Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation 14:1-5 is about the church's following Jesus as the Lamb of God up to Mount Zion, namely the perfection like Jesus and we become the heavenly bride.

In Revelation 14:2-5 there are seven facts about our following Jesus up to Mount Zion as follows:

  1. [Revelation 14:2a] like the voice of many waters.
  2. [Revelation 14:2b] like the voice of loud thunder.
  3. [Revelation 14:2c] the sound of harpists.
  4. [Revelation 14:3] a new song.
  5. [Revelation 14:4a] they are virgins.
  6. [Revelation 14:4b] being firstfruits to God.
  7. [Revelation 14:5] in their mouth was found no deceit = for they are without fault.

Ad. 4. a new song
A new song is the one of our own death and resurrection experiences with Jesus.

  • The death and resurrection experiences cannot be imitated and blocked by anyone.
  • We have death and resurrection experiences, so we experience the renewal of life, namely we die and rise, so we are not disappointed and desperate, but we have a song of worship from the heart which truly loves God. It is the song that is able to shake God's heart.

The new song will be bigger and louder up to the voice of a great multitude on the glorious clouds to greet Jesus when He comes a second time in the glory.

Revelation 19:6
19:6. And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!

The following which is like a new song means the one in the renewal of life from flesh and blood men to spiritual ones up to the perfection like Jesus.
Why do we have to experience the renewal of life? Without the renewal of life, we will go down. On the contrary, we will keep ascending to the mount of the New Jerusalem if we experience the renewal of life.

1 Corinthians 15:50-51
15:50. Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does corruption inherit incorruption.
15:51. Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed--

The secret about the finish line of the church of God is 'We shall not all sleep'. It means that there are two kinds of the finish line of the church of God as follows:

  • There are some Christians who sleep in Jesus.
  • There are some Christians who will live until Jesus comes a second time.

Being dead or living until Jesus comes a second time does not matter for us to inherit the heaven. It is God's right and mercy upon us.
But the important thing for us is that we must experience the renewal up to the perfection like Jesus, so we can inherit the eternal kingdom of heaven or the New Jerusalem.

1 Corinthians 15:52
15:52. in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

There are two things that happen at the last trumpet when Jesus comes a second time as follows:

  • The people who have died in Jesus and experienced the renewal of life will be resurrected in the body of glory.
  • The people who live in Jesus and experience the renewal of life will be perfected in the twinkling of an eye.

Both of them will become one perfect body of Christ. That is why we must exhort, testify, and strengthen one another as long as we live, so we experience the renewal of life to the spiritual one.
Someday all of us can greet Jesus' coming with saying: 'Alleluia'.

Amos 8:3
8:3. And the songs of the temple Shall be wailing in that day," Says the Lord GOD--"Many dead bodies everywhere, They shall be thrown out in silence."

If we praise God with emotion as well as depending on cleverness and experience but without the renewal of life, our songs shall be great wailing and lamenting like what that happened when Egypt was abandoned by the Israelites.

Revelation 19:21
19:21. And the rest were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of Him who sat on the horse. And all the birds were filled with their flesh.

The people who experience the renewal of life will shout for joy when Jesus comes a second time, but those who do not experience the renewal of life will enter the massacre.

The renewals in death and resurrection experiences with Jesus that are linked with the Tabernacle are as follows:

  1. The renewals in the water baptism. It refers to the Brazen Laver.
    Luke 3:3,7-14
    3:3. And he went into all the region around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the remission of sins,
    3:7. Then he said to the multitudes that came out to be baptized by him, "Brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?
    3:8. "Therefore bear fruits worthy of repentance, and do not begin to say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' For I say to you that God is able to raise up children to Abraham from these stones.
    3:9. "And even now the ax is laid to the root of the trees. Therefore every tree which does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."
    3:10. So the people asked him, saying, "What shall we do then?"
    3:11. He answered and said to them, "He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise."
    3:12. Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, "Teacher, what shall we do?"
    3:13. And he said to them, "Collect no more than what is appointed for you."
    3:14. Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, "And what shall we do?" So he said to them, "Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages."

