Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
To coincide with Fasting Prayer Service

Peace and grace in the love of Jesus Christ. Good evening, let us listen to the Word of God. May the peace and grace from God be within us.

This evening, we are in a worship prayer which coincides with a fasting prayer.
We learn from Moses who went to the Mount of Sinai to fast for 40 days and 40 nights (not eating and drinking) to receive 2 things as follows.

  1. A command to build the tabernacle.
    Tabernacle is the kingdom of Heaven on earth (Exodus 25).
    The equipment in the tabernacle have been destroyed, but we are learning the spiritual meaning that refers to Tabernacle Teachings.

  2. 2 tablets of stonewhich consist of the 10 God's commandments (about love).
    Now they refer to the teaching of the bridegroom(love is the marriage).

Moses (we) fasted to understand, believe, and practice the bride tidings in the light of tabernacle.
We fastto let the Word manifest in us and we will not be driven and tossed by other teaching.

The bride tidings in the light of tabernacle which we have now is the teaching that was revealed by God to Pastor F. G. Van Gessel according to what Moses saw on the Mount Sinai.
The proof is everything is according to the verses in the bible, not even a thing deviates or is wrong.
Nowadays, there are a lot of teachings that RESEMBLEthe tabernacle, but they are DIFFERENT. Let us be earnest and not be driven and tossed.
Tabernacle is the kingdom of Heaven. If the tabernacle is wrong, how can we enter the kingdom of Heaven? We have to stand firmlyand do not compromise any difference. If there is a little difference, it is not the heaven.

A testimony:
"Once, someone asked me, 'there is only a little difference, Sir, it is not a big deal'. Then I asked, "Do you bring a car? Let me scour the key a little'. He immediately answered 'Don't do it, it won't fit to my car'. I replied him 'The same thing applies to the key to the kingdom of Heaven. It cannot be altered even for a little change. It won't be able to open the door of Heaven. He finally understood."

This is the importance of fasting, that is to make us more assured and we can practice the Word, and It is ingrained in our lives. Our lackin the teaching of the tabernacle is the lack of fast. If Moses had not fasted, he wouldn't have been accepted those things.
The consequenceis that we are often driven up and down.

The number 40refers to the number of the tearing/crucifixion of the flesh.
To be able to understand, believe, practice, and to experience the work of the Groom in the light of tabernacle, we have to experience the tearing of fleshor the crucifixion of flesh, with all of its lusts.
The key is the cross.

The teaching and the cross are a unity, they cannot be separated. Many people reject the teaching because they reject the cross and only want to do nice things.
If someone rejects the flesh sufferings, he will also reject the bride tidings.

Forty days and forty nights without eating and drinking.
Not eating and drinkingmeans as follows.

  • We are not affected by our daily needs or physical things, but we depend only to God, only on spiritual things.
    If we accept the bride tidings to receive physical things, we actually have deviated, we don't understand, but even betray it.

  • A very weak condition, we can't use physical thought and abilities, but we rely on our faith and surrender to God. If we rely on our intelligence, we won't understand the Word.
    The time when we can't rely on our thoughts and abilities is the one when the faith works.
    Moses had studied for 40 years in the land of Egypt, but he fasted for 40 days and 40 nights, he was so weak, he had no thoughts and abilities. That is the moment when faith and the surrender are strong. To receive the teaching of the tabernacle, the foundation is not intelligence or anything from the earth, but faith and total surrender to God.

Tabernacle consists of 3 roomsas follows.

  1. The court.
    It refers to the truthor salvation.
    There was only desert outside the tabernacle.
    It meansthat outside the Heaven, there is only a dark world, outside God's presence.
    Outside the tabernacle is dark and sinful.

    The desertis an area for those who are lost, unrighteous, those who are not saved and who live in sins until the peak of sins (the sins concerning eating-drinking and the sins of marrying and giving in marriage).

    The process of being saved from sins to get the righteousness is as follows.

    • Romans 10:17
      10:17 So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

      The first process is entering the gate of the tabernacle, which refers to the faithor believing to Jesus as the only Savior, through the Word in the anointment of the Holy Spirit.
      If the Word is preached in the anointment of the Holy Spirit, and we also listen the Word in the same anointment, the Word can become faith within us.
      If the Word is preached and listened without the anointment of the Holy Spirit, it will only be a knowledge.

