Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Matthew 25:14-30is about the parable of the talents.

Matthew 25:14-15
If we who are sinful can accept the talent, and minister God, that is God's mercy and justice.

25:30. 'And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.'

We who have already served God, still could be castinto the outer darkness.
It's caused by:
  1. Do not want to enter narrow gate, do not want cross.
  2. Wickedness and laziness, to like to judge God and others.
  3. Do not have on a wedding garment.
Hebrews 5:7
5:7. who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear,

Jesus gave pattern to us, that He cried a lot in His whole life to worship God in holiness, so He was saved from death and risen, went up to the glorious Heaven where there is no more tears.

So do we. In order not to enter into the outer darkness, we must cry a lotwith lots of worship to God in holiness.

There are 3 kinds of weeping and crying we have to raise to God:
  1. Weepingand cryingin allnight praying.
    Lamentations 2:18
    2:18. Their heart cried out to the Lord, "O wall of the daughter of Zion, Let tears run down like a river day and night; Give yourself no relief; Give your eyes no rest.

    It protects us from entering spiritual famine.

    Amos 8:11-14
    8:11. "Behold, the days are coming," says the Lord GOD, "That I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine of bread, Nor a thirst for water, But of hearing the words of the LORD.
    8:12. They shall wander from sea to sea, And from north to east; They shall run to and fro, seeking the word of the LORD, But shall not find it.
    8:13. "In that day the fair virgins And strong young men Shall faint from thirst.
    8:14. Those who swear by the sin of Samaria, Who say, 'As your god lives, O Dan!' And, 'As the way of Beersheba lives!' They shall fall and never rise again."

    Spiritual famine is famine of Word of God, true teaching Word.
    Signs of the spiritual famineare as folllows:
    • Making the ephah small and the shekel large.
      Amos 8:5
      8:5. Saying: "When will the New Moon be past, That we may sell grain? And the Sabbath, That we may trade wheat? Making the ephah small and the shekel large, Falsifying the scales by deceit,

      Ephah is grain scales, shekel is money scales.
      It means making the carnal things greater than spiritual things.
      Another example is stepping away from the righteousness of God's Word to get carnal things.

    • Murmuring,andgrumblingwhen listening hard teaching Word.
      John 6:60-61
      6:60. Therefore many of His disciples, when they heard this, said, "This is a hard saying; who can understand it?"
      6:61. When Jesus knew in Himself that His disciples complainedabout this, He said to them, "Does this offend you?

    • Fallinginto sins and never risingagain= livingin sins, not wantingto repent.
      Amos 8:14
      8:14. Those who swear by the sin of Samaria, Who say, 'As your god lives, O Dan!' And, 'As the way of Beersheba lives!' They shall fall and never rise again."

      All sins must be confessed and cleared soon.
      Besides, we must be careful, do not agree with person who does a sin.

    Revelation 5:4-5

    5:4. So I wept much, because no one was found worthy to open and read the scroll, or to look at it.
    5:5. But one of the elders said to me, "Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals."

    In these days, we have to change our crying, so we could receive the revelation of the Word.
    There is no sadness greater than not havingthe revelation of the Word.

    If we can accept and practice the revelation of the Word, there will be a way out from God. If there is a way out, our tears will be wiped more. Until Heaven's gate is opened and there is no more tears.

  2. Weepingand cryingin the fasting prayer.
    Acts 20:19-20,24
    20:19. "serving the Lord with all humility, with many tears and trials which happened to me by the plotting of the Jews;
    20:20. "how I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught you publicly and from house to house,
    20:24. "But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.

    2 Corinthians 6:4-5
    6:4. But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much patience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses,
    6:5. in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in fastings;

    It makes us survive for serving God faithfully andwith responsibility, in the holiness and sacrifice until finish line.
    Finish line is until we die or until Jesus comes a second time.

    Revelation 12:3-4
    12:3. And another sign appeared in heaven: behold, a great, fiery red dragon having seven heads and ten horns, and seven diadems on his heads.
    12:4. His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born.

    Life who is used by God (star) is being targeted by dragon's tail to be dragged and destroyed. Dragon's tail refers to:
    • False teaching. There is Pharises' teaching which allows marrying after divorce. And there is Himeneus' teaching which refuses the cross.

      Isaiah 9:14

      9:14. The elder and honorable, he is the head; The prophet who teaches lies, he is the tail.

    • Temptation in all aspects of life.
    • Eating-drinking sin and marrying-giving in marriage sin (at the dragon's tail, there is genital).

    Revelation 1:16

    1:16. He had in His right hand seven stars, out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword, and His countenance was like the sun shining in its strength.

    If we serve God faithfully and in burning, with holinessand sacrifice, our position is in the High Priest's right handwhichisable to take care and protect our life.

  3. Weepingand cryingin the worship together with other members in congregation, and family, or individually.
    Zechariah 12:10-12
    12:10. "And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn.
    12:11. "In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning at Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo.
    12:12. "And the land shall mourn, every family by itself: the family of the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of the house of Nathan by itself, and their wives by themselves;

    It is usefulto see pierced Jesus' side.

    John 19:34
    19:34. But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a spear, and immediately blood and water came out.

    Actually, Jesus has already died with 4 wounds. It was the great God's love to redeem Israel.
    But, there was the fifth wound. It was God's MERCY to redeem gentiles.
    From the fifth wound, blood and water came out.
    Blood means to repent, stop doing sins and turn back to God.
    Water means water baptism, new birth.

    We must be able to weep for repenting and getting new birth.

    1 Peter 3:20-21
    3:20. who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.
    3:21. There is also an antitype which now saves us--baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

    New life is lifein the righteousness. There must be no incorrect matters in our life. If there is incorrect thing, it must be confessed and left.
    The result of having new life is good conscience, that is obedient heart.

    If we could obey, it is the biggest miracle. If there is the biggest miracle, God absolutely can do other miracles.
    Until the last miracle, we will be changed to become the same glorious with Him, become God's bride until we enter New Jerusalem where there is no more tears.

    Revelation 21:4
    21:4. "And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away."
God blesses us.


Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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