Simpang Borobudur no 27 Malang
Peace and grace in the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Revelation 22:2

22:2 In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. The leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

The tree of life that always yields fruit refers to the Word that grows and produces fruits; even the fruits are permanent for giving the eternal life.

How can we produce fruits? We must change or have the life renewal from the fleshly men to the spiritual ones like Jesus.

The beginning of the life renewal is in the true water baptism.

Matthew 3:13-16
3:13 Then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him.
3:14 And John tried to prevent Him, saying, "I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?"
3:15 But Jesus answered and said to him, "Permit it to be so now, for thus
it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." Then he allowed Him.
3:16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.

The true water baptism must be as follows:

  1. Being according to the will of God or the Bible.
  2. Being like the baptism of Jesus.

Romans 6:2,4

6:2 Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it?
6:4 Therefore we
were buriedwith Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raisedfrom the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.

The requirement of the true water baptism is believing in Jesus and repenting or being dead to sin.
The implementation is through being buried in water with Jesus and raised, so the heavens are opened. We get the new life or life renewal.

The results of the true water baptism are as follows:

  1. The renewal of the heart, from the evil one to the good conscience.
    1 Peter3:20-21
    3:20 who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.
    3:21 There is also an antitype which now saves us--baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a
    good consciencetoward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

    6:5 Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.

    The heart of man tends to be evil, namely producing the deeds which cause the heart of God, pastor, and parents to be grieved.

    6:1 Now it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them,  
    6:2 that the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they chose.

    It also happens because of the sinful deeds and saying, wrong marriage (mix marriage, divorce-remarrying, and marrying-being given in marriage) as well as the sins concerning eating-drinking. Men follow the fleshly will without spiritual judgment. The sign is that they cannot be rebuked or advised.

    It is changed into the good conscience or the heart that is set to God, namely prioritizing Him, His will, or spiritual things more than anything.

    1 Chronicles29:14,17-19
    29:14 But who am I, and who are my people, That we should be able to offer so willingly as this? For all things come from You, And of Your own we have given You.
    29:17 "I know also, my God, that You test the heart and have pleasure in uprightness. As for me, in the uprightness of my heart I have willingly offered all these things; and now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here to offer willingly to You.
    29:18 "O LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, our fathers, keep this forever in the intent of the thoughts of the heart of Your people, and fix their heart toward You.
    29:19 "And give my son Solomon a loyal heart to keep Your commandments and Your testimonies and Your statutes, to do all these things, and to build the temple for which I have made provision."

    The facts found in it are as follows:

    • Faithfulness and sincerity in the service and ministry to God.
    • Obedience, doing the righteous and good deeds, as well as being the testimony.

    • The heart that tends to sacrifice willingly with joy for the work of God and others who are in need. One is used in the ministry for the edification of Christ's body.

    2 Corinthians 9:6-8
    9:6 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
    9:7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
    9:8 And God is able to make all
    grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.

    As a result, God will give His grace for doing the following things:

    • Preserving our life in sufficiency until the abundance. We can be blessings for other people.

    • We have abundance for every good work until repaying good for evil.
      19:8 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

      It becomes the garments of the heavenly bride that is ready for welcoming Jesus' second coming and entering the New Jersualem as well as eating the fruits of the tree of life.

  2. The renewal of mouth or tongue.
    15:1 Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and marvelous: seven angels having the seven last plagues, for in them the wrath of God is complete.
    15:2 And I saw something like
    a sea of glass mingled with fire, and those who have the victory over the beast, over his image and over his mark and over the number of his name, standing on the sea of glass, having harps of God.
    15:3 They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: "Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!
    15:4 Who shall not fear You, O Lord, and glorify Your name? For You alone are holy. For all nations shall come and worship before You, For Your judgments have been manifested."

    In the Old Testament , the true water baptism is described as Moses and the house of Israel's crossing the Red Sea.

    15:1 Then Moses and the children of Israel sang this song to the LORD, and spoke, saying: "I will sing to the LORD, For He has triumphed gloriously! The horse and its rider He has thrown into the sea!

