Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation 4:3

4:3 And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance; and there wasa rainbow around the throne, in appearance like an emerald.

The persona and throne of God radiate the light of glory or the shekinah glory through the precious stone. There are four kinds of precious stone as follows:

  1. Jasper. It refers to the faith.
  2. Sardius. The color is red. It refers to repentance.
  3. Crystal. It is the sea of glass. It refers to the water baptism (Revelation 4:6).

    Revelation 4:6a
    Before the throne there wasa sea of glass, like crystal.

  4. Emerald. It is the rainbow. It refers to the fullness of Holy Spirit.

The crystal (the water baptism) and emerald (the Holy Spirit baptism) means the light of hope.

John 3:5

3:5 Jesus answered, "Most assuredly, I say to you, unlessone is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enterthe kingdom of God.

If we are not born from water and Spirit, we do not have hope, we are born to perish. For that reason, we must enter the water and Holy Spirit baptism. We are born of water and Spirit. We have a new hope to enter the kingdom of heaven.

John 3:6-8
3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
Do not marvel that I said to you, 'You must be born again.'
The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."

The result of being born of water and Spirit is as follows:

  1. We become the wind.
    Psalm 104:4

    104:4 Who makes His angels spirits,His ministers a flame of fire.

    The wind is the servant of God who is anointed by Holy Spirit so we can be employed anywhere according God's will. We will bring peace and fragrance of Christ.

  2. We become a fiery flame. [Psalm 104:4].
    Daniel 7:9

    7:9 "I watched till thrones were put in place,and the Ancient of Days was seated;His garment waswhite as snow,and the hair of His head waslike pure wool.His throne wasa fiery flame,its wheels a burning fire;

    The fiery flame is the servant of God that is employed by Him according to His will to bring the ambience of the throne of heaven.

The process and practice is we must enter the purification of refiner's fire and launderers' soap.

Malachi 3:1-4
"Behold, I send My messenger,and he will prepare the way before Me.And the Lord, whom you seek,will suddenly come to His temple,even the Messenger of the covenant,in whom you delight.Behold, He is coming,"says the Lordof hosts.
"But who can endure the day of His coming?And who can stand when He appears?For He islikea refiner's fireand like launderers' soap.
He will sit as a refiner and a purifier of silver;He will purify the sons of Levi,and purge them as gold and silver,that they may offer to the Lordan offering in righteousness.
"Then the offering of Judah and Jerusalemwill be pleasant to the Lord,as in the days of old,as in former years.

The purification of launderers' soap is the one of the teaching Word that is repeated to cleanse the spots on ministry clothe namely evilness and uncleanness.

Matthew 24:48-51
24:48 But if that evil servant says in his heart, 'My master is delaying his coming,'
and begins to beat hisfellow servants, and to eat and drink with the drunkards,
the master of that servant will come on a day when he is not looking for himand at an hour that he is not aware of,
and will cut him in two and appoint himhis portion with the hypocrites. There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

The spot of evilnessis the will of money. It makes one stingy (cannot give to others) and greedy (taking other's and God's). It is also hitting other servant of God with envy, hatred without reason, gossip, et cetera. It is also laziness and unfaithfulness.

The spot of uncleannessis the sin of eating-drinking (smoking, getting drunk, drugs abuse) and marrying-being given in marriage (sexual sin and its kinds, the wrong marriage).

The purification of refiner's fire is the Word that is repeated with the cross or suffering flesh with Jesus to purify the rust in our heart.

If we experience the purification of launderers' soap and refiner's fire, we will become the servant of God as the flame of fire. It is like silver and gold.

Proverbs 10:20
10:20 The tongue of the righteous ischoice silver;the heart of the wicked is worthlittle.

The silveris redemption by the blood of Jesus so we say and do all things in righteousness and goodness. We live in righteousness.
The goldis the divine nature. It starts from honesty, sincerity, and no hypocrisy.

We can bring the ambience of heaven and the glorious throne. We see and worship God.
The results are as follows:

  1. The spiritual miracle or the life renewal from carnal man to spiritual one.
    Matthew 17:2
    17:2 and He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.

    It starts from the face is changed. It refers to the heart is changed to become obedient until the flesh does not sound anymore.

  2. The physical miracle happens. There is the power of God's help in our life.
    Matthew 17:15
    17:15 "Lord, have mercy on my son, for he is an epileptic and suffers severely; for he often falls into the fire and often into the water.

    There is a power of healing from any diseases. There is a power of recovery from the ruined marriage and children. The marriage and children can live in righteousness, unity, and joy, until the marriage supper of the Lamb of God.

    Exodus 14:16-18, 21
    14:16 But lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it. And the children of Israel shall go on dry groundthrough the midst of the sea.
    And I indeed will harden the hearts of the Egyptians, and they shall follow them. So I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, his chariots, and his horsemen.
    Then the Egyptians shall know that I amthe Lord, when I have gained honor for Myself over Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen."
    Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the Lordcaused the sea to go backby a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea into dry land,and the waters were divided.

    There is a power to erase the impossibilities. All problems can be solved in time. God is able to care our life miraculously.

  3. The last miracle is when Jesus comes a second time; we are changed to become perfect to greet His second coming on glorious clouds.
    2 Thessalonians 1:6-7
    1:6 since it isa righteous thing with God to repay with tribulation those who trouble you,
    and to giveyou who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels,

    Only the servant of God that is like the wind and a flame of fire can greet Jesus' second coming.

    2 Kings 2:11
    2:11 Then it happened, as they continued on and talked, that suddenly a chariot of fire appearedwith horses of fire, and separated the two of them; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven.

    Until we sit together with Jesus on the throne of heaven.

God blesses us.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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