Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation 6:3-4
6:3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, "Come and see."
6:4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword.

The opening of the second seal is the same as the second condemnation of the Holy Spirit God to the world that is the revival of a fiery red horse to take peace from the earth. Consequently, all men including the servant and the minister of God will only hate each other, slander, kill, until experience the great sword of condemnation. They cannot enter One Thousand years kingdom of Peace and the New Jerusalem.
There are two witnesses in the revival of a fiery red horse as follows:

  1. Jesus as the Lamb of God who had been slain on the cross.
  2. The second living creature or the calf.
    Revelation 4:7
    4:7 The first living creature was like a lion, the second living creature like a calf, the third living creature had a face like a man, and the fourth living creature was like a flying eagle.

Before the peace is taken from the earth, Jesus had provided the offering of reconciliation, so we can get the peace.
Matthew 5:23-25
5:23 "Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you,
5:24 "leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then comeand offer your gift.
5:25 "Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.

The word come"means we must reconcile immediately. We must use the offering of reconciliation to reconcile with God and other people. If we can reconcile with God and other people we will get peace.
If we had entered the revival of the fiery red horse or the peace is taken from the earth, there will be no opportunity for us to make reconciliation. Consequently, we live in the atmosphere of jail, in suffering and curse, until the great sword of condemnation. Therefore, do not keep the things that make us not peaceful.

The process of reconciliation is as follows:

  1. Putting the hands on the head of the bull. It means there is a fellowship, connection, appreciation to the sacrifice of Christ that encourages us to reconcile.
    Exodus 29:10
    29:10 " You shall also have the bull brought before the tabernacle of meeting, and Aaron and his sons shall put their hands on the head of the bull

    Reconciling happens before the trinity of God. So, if we did sin, do not do it anymore. If we forgive the sin of other people, we must forget it.

  2. The blood is poured beside the base of the Altar, which means that we must remember that we are only dust or clay which has many weaknesses. It encourages us to reconcile.
    Exodus 29: 12
    29:12 "You shall take some of the blood of the bull and put it on the horns of the altar with your finger, and pour all the blood beside the base of the altar.

  3. Burning all the fat that covers the entrails, the fatty lobe attached to the liver, and the fat on the two kidneys.
    Exodus 29: 13
    29:13 "And you shall take all the fat that covers the entrails, the fatty lobe attached to the liver, and the two kidneys and the fat that is on them, and burn them on the altar.

    We cannot see the entrails, liver and kidneys, but we can feel them. It refers to the inner thing which cannot be seen but can be felt.

    Burning all the fat that covers the entrails, the fatty lobe attached to the liver, and the fat on the two kidneys means that we experience the sanctification until our deepest feeling. If our inner is sanctified, we will persevere in doing three main services or the shepherding pen.

    • The entrails relate to digestion. It refers to the table of showbread or the perseverance in doing Bible Study Service and Holy Communion. We have the fellowship with the Son of God in the true teaching word and sacrifice of Christ. We are fed, so we will have the spiritual power to follow God until the end line.

    • The kidneys relate to the water or urine. It refers to the Golden Candlestick or the perseverance in doing General Service. We have the fellowship with the Holy Spirit God in the anointing and the gifts of Holy Spirit. We are given drink, so we are fresh always or not dry in spirituality.

    • The liver relates to the blood. It refers to the Altar of Incense or the perseverance in doing Prayer Service. We have the fellowship with the Father God in His love. It is the deepest relation, our personal relation with God or the relation from heart to heart. Without the love of God, all things are useless, and perish forever. The service and ministry without the love of God are useless. We need to worship God, so our service and ministry become eternal and our life is eternal forever.

    In the shepherding pen, our body, soul and spirit attach to the trinity of God. So, there is no opportunity to the trinity of Satan to touch our life. We will not deny God forever.

    Psalms 23:1-3
    23:1 <<A Psalm of David.>> The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
    23:2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
    23:3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name's sake

    The results of being shepherded are as follows:

    • "I shall not want"means that God is able to preserve our life abundantly in the midst of difficulties in the world, until we can give thanks to Him.
    • "He makes me to lie down"means that God gives the peace. We do not feel anything that our flesh feels There is no more worry, fear, uncleanness, and hatred. We only feel the great love of God.

