Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation 12:3
12:3. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.

This is the clear appearance of Satan which is completed by the six activities as follows:

  1. [Revelation 12:4a] His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to earth (it is explained in Bible Study Service in Malang, November 24th, 2020).

  2. [Revelation 12:4b] His mouth devours her Child (it is explained in Sunday Service in Malang, December 6th, 2020).
  3. [Revelation 12:7] Fighting.
  4. [Revelation 12:13] To hunt or persecute quickly.
  5. [Revelation 12:15] To cause her to be carried away by the flood.
  6. [Revelation 12:17] To make war or persecute the rest of her offspring.

ad. 2. His mouth devours her Child.
Revelation 12:4b-6
12:4b.And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Childas soon as it was born.
12:5. She bore a male Child who was
to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her Child was caught up to God and His throne.
Then the woman fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.

The dragon's mouth wants to devour the Child who will be born by the woman.
The Child means as follows:

  1. The Deliverer (it is explained from Sunday Service in Malang, December 6th, 2020 to Prayer Service in Malang, December 10th, 2020).
  2. 'to rule all nations with a rod of iron' = The Shepherd (it is explained in Sunday Service in Malang, December 13th,2020).
    It means that Satan is trying to destroy the shepherding or the system of the Kingdom of Heaven, so the church of God perishes and cannot reach the Kingdom Of Heaven.

Therefore, we must become the sheep that is shepherded properly and well, so that the church of God will not be devoured by the mouth of Satan or perish.

'her Child was caught up to God and His throne' = The direction of the true shepherding is towards the throne of Heaven.

Revelation 7:17

7:17. for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd themand lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes."

So, the church of God must be shepherded properly and well in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven and reach the throne of Heaven.

There are three systems in shepherding as follows:

  1. The shepherding in parables (John 10) (it is explained in Sunday Service in Malang, December 13th, 2020).
  2. The shepherding in experiences (Exodus 3) (it is explained in Bible Study Service in Malang,December 15th, 2020).
  3. The shepherding in worship (Psalms 23).

ad 3.
Psalms 23:1-3
23:1. A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

Verse 2 = God as the Shepherd makes us to lie down in green pastures.
It means as follows:

  • We are leaning to His Word.
  • His Word is the place to let go all of weariness, the heavy burden, and our labor, so that we experience peace.

Verse 2b-3 = God as the Shepherd leads us beside the still waters, especially to drink.
It means that the Holy Spirit freshens us.

In the shepherding pen, we experience the work of the Word of God and the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It is the same as the Word whose secret is revealed by the Holy Spirit, a verse that explains the other verses in the Holy Bible, or the true teaching Word that is repeated in the shepherding.

The repeated true teaching Word is useful to sanctify our hearts, minds, words, deeds, and the whole life. So, we are led to live in righteousness and holiness and we do not sin anymore.

Matthew 5:8
5:8. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God..

If we live in holiness, we will see God.
The meanings are as follows:

  1. We only see Him as the Great Shepherd. We speak with Him, until stretching our hands to worship Him.
  2. We only admit that He is our Shepherd. It means that we also confess that we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter that are powerless and full of flaws.
    Psalms 23:1
    23:1. A Psalm of David. The Lord is my shepherd;I shall not want.

  3. We put Jesus as the Head.

Psalms 23:6
23:6. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow meall the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the Lordforever.

We are sanctified in the shepherding, so we can worship God, and put Him as the Head. The facts found in it are as follows:

  1. We will dwell in the house of the Lord. It means that we are faithful and fervent in spirit in the service and ministry to God. We live in the unity of the body of Christ.

  2. We experience the stretching out of good and merciful hands of the Great Shepherd in every step of our lives. It is called as the miracle steps.

Psalms 23:4-5
23:4. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
23:5. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over.

The results are as follows:

  1. His good and merciful hands are able to protect and preserve us who are small and powerless in a miraculous way in the midst of difficulties in the world, up to the era of the Antichrist who rules the world. We always give thanks to God, and become the blessing to others.

  2. His good and merciful hands are able to lift us from every valley as follows:

    1. The valley of the shadow of death, meaning sins up to the peak and the false teaching.
      Only by His mercy, God is able to lift us from this downfall.

      We are restored to return to living in righteousness, including the true teaching Word.

    2. The valley of failure. We are lifted to become successful and beautiful in His time.
    3. The valley of fear and worry, or the valley of thorns. He lifts us up, so everything becomes easy and light.
    4. The valley of sadness. He lifts to comfort us, so that we experience the happiness of Heaven.
    5. The valley of impossibilities. The impossible problems will be solved by His mercy.

  3. His merciful and miraculous hands are able to sanctify and renew us from the fleshly man to the spiritual one like Jesus. It starts from being obedient until the flesh does not speak anymore. These are the miraculous steps. Being disobedient is the source / origin of problems and valleys.

    As long as we are obedient, we can say 'I shall not want'.
    When Jesus comes a second time, we are renewed to become perfect like Him, so we are worthy to welcome His coming in the glorious clouds. We enter the throne of the New Jerusalem. There are no tears, but we are happy together with Him forever.

God blesses us.

Print Version

  • Prayer Service in Surabaya, August 27, 2014 (Wednesday Evening)
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  • General Service in Malang, November 06, 2011 (Sunday Morning)
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  • General Service in Malang, November 18, 2018 (Sunday Morning)
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  • Bible Study Service in Malang, July 06, 2023 (Thursday Evening)
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  • Prayer Service in Surabaya, January 14, 2015 (Wednesday Evening)
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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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