Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

There are two kinds of activity on the throne of heaven in Revelation 4:8-11 as follows:

  1. The activity of purification.
    Revelation 4:8
    4:8 Thefour living creatures, each having six wings, were full of eyes around and within. And they do not rest day or night, saying: "Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, Who was and is and is to come!"

    We must experience the purification of body, soul, and spirit or our whole life.

    Every activity in church of God must lead to the activity of purification.
    There are four activities in the church which are showed by the four living creatures as follows:

    • The activity of prosperityor giving and visiting. It is showed by the first living creature like a lion under the banner of the tribe of Judah [Numbers 10:14].
    • The activity of general service. It is showed by the second living creature like a calf under the banner of the tribe of Reuben [Numbers 10:18].
    • The activity of administrationor correspondence. It is showed by the third living creature like a man under the banner of the tribe of Ephraim [Numbers 10:22].
    • The activity of priesthood or ministry. It is showed by the fourth living creature like a flying eagle under the banner of the tribe of Dan [Numbers 10:25].

  2. The activity of worshiping.
    Revelation 4:10
    4:10 the twenty-four elders fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying:

    The peak of the activity of purification is ripping the flesh with its lust until it does not sound anymore. It means that the Veil is ripped until the Ark of Covenant is visible. The Ark of Covenant refers to the perfect Bride of Heaven.

Song of Solomon 2:4
2:4 He brought me to the banqueting house,and his banner over me waslove.

The bannersrefer to the love of God.
The banqueting houserefers to the marriage supper of the Lamb.
The activity of the throne of heaven is same as the activity under the banners. It is the activity of the love of God to bring the church of God to become perfect as the Bride of Heaven to enter the marriage supper of the Lamb, the Future Paradise or the One Thousand-Year Kingdom of Peace up to the throne or the New Jerusalem.

It is called the revival of Holy Spirit at the last rain or the building of the perfect body of Christ. In Old Testament, the revival of Holy Spirit at the last rain is described as the journey of Israel from Egypt to Canaan that is led by the four tribes that hold the banners such as Judah, Reuben, Ephraim, and Dan.

Numbers 10:25
10:25 Then the standard of the camp of the children of Dan (the rear guard of all the camps) set out according to their armies; over their army wasAhiezer the son of Ammishaddai.

The tribe of Dan represents Gentiles. The proof is as follows:

  1. The tribe of Dan is not of the twelve tribes of Israel. It is replaced by the tribe of Manasseh. Thus, Dan is counted as Gentiles.
    Revelation 7:4-8
    7:4 And I heard the number of those who were sealed. One hundred andforty-four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel weresealed:
    of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand weresealed;of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand weresealed;of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand weresealed;
    of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand weresealed;of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand weresealed;of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand weresealed;
    of the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand weresealed;of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand weresealed;of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand weresealed;
    of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand weresealed;of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand weresealed;of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand weresealed.

  2. Israel is descendant of Abraham, but Dan becomes the descendant of viper or the Gentiles.
    Genesis 49:17
    49:17 Dan shall be a serpent by the way,aviper by the path,that bites the horse's heelsso that its rider shall fall backward.

Thus, the Gentiles are wasted people and they are not worthy to enter the activity of the throne of heaven to hold the banners. But, the Gentiles receive the mercy and opportunity from Godas follows:

  1. In the building of Tabernacle or the ministry of the edifying of the body of Christ.
    Exodus 31:2-4, 6
    31:2 "See, I have called by name Bezalelthe son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.
    And I have filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom, in understanding, in knowledge, and in all manner ofworkmanship,
    to design artistic works, to work in gold, in silver, in bronze,
    "And I, indeed I, have appointed with him Aholiabthe son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan; and I have put wisdom in the hearts of all the gifted artisans, that they may make all that I have commanded you:

    Bezalel represents Israel as the designer.
    Aholiab represents the Gentiles as the worker.

    Exodus 31:11
    31:11 and the anointing oil and sweet incense for the holy place.According to all that I have commanded you they shall do."

    The skill of Gentiles is taking the example of Jesus. Jesus obeys God's will until He dies on the cross, so we also must obey the Word until the flesh does not sound anymore. Then God gives success to us. We are blessed by God. Obedience is the beginning of success.

    As long as we obey the Word, live in holiness, and walk in God's will, we will never fall but have eternal life.

  2. The mercy and opportunity to wait Jesus' second coming.
    Genesis 49:18
    49:18 I have waited for your salvation, O Lord!

    What we need is being strong and of good courage.

    Psalm 27:14
    27:14 Wait on the Lord;Be of good courage,and He shall strengthen your heart;Wait, I say, on the Lord!

    Isaiah 40:29-31
    40:29 He gives power to the weak,and to those who haveno might He increases strength.
    Even the youths shall faint and be weary,and the young men shall utterly fall,
    But those who wait on the Lordshall renew theirstrength;They shall mount up with wings like eagles,they shall run and not be weary,they shall walk and not faint.

    We do not stumble by the false teaching but hold fast to the true teaching that has been experience in our life. We hold fast the true teaching Word whatever the risk may come.

    We do not stumble by sin but we live in righteousness whatever the risk may come.
    We are not weary and heavy laden but we keep faithful and fervent in ministry. Our life becomes easy and light.
    We are not disappointed or desperate when we face the impossible things but we worship, trust, and entrust our life to God.

    1 Chronicles 28:20
    28:20 And David said to his son Solomon, "Be strong and of good courage, and do it;do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LordGod--my God--will bewith you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the Lord.

    The result is that God accompanies, cares, and struggles with us to finish all impossible problems.He makes everything beautiful in due time.

    The tribe of Dan is the rear guard of all the camps [Numbers 10:25]. It means the last opportunity. There is no more opportunity. Let us use the last opportunity to obey the Word, live in righteousness, and be strong and of good courage until we can greet Jesus' second coming.

God blesses us.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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