    • The altar of burnt offerings, which refers to repentance.
      After the heart believes, we can confess our sins to God and others. If we are forgiven, don't do it again.
      Repenting means stopping sinning and returning to God, being dead from sins (the sins are burnt).

    • The brazen laver, which refers to the water baptism.
      The true water baptism is a burial in the water of someone who has been dead from sins (who has repented) with Jesus (in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, that is Lord Jesus Christ), and we are risen from the water with Jesus with a new life, a heavenly one.

      Romans 6:4
      6:4 Therefore we were buriedwith Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raisedfrom the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

    • The door of tabernacle, which refers to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
      We are reborn by the Holy Spirit and we get a new life, a life in righteousness. We hold firmly to the true teaching and we become the equipment of righteousness. An equipment of righteousnessmeans God's servants who serve God in faithfulness and righteousness(being responsible). Those who are originally unrighteous will little by little be changed and increased in righteousness, holiness, until the perfection.
      If we are not righteous, the congregation who come in unrighteousness will get worse when they go home.

      This is our responsibility as a God's servant. We can't serve carelessly.
      Proverbs 10:2-3
      10:2 Treasures of wickedness profit nothing, But righteousness delivers from death.
      The Lord will not allow the righteous soul to famish,But He casts away the desire of the wicked.

      If we have lived in righteousness, held firmly to the true teaching, and become the equipment of righteousness, the resultsare as follows.

      1. Verse 2 tells us that the truth is able to saveus from death and we can get eternal life.
      2. Verse 3 tells us that the truth is able to nurtureus to abundance, that is until we are able to give thanks to God.
        Abundance doesn't mean millions of money. When we need money, we get some and we give thanks to God. That is the abundance.

  2. The Holy Place.
    It refers to the holiness. Now it also refers to the shepherding.
    This is what makes the teaching amazing. We are led to be a righteous person from the darkness. Further, we are led to get into the shepherding.

    Proverbs 12:26
    12:26 The righteous should choose his friends carefully, For the way of the wicked leads them astray.

    God leads the righteous personsto enter the true shepherding.
    An unrighteous person will not enter the shepherding.
    Beware, there are a lot of unrighteous shepherdings, because there are foolish shepherds and the sheep seller shepherds.
    A testimony:
    "I remember a man. He entered a certain church which had different teaching and baptism. Suddenly, about 3 months before he died, strangely the portal to that church was closed. He thought, it would be better to go to other church instead of not going to any church, and he finally entered our church. Then his pastor called him 'why do you never show up in the church?' He answered that the portal was always closed. His pastor replied 'oh I will open it then'. After the portal was opened, not long after that, it was closed again, and finally he entered our church. His pastor even gave him the spare key for the portal but it didn't work.
    Long story short, he entered our church and he believed and decided to enter the true baptism, and not long after that he died. I have just realized that he was a righteous person. That's why God led Him to the true baptism and shepherding before he died.

    A person in the shepherding is like a branch attached to the good vine, which means being in the true shepherding with a true teaching.
    Being in the shepherding means having a connection like a branch to the vine, which is described as follows.

    • A relationship of faithfulness or perseverance. A branch should not be detached from the vine even for a little.
      In the Holy Place, there are 3 equipment, which refer to the perseverance in doing three kinds of main service as follows.

      1. The Golden Candlestick which refers to the General Service, a fellowship with God, the Holy Spirit, with the gifts.
      2. The Table of Showbread which refers to the Bible Study and Holy Communion Service, a fellowship with God, the Son with the Word and Christ's sacrifice.

      3. The Golden Altar of Incense which refers to the Prayer Service, a fellowship with God, the Father in His love.

      Those who are saved but don't enter the shepherding, they can be out again.
      In the shepherding, our body, soul, and spirit have a fellowship with God Trinity and Satan can't touch us, we start to feel peace and relief, although our problems are not solved yet, because we are in the shepherding, the wind can't get in, and God covers everything.

    • A relationship of holiness.
      John 15:3
      15:3 You are already cleanbecause of the word which I have spoken to you.

      We are sanctified by the Word which comes from Jesus' mouth, or a Word of which secrets are revealed by a verse explaining other verses, which is the true teaching.

      John 13:10-11
      13:10 Jesus said to him, "He who is bathed needs only to wash his feet, but is completely clean; and you are clean, but not all of you."
      11 For He knew who would betray Him; therefore He said, "You are not all clean."

