Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Good evening, let us hear the Word of God. Let the peace, grace, and joy of God be in the midst of us abundantly.
We are still in the theme of Revelation 1:17-20(it has been preached since General Service in Surabaya, May 11, 2014), but we still discuss Revelation 1:17-18.

Revelation 1:17-18
1:17 And when I saw Him, I fell at His feetas dead. But He laid Hisright hand on me, saying to me, “Do not be afraid; I am the First and the Last.

I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore. Amen. And I have the keys of Hades and of Death.

John fell at God’s feetmeans that he worshipped with a broken heart(confessing every weakness, faults, inability, and confessing that we are only a clay), we worship until our flesh speaks no more, we are touched by God’s right hand.
If we are able to fall at God’s feet as what John did until our flesh speaks no more, God will touch us with His right hand.
John received three things(the usage of worshipping God with a broken heart):

  1. Do not be afraid!means there is no more fear (it has been explained since General Service, May 19,2014).
  2. I am the First and the Last’ means receiving God’s initial love until the peak of love(it has been explained since Bible Study Service in Surabaya, May 19, 2014).

  3. [verse 18] ‘I was dead, I am He who lives’ means receiving the power over the death (it has been explained since General Service in Surabaya, May 25, 2014).
 If we are touched by God’s right hand, we will have the winning power from Jesus.

“I was dead, I am He who lives.”
Jesus was dead and alive for these things.

  1. Defeating death/being victorious over death, that Jesus holds the key of Hades, it means closing the door of Hadesso that we do not perish forever. We win over the death with Jesus.

  2. Matthew 16:18-19

    16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 

    16:19 And
    I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Jesus will give the keys of the kingdom of heaven to those who have won over death with Him.

What is the key of the kingdom of Heaven?
We have learnt that the key of the kingdom of Heaven is CROSS(Acts 14:22) (it has been explained since Prayer Service, May 26, 2014). This evening, we move forward one step.

2 Peter 1:10-11
1:10 Therefore, brethren, be even more diligentto make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble; 

1:11 for so an entrance will be supplied to you
abundantlyinto the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
abundantly’ refers to the key of the kingdom of Heaven.

The key of the kingdom of Heaven is GOD’S CALLING AND ELECTIONto make us the priests and kings who have the position in the ministry(it has been explained since Bible Study in Surabaya, June 16th2014).

be even more diligent’ means as a priest (a servant of God), we have to be diligentto do these things.

  • Serving God with faithfulnessand righteousness, according to the position of the ministry which God has entrust us until the finish line, which is until we die or God’s second coming.

  • Serving God in the righteous ordination.

We minister God in faithfulness, and righteousness in the ordination until the fullness, so that we get the full right(the key of the kingdom of Heaven) to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and to live forever and ever.

Not every ministry is accepted by God. Cain and Abel served, but not both of their services were accepted. Therefore, we need the righteous ordination.

The requirements of serving God with the righteous ordination are as follows.

  1. Exodus 29:1
    29:1“And this is what you shall do to them to hallow them for ministeringto Me as priests:Take one young bull and two ramswithout blemish,

    The first requirement to serve God in the righteous ordination is bringing the animal offerings.
For us now, the sacrifices have already been fulfilled by Christ’s sacrifice.
There are 3 kinds of animal offerings as follows.

    • One young bull, which refers to the sin offering or reconciliation, which means that every servant has to be at peace with God and others before serving.

      1. Confessing our sins to God and others. If we are forgiven, don’t do the sins anymore. 
Before serving God, we have to be at peace. Sins are burdens. If we keep our sins while serving, it is like serving while bearing a sack of sugar and our ministry will be worth nothing.

      2. Forgiving those who sins against us and forgetting the sins.

      If we are done with the sins, our heart will be in peaceand we can live in righteousness. If our life is not in righteousness, God can’t use us.

      "Pastor In Juwono said, it is even more for us who preach. ‘If we preach without a peaceful heart (in anger or envy), what shall we preach? The same thing goes to the singer, if we are not in peace, what shall we sing?’"

    • The first ram, which refers to the sacrifice of full surrender.
If our sins are done, it is not hard to surrender ourselves to God. 
If we don’t confess our sins, it will be hard to surrender. 

A sacrifice of full surrender means obedience.
Jesus was obedient until He died on the cross.
If we are not obedient, we will disturb the ministry. The smarter we are, if we are not obedient, we will distract the ministry even more. 
Although we are not smart, if we are obedient, we support the ministry.