    By the Red Sea, lsrael sang the song of Moses.

    Revelation 15 is the fulfillment of the true water baptism until reaching heaven, namely on the sea of glass mingled with fire where the holy people sing the song of the Lamb that is the same as the one of Moses.

    The true water baptism is able to change our tongue.

    2:8 And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to the point of death, even the death of the cross.
    2:9 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name,
    2:10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth,
    2:11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    We must be obedient until the flesh does not speak anymore for defeating the three beasts or the trinity of Satan.

    [verse 11] As a result, the tongue can praise and glorify God with saying "Alleluia".

    106:1 Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.
    106:2 Who can utter the mighty acts of the LORD? Who can declare all His praise?

    All impossible problems are solved by God

    19:6 And I heard, as it were, the voice of a great multitude, as the sound of many waters and as the sound of mighty thunderings, saying, "Alleluia! For the Lord God Omnipotent reigns!
    19:7 "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready."
    19:8 And to her it was granted to be arrayed in fine linen, clean and bright, for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints.

    It continues until there is worship of the bride on the glorious clouds.

  3. The renewal of characteristics.
    3:16 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.
    3:17 And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased."

    In the true water baptism, we get the fullness or anointing of Holy Spirit that can change the characteristics of the fleshly men into the ones of Jesus, namely producing the nine fruits of the Spirit.

    5:22 But the fruit of the Spiritis love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
    5:23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

    17:8 For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, Which spreads out its roots by the river, And will not fear when heat comes; But its leaf will be green, And will not be anxious in the year of drought, Nor will cease from yielding fruit.
    17:9 "The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?
    17:10 I, the LORD, search the heart, I test the mind, Even to give every man according to his ways, According to the fruit of his doings.

    After being baptized in water, we mut be planted by the living water in the shepherding so that we can always produce fruits. The nine fruits of the Spirit become permanent.
    We are never dry, but always faithful and fervent in spirit in the service and ministry to God until the end line.

    Outside the shepherding, one will be dry spiritually. The saying is dry in lies, gossips, and slanders.

    1 Peter4:7 
    4:7 But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.

    We are changed until we are able to control the fleshly will or lusts, emotion, and ambition, so we can keep silent or quiet. We can repent, pray, cry out, and surrender to God.

    36:12 But the Rabshakeh said, "Has my master sent me to your master and to you to speak these words, and not to the men who sit on the wall, who will eat and drink their own waste with you?"
    36:21 But
    they held their peace and answered him not a word; for the king's commandment was, "Do not answer him."

    For example, King Hezkiah and Israel faced the economy crisis. Holding peace and not answering a word means doing the introspection in our life.
    37:14 And Hezekiah received the letter from the hand of the messengers, and read it; and Hezekiah went up to the house of the LORD, and spread it before the LORD.
    37:15 Then Hezekiah prayed to the LORD, saying:
    37:16 "O LORD of hosts, God of Israel, the One who dwells between the cherubim, You are God, You alone, of all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth.

    37:36 Then the angel of the LORD went out, and killed in the camp of the Assyrians one hundred and eighty-five thousand; and when people arose early in the morning, there were the corpses--all dead.

    In facing the impossibilities, let us come to God and hear the Word much more with keeping silent and believing God as well as pray. Impossible problems will be nothing as the corpses.

    The corpses can be the great army, namely being used in the edification of Christ's body.

    38:1 In those days Hezekiah was sick and near death. And Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, went to him and said to him, "Thus says the LORD: 'Set your house in order, for you shall die and not live.'"
    38:2 Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed to the LORD,
    38:3 and said, "Remember now, O LORD, I pray, how I have walked before You in truth and with a loyal heart, and have done what is good in Your sight." And Hezekiah wept bitterly.

    Facing the death, Hezekiah could be silent and quiet, repent, and pray. As a result, God is able to do all things and give beautiful successful future life up to the perfection.

God blesses you.

Print Version

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Sermon Summary


Lfe experience with the Word of God

Sermon transcript from church service in Malang and Surabaya, preached by Pastor Widjaja Hendra.

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