Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Matthew 26:59-68 is about WITNESS AND TESTIMONY.

There are two kinds of witness and testimony as follows:
  1. False witness.
  2. True witness.
Matthew 26:63-66
26:63 But Jesus kept silent. And the high priest answered and said to Him, "I put You under oath by the living God: Tell us if You are the Christ, the Son of God!"
26:64 Jesus said to him, "It is as you said. Nevertheless, I say to you, hereafter you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming on the clouds of heaven."
26:65 Then the high priest tore his clothes, saying, "He has spoken blasphemy! What further need do we have of witnesses? Look, now you have heard His blasphemy!
26:66 "What do you think?" They answered and said, "He is deserving of death."

Jesus is the example of the true witness; He bore witness that He was High Priest and King of all kings although He had to experience persecution and death. We also have to become true witness to bear witness that Jesus is High Priest and King of all kings whatever risk we have to face.

The practice of bearing witness that Jesus is High Priest and King of all kings is we become priests and kings whatever risk we have to face.
Priest and king are holy, whatever risk may come, to serve and minister God.
Thus, the requirement of ministering God is holiness.

What can sanctify us?
The Word sharper than any two-edged sword or the true teaching Word can.

Every priest must have the sword.
Proverbs 7:2-3
7:2 Keep my commands and live, And my law as the apple of your eye.
7:3 Bind them on your fingers; Write them on the tablet of your heart.

The true teaching Word is as the apple of eye.
Ministering without holiness or without the true teaching Word equals to ministering without the apple of eye. Such minister is blind as Bartimaeus.
Being blind means one cannot see the Lord and cannot worship Him. It means there is no full tearing of flesh.

The blind will enter the time of Antichrist’s reigning over the world.

Revelation 12:17
12:17 And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her offspring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Such life will enter the time of great persecution in the world until being beheaded. Such thing equals to the full tearing of flesh.
There are only few people can survive to worship God in that time. There are many people will fall from faith by worshiping antichrist, so they will perish when Jesus comes a second time.

In shorts, we have to minister God in holiness up to the peak that we can see God or worship Him.

The steps to worship God are as follows.
  1. Being humble, meaning we can receive the sharp teaching Word showing us our sins.
    Mark 10:47

    10:47 And when he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to cry out and say, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"
    We can realize and confess our sins, so we have the forgiveness done by Jesus’ blood.
    As a result, we can be united with God and worship Him. On the contrary, one will be separated far away from God and cannot worship Him (being dry spiritually) if he rejects the sword and does not confess his sins.

  2. Being strong and of good courage.
    Mark 10:48-50
    10:48 Then many warned him to be quiet; but he cried out all the more, "Son of David, have mercy on me!"
    10:49 So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be called. Then they called the blind man, saying to him, "Be of good cheer. Rise, He is calling you."
    10:50 And throwing aside his garment, he rose and came to Jesus.

    The true teaching Word we receive will give us extra strength, so we can be strong and of good courage. It means as follows.

    • We do not become desperate and disappointed although our prayer has not been answered by God or there are many hindrances and new problem comes. We keep patient.

    • We throw aside old garment, meaning we are firm to throw away our sins whatever risk we have to face.

  3. Being meek in heart, we can fully surrender, believe and entrust ourselves to Jesus.
    Mark 10:51-52

    10:51 So Jesus answered and said to him, "What do you want Me to do for you?" The blind man said to Him, "Rabboni, that I may receive my sight."
    10:52 Then Jesus said to him, "Go your way; your faith has made you well." And immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus on the road.

    Meek heart means the heart that has faith and longing to worship God.
    As a result, we receive the grace of God.

    Faith with grace of God will result in miracle as follows.

    • Spiritually, there is life renewal as follows.

      • We can worship God and live in holiness.
      • We can be shepherded well to go to New Jerusalem and we can be obedient.
        Do not hear any strange voice because it only makes our life journey to the sheepfold messy.

    • Physically, all things become good, successful, beautiful, and solved in time of need.

    Until Jesus comes a second time that we are as glorious as He is and we are lifted up on glorious clouds to see His face forever.
God blesses you.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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