    • The second ram, which refers to the ordination sacrifice, and God will use us. 
First thing first, we have to get done with our sins, be obedient, and God will use us.

    Remember!If we are used, we should not be arrogant, because the trust can be given to someone else. 
In serving God, we should not be cheap(in the sense of serving while keeping on sinning or carelessly, and so on), but we have to keep the ordination.

  2. Exodus 29:2
    29:2 and unleavened bread, unleavened cakesmixed with oil, and unleavened wafersanointed with oil (you shall make them of wheat flour).

    The second requirement to serve God in the righteous ordination is bringing the food/bread sacrifices(the righteous Word). This is the core.
    There are 3 kinds of bread, as follows.

    • Unleavened bread.

      ‘bread’refers to the Word of God. 

      ‘unleavened’refers to being unmixed, pure, righteous. 
The unleavened bread means the true/righteous Word of God, the Word which is written in the Bible, revealed by God, whose secrets are opened by a verse describing other verses, and not adding and reducing the Word. 
If we add or reduce the Word, the condition will be like Eve, and we will lose the Paradise. 

The teaching of Tabernacle and the Bride Tidings is revealed to Pastor F.G. van Gessel. This revelation is not wrong. This is our firmness.

      Pastor In Juwono always said ‘The revelation has never been wrong’”

      The righteous ordination has to follow the righteous/pure Word.
      The Word is the head. Jesus is the head. If there are blood clots on the brain, the ministry would be disturbed.
      It meansthat if there is another teaching, the movement will certainly be different, because the Word (the head) gives the commands.
If the leader/head/Word is not true, the worship and the mouth will not be true.

    • Unleavened cakes.
      The cake is round, which refers to the eternal love (it has no ends).
The unleavened cakes mean the true Word which has been practiced in our lives, that it turns into love(we love God more than anything and we love others as ourselves) and we will earn the eternal life.
The things we don’t want others do to us, don’t do it to others.
For example: if we don’t want to be gossiped, don’t gossip about others.
If the Word is true, we have to practice it.

    • Unleavened waferswhich refers to the true Word which has been a character in our lives.
If we practice the Word, it will be united in our lives (it becomes the character), the first one is humility (wafer is thin).

      Humilityrefers to these things.

      1. The ability to confess sins (and not judging others). If we are forgiven, we should not commit those sins anymore.
      2. The ability to consider others being more important than ourselves.

      The more we confess our sins,we will be thinner and thinner (we have no thickness).
      Being thin also means that we check ourselves(we are not talking much about other people), although other people may talk about us, blame us, or other things.

      A testimony:

      In the past, when I heard something bad about me, I would come to the man who had said it. In fact, Pastor Pong had already warned me. Once, I was called because there was someone talking about me when I still ministered in Jalan Johor. He said ‘I heard these things about you. Are you?’I said ‘No, I didn’t do that.’He asked for more ‘Are you sure?’and I answered ‘Sure.”Pastor Pong said ‘If you didn’t do that, be in silence. If you did that, confess it.’But I forgot it and I came to the person who talked about me, and it made some fuss. Keep on being in silence and humble ourselves these days, so that we will not tripped and fall.”

      People who do so will never fall or get tripped, and they will serve God to the finish line.

  3. Exodus 29:4-5, 7
    29:4 “And Aaron and his sons you shall bring to the door of the tabernacle of meeting, and you shall wash them with water.

    29:5 Then you shall
    take the garments, put the tunicon Aaron, and the robe of the ephod, the ephod,and the breastplate, and gird him with the intricately woven band of the ephod.
29:7 And you shall take the anointing oil, pour it on his head, and anoint him.

    The third requirement to serve God in the righteous ordination is having the oil of the anointment of the Holy Spirit.

    The process to have the anointment of the Holy Spiritis as follows.

    • wash with waterrefers to the water baptism.
We have to enter the true baptism.

      1 Peter 3:20-21
      3:20 who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.

      3:21 There is also an antitype which now saves us—
      baptism(not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

      Through the water baptism, we earn a good conscience, which is an obedient heart. On the age of Noah, human’s hearts tended to be evil and unclean. The good conscience is the foundation to let the Holy Spirit come upon us. 
This is why we have to be baptized before we minister.

    • take the garments’which refers to the mark of a God’s servantas follows.