      We are sanctified, especially from the sins of Judasas follows.

      1. Theft (a will of money, stealing God's belonging).
      2. Betrayal.
      3. Pretending (Judas was a hypocrite as he kissed Jesus in the Gethsemane).
      4. Liar (at the last supper, Judas said 'is it I?'),
      5. Accuser. If we lie, we will accuse.
        Judas said 'is it I?' means that he accused the other 11 disciples, including God, although actually he was the guilty one.

      Judas was shepherded by Jesus, the perfect shepherd. Judas was not willing to be sanctified, unfaithful, going here and there, he met the priests from different teachings, and finally he became a detached branch, he was unholy (he kept his sins, his feet and heart were dirty) and he failed.

      Although we are a small branch (we have no power), but if we are in the true and good shepherding, there will be a connection between the branch and the vine (a connection of holiness and perseverance), sooner or later it will give sweet fruits(beautiful, successful, and happy life, our lives are beautifully arranged). We only have to wait for His time.
      The grapes are on the branches, not on the vine.

      If it seems impossible, THE SHEPHERDING IS A RIGHT PLACE TO ERASE IMPOSSIBILITIES. Jesus was born in a barn (which refers to a shepherding). It is an impossibility that God was born into a human. For us now, an evil and unclean human can be reborn to be a perfect being like God.

      This is why Paul was very certain, don't go out of the ship (don't go out of the shepherding!).

  3. The Most Holy Place.
    It refers to the perfection.
    The teaching will lead us. Don't be doubtful! IF the teaching is wrong, no one is saved. If this teaching is wrong, Pastor van Gessel, Pastor Juwono, and Pastor Pong, all of them are imperfect. That's why I believe that this teaching is not wrong, because God used all of them.

    In the Most Holy Place, there were blood sprinkles.
    The practiceis we are having the sprinklings of blood, which means we have a suffering in the flesh without sinbecause of Jesus.

    1 Peter 2:19
    2:19 For this is commendable, if because of conscience toward God one endures grief, suffering wrongfully.

    If we receive God's grace, the resultsare as follows.

    • Acts 18:27
      18:27 And when he desired to cross to Achaia, the brethren wrote, exhorting the disciples to receive him; and when he arrived, he greatly helped those who had believed through grace;

      The first result is God's grace changes us from a useless person to be a great help, God will use us in the ministry of the building of the perfect body of Christ and we will be a blessing for others.

    • 2 Samuel 15:25-26
      15:25 Then the king said to Zadok, "Carry the ark of God back into the city. If I find favor in the eyes of the Lord, He will bring me back and show me both it and His dwelling place.
      26 But if He says thus: 'I have no delight in you,' here I am, let Him do to me as seems good to Him."

      The second result is God's grace is able to make everything good and beautiful on His time. Although for us it is not good like when David left his kingdom and lived in forests, if God says that it is good, then it is good.

      If we are mocked or treated as an enemy because of the true teaching, we have to be patientand wait for God's time because one day we will be exalted because of the true teaching.

    • Revelation 22:20-21
      22:20 He who testifies to these things says, "Surely I am coming quickly." Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
      21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.

      The bible is closed by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.
      The third result is the grace will prepare us to welcome Jesus' second coming in the clouds. The grace is able to change usfrom a carnal human to a spiritual one like Jesus (this is the greatest spiritual miracle).
      A life change is started with the obedience.
      The bible is opened by a grace and Noah received the grace. The bible is also closed with a grace to welcome God's second coming. It was through ark that Noah was saved, and for us now, we can be perfect.

      If we are obedient, the grace is able to create physical miracles, from nothing to something, we can have happiness, and the grace changes the impossible to be possible.
      When the time of God to come for the second time, we will be changed as glorious as Him and we will be raised to the clouds and be together with Him forever and ever.

This is the teaching of the tabernacle and the bride tidings. Through the fast, let us understand and be assured more, and practice the Word until it is ingrained within us.

  1. We are brought into truth and salvation.
    The resultis we are saved and blessed.

  2. We are brought into the true shepherding.
    The resultis everything becomes sweet and beautiful.

  3. We are brought into perfection. There are indeed blood and sufferings, but there is also God's grace.
    The resultis we become a great help, God will use us and everything starts to become good and beautiful in His time, and miracles start to happen. We experience the change of life from being obedient, and the physical miracles also happen until we are perfect like Him.

God blesses us.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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