Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Matthew 27:51-56 is about the miracles that happen when Jesus dies.
Experiencing the death together with Jesus, we get His miracles. Do not take your own way at the time you experience the death but wait for the time of God.

Matthew 27:51

27:51 Then, behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth quaked, and the rocks were split,

The miracles that happen when Jesus dies are as follows.
  1. The veil of the temple is torn in two from top to bottom.
  2. There is earthquake and the rocks are split, referring to a revival.

ad. 2. The death of Jesus results in spiritual revival.
  1. The revival of building the body of Christ.
  2. The revival of worship.

Revelation 8:1-5

8:1. When He opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour.
8:2 And I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.
8:3 Then another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.
8:4 And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel’s hand.
8:5 Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it to the earth. And there were noises, thunderings, lightnings, and an earthquake.

There are two contradictory things on the last days as follows.
  1. The servants or sons of God whose spirituality increases until they like to worship God experience the tearing of flesh to fully surrender to God. As a result, the quietness and peace will increase although they are in the middle of many shakings in the world.

  2. The servants or sons of God who live in worldly matters will sacrifice spiritual matters because of being bound by worldly ones and they will experience the shakings together with the world that increase up to destruction and perdition.

The revival of worship prayer means the revival to place Jesus as the Head, so there is silence, peace, and quietness or Sabbath.

There are three kinds of Sabbath as follows.
  1. Little Sabbath = the infilling or anointing of Holy Spirit.
    Matthew 11:28-30
    11:28 "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
    11:29 "Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.
    11:30 "For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."

    Sin makes us weary and heavy laden even suffer and perish in hell. We must learn to Jesus on the cross in order to feel the Sabbath. We learn to be gentle and lowly in heart.
    Being lowly in heart means we can confess sin to God and other people. Then we are forgiven and do not repeat the sin.
    Being gentle means we can forgive the sin of other people and forget it.

    If we can confess and forgive one another, the blood of Jesus will sanctify us from all sins and we are justified to be able to live in righteousness. As a result, we feel peace or Sabbath and all things become easy and light.

    Isaiah 32:17

    32:17 The work of righteousness will be peace, And the effect of righteousness, quietness and assurance forever.

  2. Great Sabbath = kingdom of peace a thousand years or the Future Paradise.
    Revelation 20:6
    20:6 Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.

    The inhabitants of the Future Paradise are priests and kings.
    If we want to get the great Sabbath or enter the Future Paradise, we have to become priests and kings.
    The priest means a holy one who bears the ministry or has the tunic of many colors.
    The characteristic of a priest is obedience until the flesh does not speak anymore.

    Adam and Eve do not obey God until they are driven out of the paradise. It means being in curse, failure, nakedness, sorrows, and bitterness of heart. Moreover, the door of paradise is closed.
    One who is disobedient will make the doors in the world closed and the door of heaven will too.
    We must be obedient until the flesh does not speak anymore in order to enter the Future paradise.

    1 Peter 1:22

    1:22 Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently with a pure heart,

    The result is as follows.

    • We can live in holiness and love one another fervently with a pure heart.
    • We are employed by God in the building of Christ’s body until the end line, namely we die or Jesus comes a second time.
      If God lets us die in the world, we will be resurrected in glorious body when Jesus comes a second time to keep on being priests and kings.

    If we become obedient priests, we will live in the ambience of paradise. All things are preserved, beautiful, and joyful.

  3. Eternal Sabbath = New Jerusalem or heavenly kingdom.
    The requirement is life renewal from carnal men to spiritual men as Jesus is.

    Revelation 21:1

    21:1.Now I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away. Also there was no more sea.

    The renewal in New Jerusalem is signified by there is no old thing anymore, namely there is no more sea. Meaning as follows.

    • There is no doubt anymore.
      James 1:6-8
      1:6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.
      1:7 For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord;
      1:8 he is a double–minded man, unstable in all his ways.

      Being doubtful or double-minded about the teaching or God’s power, one will never be quiet and the problem will never end, even such person will sink.

      It must be renewed until we are strong and of good courage, meaning holding fast to the true teaching Word and obeying it without any doubt. The doubt happens because of false teachings. Moreover, we do not become disappointed or desperate facing problems or temptations but we keep on believing and hoping in God.

    • There is no wicked and unclean spirit or Babylon.
      Revelation 17:1, 15

      17:1. Then one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and talked with me, saying to me, "Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters,
      17:15 Then he said to me, "The waters which you saw, where the harlot sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues.

      The Babylon refers to wicked and unclean spirit.
      Wicked spirit means the love of money causing stinginess (one cannot give) and greediness (one seizes the possession of other people and God).
      Unclean spirit means sins concerning eating-drinking and marrying-being given in marriage.

      It must be renewed, so we are conquered by the Spirit of God to live in quietness and holiness.

    Matthew 14:24-25, 29-33
    14:24 But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, tossed by the waves, for the wind was contrary.
    14:25 Now in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea.
    14:29 So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
    14:30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"
    14:31 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
    14:32 And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.
    14:33 Then those who were in the boat came and worshiped Him, saying, "Truly You are the Son of God."

    The sea of doubt and uncleanness or Babylon will hit the servants or sons of God until they almost sink because doubtful person will be weary, heavy laden, afraid, distressed, and in physical and spiritual decrease up to perdition.

    The solution is we must lift up our two hands to God with holiness and being strong and of good courage as well as our mouth’s crying the name of Jesus. Then God will stretch His merciful hand to perform miracles. The result is as follows.

    • All matters are made calm and all problems are solved by God, even the impossible one. We can live in peace and quietness.
    • The hand of God guides us to reach New Jerusalem or eternal heavenly kingdom.
      Psalm 107:28-30
      107:28 Then they cry out to the LORD in their trouble, And He brings them out of their distresses.
      107:29 He calms the storm, So that its waves are still.
      107:30 Then they are glad because they are quiet; So He guides them to their desired haven.

God blesses you.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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