    John the Baptist is the greatest man. He is sent by God to baptize Jesus.
    The water baptism is the great thing because it determines the base of renewal. It determines whether we are saved or not, and we enter the heaven or not.
    That is why Satan tries to mess up water baptism in the church of God, so there are many kinds of water baptism that are not in line with the Bible and destroy the one body of Christ.

    How is the true water baptism?
    We must pay attention to the Gospel Word that preaches about Jesus' first coming (Ephesians 1:13), so we can believe in Jesus and repent. Further, we are baptized in the water and Spirit.
    Who must be baptized? The Israelites and the Gentiles must be, so we become one perfect body of Christ.

    The requirement of the true water baptism is believing in Jesus and repenting (being dead to sin).

    The implementation of the true water baptism is according to God's will or the Bible, namely one who has died to sin or repented must be buried in the water in the name of God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and come out or rise from water with Him to receive new life in the anointing of Holy Spirit, so his life becomes suitable for living in heaven.

    Matthew 3:16
    3:16. When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.

    Romans 6:4
    6:4. Therefore we were buriedwith Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

    The result of water baptism is the heavenly life with the spiritual fruits.

    Luke 3:10-14
    3:10. So the people asked him, saying, "What shall we do then?"
    3:11. He answered and said to them, "He who has two tunics, let him give to him who has none; and he who has food, let him do likewise."
    3:12. Then tax collectors also came to be baptized, and said to him, "Teacher, what shall we do?"
    3:13. And he said to them, "Collect no more than what is appointed for you."
    3:14. Likewise the soldiers asked him, saying, "And what shall we do?" So he said to them, "Do not intimidate anyone or accuse falsely, and be content with your wages."

    Ephesians 5:8-9
    5:8. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light
    5:9. (for the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness, righteousness, and truth),

    The heavenly life results in the fruit of light, namely goodness, righteousness, and truth.
    Goodness means that we just do the good things until we repay good for evil. We do not live in the darkness anymore, but in faith. We become the descendants of Abraham who are rightful to receive God's promise, namely the physical and spiritual blessings of Abraham up to our descendants.

    Yielding fruit needs time. That is why we must be patient in waiting the time of yielding the sweet fruit.
    We are often not patient in waiting the time of God. We must have the requirement, implementation, and result of the true water baptism. Do not become the brood of vipers! We must become the descendant of Abraham who is blessed as well as yielding fruit in due time.

  2. The renewal in worship. It refers to the Golden Altar of Incense.
    Luke 9:28-29
    9:28. Now it came to pass, about eight days after these sayings, that He took Peter, John, and James and went up on the mountain to pray.
    9:29. As He prayed, the appearance of
    His face was altered, and His robe became white and glistening.

    There are the true and false worships. The true worship is driven by the true teaching Word that is sharper than any two-edged sword. Why is it so?

    Psalm 24:3-4
    24:3. Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? Or who may stand in His holy place?
    24:4. He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to an idol, Nor sworn deceitfully.

    The true teaching that is sharper than any two-edged sword is able to purify us, starting from our heart, words, and deeds.
    The worship is the death and resurrection processes with Jesus or the crucifixion of the flesh with all of its lust and attitude, so we can experience the renewal.

    What must be changed? The face that is not well pleasing before God [Luke 9:29] as follows:

    • The scowl like Cain's in the ministry and marriage because of envy, revenge, and hatred without any cause until the ministry and marriage are rejected by God.
      The scowl must be changed into beaming face. It means that we experience peace as well as love one another.

      Genesis 4:4-5
      4:4. Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the LORD respected Abel and his offering,
      4:5. but He did not respect Cain and his offering. And Cain was very angry, and his countenance fell.

    • Hannah was sad because of being stressed about marriage and children [1 Samuel 1]. It includes the ministry.
      We must be changed, so we always give thanks to God no matter thing that is happening to us. We keep trusting and hoping God.

    • Two disciples who traveled to Emmaus were disappointed and desperate.
      Luke 24:17-18,20-21
      24:17. And He said to them, "What kind of conversation is this that you have with one another as you walk and are sad?"
      24:18. Then the one whose name was Cleopas answered and said to Him, "Are You the only stranger in Jerusalem, and have You not known the things which happened there in these days?"
      24:20. "and how the chief priests and our rulers delivered Him to be condemned to death, and crucified Him.
      24:21. "But we were hoping that it was He who was going to redeem Israel. Indeed, besides all this, today is the third day since these things happened.