      1. The colorful ephod(the outermost clothing).
It refers to the cross (the experience of death), which refers to repentanceor being dead to sin. 
The ephod has 4 main colors (red, white, violet, and blue). If these colors are mixed, they refer to the 4 points on the cross.

      2. The robe of the ephod, which is in blue (the second clothing).
It refers to the experience of risingor the living for righteousness.

      3. The tunic(the third clothing).
It refers to the living in holiness/glory and a turban(holy mind) until we are as perfect as Jesus.

      To minister, we have to have the mark of death, rise, and glory. We have to live in holiness, and the anointing of the Holy Spirit will come.

    • take the anointing oilrefers to receiving the anointing of the Holy Spiriton the head.

      We absolutely need the anointing oil. Without the anointing, we will be dry. 

The anointing oil was made of the olive oil, added with incense. For us now, only the term is anointing oil. Since the Holy Spirit has been poured out at the upper room in Jerusalem, the oil is not used anymore, but it is directly from God. Jesus died, rose and ascended to Heaven to baptize us with the Holy Spirit. 

      The holier we are, the more the Holy Spirit is anointed upon us(not by buying anointing oil).

The Word is the determinant, whether our ministry is righteous until we get the key of the kingdom of Heaven or not.
The usages of the anointing of the Holy Spirit are as follow.

  • Psalms 133:1-3
    133:1 Behold, how good and how pleasant it isForbrethren to dwell together in unity!
133:2 It is like the precious oilupon the head,Running down on the beard,The beard of Aaron,Running down on the edge of his garments.
133:3 It is like the dew of Hermon,Descending upon the mountains of Zion;For there the Lord commanded the blessing—Life forevermore.

    The first usage is to make us dwell together in unity.
    We are in unity in Christ, we have one heart, one mouth.

    Romans 15:5-6

    15:5 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus,

    15:6 that you may with
    one mind and one mouthglorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    One heartrefers to one righteous teaching.
If we are one in heart, we will be one in mouth.
    One mouthrefers to one worship (we become the house of prayer).

Starting from our families, let everyone receive the anointing, and we are able to be united in one heart and one mouth, we will be the house of prayer. 
When we can do nothing, we only look upwards and God will help us. 
If we have become the house of prayer, everything will be beautiful in His time (‘how good and how pleasant it is’) and God will command the blessing to us (‘the Lord commanded the blessing’) until the blessing of eternal life.
If God commands, no one can say no.

  • Colossians 3:1-2
    3:1 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 

    3:2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

    The second usage is if we have the anointing on our head, we can think and seek the things above more than any carnal thing,which means we can put services and ministry more than anything.

If we prioritize services and ministry more than anything on the earth, we will not live in inadequacy, but we will live from the cross of the Christ (our lives are surplus), we live in abundance, we can give thanks to God (we live from God’s mercy). 
Wherever, whenever, and in any condition we are, we live from God’s mercy until the eternal life. 
Daniel was able to live in the lion’s den. That is a life in God’s mercy. If Daniel had depended on his degrees, money, or anything else, he would have certainly died.

  • 1 Peter 5:4-5
5:4 and when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glorythat does not fade away. Submit to God, Resist the Devil

    5:5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you
    be submissiveto one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud,But gives grace to the humble.”

    The third usage is the anointing on the head becomes the crown of glory(the crown of the bride), which cannot get dry. 

    It meansthat the anointing of the Holy Spirit changes our lives from the flesh carnal human to a spiritual one like Jesus. We are able to be obedient until the flesh speaks no more (be submissivemeans being obedient).

    For the youth, pay attention! Although you have degrees or anything else, those cannot guarantee that you will have the crown of glory, and it is not certain that you will be raised. However, if you are obedient to your parents, you have the crown of glory. 
The same thing applies to us. Wealth, intelligence, and everything, all of them will perish someday. If we are obedient to God, we earn the crown, and we will also be glorified on the earth. 

If we are able to be obedient, it is the greatest miracle (the life changing miracle). 
If we are obedient, the physical miracle will also happen, the impossible will become possible, every problem is solved by God. 
When Jesus comes for the second time, we will have the final miracle, we will be changed to be as glorious as Him, wearing the glorious crown/the crown of the bride to be raised, together with Him forever and ever.

This evening, we need a lot of things, but let us bring our lives to serve God. Let us have the sacrifice of Christ, the true Word, and the anointingso we are able to be in peace, everything is good, we become the house of prayer, we are faithful and earnest. We live from the cross or the mercy of God until the eternal life, and miracles will happen.

God blesses us.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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