    • "He restores my soul".It means that we are in the freshness and satisfaction of heaven that make us always give thanks to God. We do not look for the satisfaction in the world that makes us fall in sins up to the peak anymore.

    • "He leads me in the paths of righteousness" means that God leads us in the righteous path. We live in righteousness and holiness until we reach the perfection.

  4. The flesh of the bull, with its skin and its offal, must be burnt outside the camp.
    Exodus 29:14
    29:14 "But the flesh of the bull, with its skin and its offal, you shall burn with fire outside the camp.It is a sin offering.

    The meaning is that all the deeds of sin including the words must be sanctified.

    1 Peter 4:1
    4:1 Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin,

    The right time to burn the sin is when we experience the suffering in flesh.

    Hebrews 13:10-13
    13:10 We have an altar from which those who serve the tabernacle have no right to eat.
    13:11 For the bodies of those animals, whose blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin, are burned outside the camp.
    13:12 Therefore Jesus also, that He might sanctify the people with His own blood, suffered outside the gate.
    13:13 Therefore let us go forth to Him, outside the camp, bearing His reproach.

    Burning the offering outside the camp is the same as who is outside the holy city of Jerusalem. Jesus became so despicable to help the sinful men who are despicable before God. As the servant or the minister of God, we must bear Jesus` reproach. It means that we must willingly suffer in flesh to stop sinning or to live in righteousness and holiness. So, there is a hope for us to bear His revival and glory. Stopping sinning starts from confessing our sins honestly to God and other people. not confessing our sin but blaming other people, is he same as blaspheming and trampling the sacrifice of Christ. So, we will be destroyed forever. We must always have the fellowship with the sacrifice of Christ to finish the sin which is the heaviest problem. If the sacrifice of Christ can finish the sin which is the heaviest problem, other problems will be finished too.

    There are three things that make us sinful. They are as follows:

    • The Antichristor the beast that comes out from the sea with the spirit of selling and buying. It makes the servant or the minister of God become stingy and greedy.
    • The false prophet orthe beast that comes out from the earth with the spirit of lying. It makes the servant or the minister of God become a liar, until they are lost or lose the direction to kingdom of heaven.

    • Satanor the beast in the air with the wicked and unclean spirit that will cause the sin of eating drinking and marrying and being given in marriage.

    Philippians 2:8-10
    2:8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
    2:9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,
    2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,

    The only way to defeat the trinity of Satan is that Jesus must be obedient sill He dies on the cross, to get the name which is above every name to defeat the trinity of Satan. If we are obedient until our flesh does not speak anymore, we can cry out the powerful name of Jesus.

    • The name of Jesus has the power of resurrection to heal the paralysis.
      Acts 3:1-2
      3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.
      3:2 And a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms from those who entered the temple;

      The spiritual paralysis refers to the things as follows:

      1. Unfaithfulness in doing the service and ministry. In the last age, our scale must be heavier about the spiritual things.
      2. Hoping to the things in the world. Let us only believe and hope to God.

      The physical paralysis refers to the impossibilities or something which is not right.

    • We cry out the name of Jesus to face the drowning or the decreasing.
      Matthew 14:29-32
      14:29 So He said, "Come." And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus.
      14:30 But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, "Lord, save me!"
      14:31 And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?"
      14:32 And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased.

      God permits us to experience the drowning and decreasing, so we can cry out the name of Jesus. There is the power of lifting up to lift us up from falling, decreasing, and failure. All things become successful and beautiful.

    • We cry out the name of Jesus to face the cross, curse and the perdition.
      Luke 23:40-42
      23:40 But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, "Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation?
      23:41 "And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong."
      23:42 Then he said to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom."

      By crying out the name of Jesus, there is the power of resurrection to change the atmosphere of curse to the one of Paradise. When Jesus comes for the second time, we are changed as perfect as Him. We can enter the New Jerusalem or the city of peace forever.

God blesses you.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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