      They have been in the teaching Word, but they do not have the experience of the cross, so they are easily desperate, disappointed, and proud as well as leave God.

    • The face that is pale like the disciples must be changed. There are no more fear, worry, and fear of something up to resisting against God. It is changed to become the fear of God. We hate sin. We do not sin whatever risk may come.

      Luke 9:33-34
      9:33. Then it happened, as they were parting from Him, that Peter said to Jesus, "Master, it is good for us to be here; and let us make three tabernacles: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah" --not knowing what he said.
      9:34. While he was saying this, a cloud came and overshadowed them; and they were fearful as they entered the cloud.

    • The bad face, namely lying and being evil and unclean must be changed by the sacrifice of Christ whose visage was marred on the cross.
      We need to worship God and let Him work to help us in anything, so we have the beaming face. We experience peace, so all things become easy and light in due time.

  3. The renewal in the sprinkling of blood. It refers to the Most Holy Place.
    2 Corinthians 4:16-18
    4:16. Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.
    4:17. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,
    4:18. while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

    The sprinkling of blood is the suffering without sin because of or with Jesus. It is our last purification and renewal.
    For example, we suffer because of ministering to God, keeping the true teaching Word, committing the all night-long prayer, or being slandered and vilified without fault.

    God allows us to experience the sprinkling of blood (death and resurrection experiences), so we experience the renewal of sight. We have the spiritual sight, namely our eyes look unto Jesus who sits at the right hand of the throne of the Father God. It means that we make Jesus the most captivated, the foremost, and the One whom we love.

    The facts found in it are as follows:

    • Psalm 119:16
      119:16. I will delight myself in Your statutes; I will not forget Your word.

      Jesus is the true teaching Word. We must receive the Word delightfully and enjoy it.
      We focus on eating the Word no matter the thing that is happening in the ministry. We hear the Word with a need like a hungry man, so we can become full or experience satisfaction. We can give thanks. We do not need to look for satisfaction in the world. We are strong to keep following Jesus up to the finish line. We do not stumble or fall, but grow to the spiritual maturity, namely living in holiness.

    • Colossians 3:1-2
      3:1. If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.
      3:2. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

      We seek those things which are above more than anything in the world. It means that we minister to God faithfully and fervently.

      The servant of God who is holy, faithful, and fervent in spirit is the same as the apple of God's eye which is like the flame of fire. We love God, and we are loved by Him.

    • Isaiah 57:15
      57:15. For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: "I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones.

      We worship God with the broken heart. We love God and lean on His breast. We just feel God's mercy. We fall down worshiping God.

      The first example is John the apostle. He was fearful, so he ran from Gethsemane. But then he could lean on Jesus' breast, so his life and death were in the hands of God.
      We may make effort for our life, but only God determines everything. We just cry under Jesus' feet.

      John 21:20-22
      21:20. Then Peter, turning around, saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following, who also had leaned on His breast at the supper, and said, "Lord, who is the one who betrays You?"
      21:21. Peter, seeing him, said to Jesus, "But Lord, what about this man?"
      21:22. Jesus said to him, "If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me."

      The second example is King David who was loved by God.
      There are falling and failure, but if we confess our sin, God will lift us up, restore, and make all things beautiful and successful in due time [Psalm 51].
      We just rely on God's mercy.

      Psalm 4:3
      4:3. But know that the LORD has set apart for Himself him who is godly; The LORD will hear when I call to Him.

      The third example is Mary who was patient in waiting the time of God to help and raise Lazarus.
      Nothing is impossible for God.
      The sadness and tears can be finished in due time.
      Lazarus was raised. It means that the decay is changed into fragrance in due time.

      John 11:32
      11:32. Then, when Mary came where Jesus was, and saw Him, she fell down at His feet, saying to Him, "Lord, if You had been here, my brother would not have died."

      It continues until Jesus comes a second time that we are changed to become as perfect as He is. We just wait the time of God to enter the New Jerusalem forever.

God blesses us.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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