one perfect body.
    It is the same as working in the vineyard (the garden of the bridegroom) to receive a denarius.

    A denarius means God's great mercy. The two denarii refer to the wage for husband and wife, a denarius each. It means each one must serve God. Do not divide a denarius because it will not be enough to go through the difficulty in the last age.

    Revelation 6:6
    6:6. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, "A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine."

    A denarius is God's mercy that takes care of our life from now in the difficult days up to the ones of antichrist.

    Luke 10:35
    10:35. "On the next day, when he departed, he took out two denarii, gave them to the innkeeper, and said to him, 'Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I come again, I will repay you.'

    If the two denarii are not enough, God will repay when He returns.
    It means although we have been forgiven, shepherded, and used in the ministry to God, there is still physical and spiritual weakness/infirmity.

    The hands of God's mercy are able to help, purify, and change us up to perfection when He comes a second time.

    James 3:2
    3:2. For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body.

God blesses us.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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